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Ellipsis is also a part of everyday conversation. It’s normal that one

speaker may cut off what he/she is saying, another speaker may trail off, or
his/her train of thought may wander. The use of ellipsis makes the conversation natural
and realistic even in poems.

Look closely at the following Info Ad.

What is the ad all about?

 What is common to these expressions?
1. Share your talents …
2. Aaaahhhh … you’re interested
3. Yippeee … We can help.
 What name do we give these punctuation marks?
Remember that ELLIPSIS points (…) are punctuation marks that are used to
show that something has not been expressed. It usually indicates any of the

 Words that have been left out of a quotation.

 Words that are being thought of instead of spoken.

 A series that continues beyond the items mentioned.

 Time passes or action occurs in a narration.

Choose the blank that marks the best place to insert ellipsis points.
2 points each
1. “ The intellect, seeker of absolute truth____or the heart lover of____
absolute good ____we awake ____” by Ralph Waldo Emerson
2. “ Time is a test of _______trouble but _____not a remedy ____”
by Emily Dickinson
3. Time never assuage_____ an actual suffering strengthens _____as
sinews do with age ______” by: Emily Dickinson
4. “ Yet if we could scorn, hate and ____pride and fear: ____If we were
things born not to shed a tear____” by: Percy Bysshe Shelley
5. “ Rise in the spiritual rock ___ flow through our deed and ___ make them
pure____ “ by: Alfred Lord Tennyson

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