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02/04/2023, 10:36 Como fazer Pizza Chiena: a receita original de torta de Páscoa italiana de Pizzagaina

Pasta Grammar 36 minutes ago 5 min read

How to Make Pizza Chiena: The Original

Pizzagaina Italian Easter Pie Recipe
Pizza Chiena, the original Italian ancestor of the American dish “pizzagaina” or “pizzagain,” is a classic
savory Easter pie that originated in Campania. This dish was traditionally made with a bread crust filled
with cured meats, cheese, and eggs, making it a hearty and flavorful treat to celebrate the end of Lent.

How to Make Pizza Chiena: The Original "Pizzagaina" Italian Easter Pie Recipe

It was a simple and frugal dish but, like so many “poor” recipes from Italy, it is astoundingly delicious. In
this article, we’ll briefly explore the history of Pizza Chiena, the differences between it and pizzagaina,
and share an authentic recipe so that you can make this delicious Easter pie at home. 1/10
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The History of Pizza Chiena

Pizza Chiena, which is part of a broader category known as “pizza rustica” or rustic pizza, is a traditional
Italian dish that originated in Avellino, Campania. The name means “stuffed pizza" in Neapolitan dialect.
When Italian immigrants came to the United States, the pronunciation became blurred until the dish
came to be called “pizzagaina.”

Pizza Chiena was typically eaten on the Saturday after Good Friday (Easter Vigil) to celebrate the end of
Lent. The dish was originally created as a way to use up leftover ingredients after the fasting period of
Lent. As a result, it was traditionally filled with whatever ingredients were on hand during the Easter
season, including cured meats, cheese, and plenty of eggs.

Pizza Chiena vs. Pizzagaina

While the original Pizza Chiena and the modern pizzagaina share many similarities, there are several key
differences between the two dishes. 2/10
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Firstly, Pizza Chiena traditionally does not have a flaky pie crust, while Pizzagaina does. The crust of Pizza
Chiena is made with a simple bread dough that includes lard, which makes it firmer and less likely to
absorb too much liquid from the filling. Pizzagaina, on the other hand, is typically made with a pie crust
that is similar to a quiche or a savory tart.

Another difference between the two dishes is the type of cheese used in the filling. Pizza Chiena typically
includes a selection of firm cheeses, while Pizzagaina often includes ricotta as well. 3/10
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Filling the Pizza Chiena

What Can I Put Inside a Pizza Chiena?

A Pizza Chiena sempre teve a intenção de ser um “limpador de geladeira” restante, então você
geralmente pode incluir quaisquer tipos de carnes curadas e queijos que tiver à mão ou preferir. Os
ingredientes clássicos do recheio incluem salame, mortadela, prosciutto crudo, prosciutto cotto
(presunto), capicollo, pancetta curada, provolone, primo sale, scamorza defumado, Parmigiano Reggiano
e pecorino romano.

A única “regra” real que você deve seguir é evitar queijos aguados, pois eles destruirão a torta. Este é um
momento para ficar longe da mussarela fresca!

Assista ao vídeo Pasta Grammar onde fazemos Pizza Chiena aqui: 4/10
02/04/2023, 10:36 Como fazer Pizza Chiena: a receita original de torta de Páscoa italiana de Pizzagaina

EPIC Italian Easter Pie | The Original "Pizzagaina" Recipe 5/10
02/04/2023, 10:36 Como fazer Pizza Chiena: a receita original de torta de Páscoa italiana de Pizzagaina


Rende: uma torta de 9 polegadas

Tempo de cozimento: 4-5 horas, em grande parte sem supervisão. Melhor feito um dia antes de servir.

Para esta receita, você vai precisar de:

4 1/8 xícara (500g) de farinha de pão (melhor ainda se você encontrar uma farinha rica em
proteínas )

1 3/4 colher de chá (7g) de fermento

5 colheres (sopa) (70g) de banha

1 1/2 colher de sopa (20g) de azeite, mais extra para untar a frigideira

~ 3/4 xícara (200ml) de água, ajustada conforme necessário

2 colheres de chá (10 g) de sal, mais uma pitada extra para os ovos

~ 9 onças. (250g) carne mista curada, picada

~ 13 onças. (365g) queijos mistos firmes picados

8 ovos grandes

pimenta preta fresca

~ 5 onças. (150g) queijo Parmigiano Reggiano e/ou Pecorino Romano ralado, ou a gosto

Farinha de sêmola para polvilhar (opcional, pode substituir por farinha de pão se necessário)

tigelas de mistura





forma de mola de 9 polegadas , ou similar (você deve ter massa suficiente para ir um pouco

pincel de alinhavo


Faca de descascar ou tesoura de cozinha

Mix the flour and yeast in a large mixing bowl. By hand, mix in the lard and olive oil until both are
relatively evenly distributed into the flour. Add half of the water, and continue to mix until a rough,
broken dough begins to form, then mix in the salt. 6/10
02/04/2023, 10:36 Como fazer Pizza Chiena: a receita original de torta de Páscoa italiana de Pizzagaina

Continue to add a little bit of water at a time until a firm dough solidifies. Depending on the conditions,
you may need more or less water than what we’ve listed, so adjust as necessary. Transfer the dough to a
clean work surface and knead for 10-15 minutes. If it sticks, dust it with more flour as necessary.

Form the dough into a ball, cover it with the mixing bowl, and let it rest for 10-15 minutes so that the
gluten can relax. Knead the dough just a little bit more—it should be much smoother now. Place the
dough ball back into the mixing bowl, cover with plastic wrap and let it rise at room temperature for 2-3
hours, or until it doubles in size.

When the dough is almost ready, preheat an oven to 370 degrees F (190 C).

In a large bowl, mix together the chopped meat and chopped cheeses together. Separately, whisk the
eggs with a pinch of salt and black pepper. Pour the eggs into the meat/cheese and mix all together with
a spatula.

Next, add enough grated cheese to absorb and thicken the excess liquid from the eggs. You may need
more or less than the amount listed above, so feel free to adjust. The final mixture should be quite thick 7/10
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and not too liquid.

Cut 1/3 of the finished dough off and set aside for later. Dust a work surface with semolina flour and roll
the remainder out into a big circle with a rolling pin. If the dough sticks, dust it with flour as necessary.
The dough sheet should be large enough to drape into a 9-inch springform pan with plenty of overhang.
Do so, and gently press the dough into the pan to fill all the corners and cover the sides. With a fork,
poke plenty of holes into the bottom.

Fill the pie with the meat, cheese and egg mixture. See some egg residue left in the bowl? Don’t throw it
away! And don’t worry if the filling doesn’t completely fill the pan up to the rim. Use a spatula to evenly
distribute the mix so that the top is flat.

Roll the 1/3 portion of the dough you set aside until it is large enough to cover the top. Drape it over the
pie, and trim the edges so they line up with the rim of the pan. Likewise, trim the edges of the bottom
crust so that they just slightly overhang. Roll the bottom crust edges inward to seal the top shut. If you
like, you can press a fork into the crust around the rim to further close the pie.

Poke a few holes with your fork into the top of the pie. Now, remember the egg left over in your bowl?
Use your hand to evenly spread that over the entire surface of the pie. This will help create a beautiful,
golden crust. 8/10
02/04/2023, 10:36 Como fazer Pizza Chiena: a receita original de torta de Páscoa italiana de Pizzagaina

Bake the pie for 50-60 minutes on the bottom rack of the oven, or until the crust is golden brown. Let the
pie cool completely before removing the springform mold.

Pizza chiena is best served cold the following day. Traditionally it was kept for several days at room
temperature, but feel free to refrigerate if that makes you more comfortable.

Buon appetito!

You might be interested in checking out our Torta Pasqualina recipe, another savory Easter pie.
Looking for something sweet? In our opinion, Easter isn't Easter without a good Pastiera! 9/10
02/04/2023, 10:36 Como fazer Pizza Chiena: a receita original de torta de Páscoa italiana de Pizzagaina 10/10

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