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Dear Substitute:

Hello! Thank you for subbing for me today! Here is what I have planned for my student (lesson plan is
the same for all periods, except 1st period which plays games but has no assignment on ItsLearning).

ASSIGNMENT: Have students use their CCISD-issued laptops to complete an assignment on the choir
ItsLearning page. Students will need earbuds to listen to the videos, or if they don’t have earbuds they
will need to turn down their volume to low. After everyone has completed the assignment, pick a game
from below for the class to play.


Heads Up Seven Up (The kids know the rules)

Your Honor (Choose one student to stand in the corner with his/her back turned. Choose a DIFFERENT
student to call out “It’s me, Your Honor.” They can disguise their voice if they want to. The student
standing in the corner has to guess who spoke. If they are correct, they can stay in the corner. If they
are wrong, they have to choose someone to take their place).

Two Truths and a Lie (Students choose two true things and one lie about themselves. The rest of the
class music decide which of the three things is a lie).

Panic (Set a timer on your phone for 30 seconds. Call one student by name. That student must stand
and say another students name and so on. Whoever is standing when the timer goes off is out, but they
get to pick one person in the class to tell an embarrassing/funny story.

Hangman or Tic Tac Toe

Feel free to email me if you have any questions! Thank you again!


Jenny Grundberg

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