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‭ cene Work/Mime - In groups or pairs, students develop their own scene.

‭Teacher can give a theme they need to work towards, or it can be up to‬
‭student. Teacher can dictate if it is mimed, or if you can use sound effects‬
‭or words to communicate the story. Each group is to perform for the class.‬

‭ ashed Potato – All students stand in room with eyes closed, teacher‬
‭turns lights off (can put disco lights on if dark) Teacher taps 1 student on‬
‭the head to be the blood potato. Once selected all students move around‬
‭the room slowly with their arms out. If the touch someone they need to‬
‭whisper if they are a potato or mashed potato, if they blood potato whispers‬
‭in ear the other person dramatically dies and then moves to sit out front.‬
‭Keep playing till only one potato and blood potato left, they then have 10‬
‭seconds to find the final potato.‬

‭ ink – Teacher picks student to be detective and leave room or go in area‬

‭for bags. All other student stand in circle and close eyes and teacher picks‬
‭the murderer. Teacher asks detective to come in and stand in middle of‬
‭circle. If murderer winks at you dramatically die and sit down. Detective‬
‭needs to discover who the murderer is before all students sit down.‬

‭ ang - Students are in a circle, one student or teacher in centre. They‬

‭point to someone in the circle and say “bang” that person has to bob down‬
‭and the students either side need to look at each other and say bang.‬
‭Whoever is last sits down. If someone outside of these students also turns‬
‭and says bang it is called ‘misfire’ and they sit down instead.‬

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