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1. A) Urine production is important to excrete waste from the human body such as urea.

B) Urea and excess water

C) Blood enters the bowman's capsule form the arteriole of the Renal Artery and passes
through the glomerulus(a not of capillaries) the filtrate contains waste of the body moves from
the bowman's capsules to the proximal convoluted tubule where glucose if needed will be
reabsorbed. Filtrate minus the glucose moves to the loop of Henle where water is reabsorbed
by the blood capillaries, the filtrate now moves to the distal convoluted tubule where
reabsorption of salts and water takes place but this is controlled by hormones in the body. The
filtrate is now called urine as it enters the bladder from the collecting ducts.
D) If urine contains blood cells and
that means the kidney isn't filtering
or reabsorbing as it should. This
This could mean the kidney isn't
functioning as it should, this may
may be kidney failure or diabetes
(In which cass the body has too
much sugar this is sugar diabetes)

E). After consuming the water and it is

digested and has entered the blood
some of it will be used to carry out
body functions and the excess
water will be excreted out. It may
reabsorbed later on by the kidney if
needed but if it isn't, it will pass
through the kidney to be excreted in
large quantities making diluted

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