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Depression by Salome Nyika

Depression is a mental illness that can disturb one’s personal life and activities. This can cause
long-lasting and severe feelings of hopelessness and loss of interest in a lot of activities. For
some reasons, depression is mostly defined as sadness or self-doubt which people see that
someone might be depressed. This is seen through the way someone behaves and what they say.
Depression can make an individual to lack confidence in a lot of things, makes them introverts
and usually that is what makes other people around to see that they are depressed. People don’t
talk about the depression that some people go through without being noticed that they are
depressed. These type of people would still go out to the world and wear a smile and pretend to
be happy whilst they are dying from within. The wide smiles that people wear the exact moment
they get out of their room just to convince and portray they are doing well to the society. That
smile buries the excruciating pain, a happy soul displayed would be hobbling beneath. The
depression that no one notices is the most painful and dangerous one. A displayed depression is
better because people can talk to you, they can give you advice or get you a therapist. This type
of depression is to some extent good because people are aware that you need help and they stay
around you as much as they can to make you feel better .How about that one person whom no
one knows of the pain they are going through? Ever thought how they deal with it? How
loneliness is an escape for them? Of course loneliness would be therapeutic to them because that
is the only moment they can face reality and cry alone. The moment they are alone is the
moment reality hits that they are not ok…That is why there are cases of unexpected suicide.
People get shocked because they would not be expecting it especially when all they saw is a
happy soul. We all have the duty to check on our friends and loved ones to see if they are okay.
Even the ones who look the happiest might be the most troubled ones and might be dying inside.
It is our duty to check up on others despite the happy faces that they wear. You might never
know the real or fake happiness that is displayed by the person next to you. Depression may or
may not be seen by the naked eye to conclude that someone is managing well. People smile as a
way to get peoples attention sway from them thinking that they are ok whilst they are screaming
for help inside.

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