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PSC TG ay mi Yuu CUO COSC) Gu UNIT | Pre-natal Period oe yao ta _ mopute || opment natal Develo ~ Pro pronda 8. Compuz, py yey fis preceding, his AO The history of man for mine cnet and q : g dnterestily bach would, probably, be far Mer Oe ines scores J conta events of greater moment halt || ane ten years that follow tt | | | aridye (%y ‘ug Couture | samuel Taylor Col 10) Enyglish Poet, Esayish you should be able to: . levelopmental proc At the end of this Module, fe + trace the course of the pre-natal d i you went through. common hazards to pre~ of the gift of lif tal development manifested in (4 All the developmental theories which we lengthily discussed dwelt on the developmental process after birth. None of them was concerned with what development went on before birth. To make the description of human development complete, it may be good to understand the beginnings of the child and the adolescent, the learners. ‘ In Unit 1, Module 1 you met Naschielle and K enn. You were asked what they were before they have become what and who they are at present. This is the concern of this Unit i natal or antenatal development, Ht andiModule - 9 132 Part Il Unit | Module 11 ~ Pro-Natal Dovelopment ‘pm Watch the video on Pro-life anti-abortion video at You Tube and High Tech Photographs of Fetal Development. Group I. Read the article “Life Before Birth" below then form into small groups of not more than six and share your answers to the following questions: 2 |, What are your feelings and reactions about what you read? 2. Do you agree that which is developing in the womb is a mere “blob of tissue” or “uterine contents” as claim? Share your explanation, Life Before Birth The development of the unborn child The development of human life in the womb was once a mystery, but science and medicine have changed that. Abortion advocates still try to dehumanize the developing baby in the womb by speaking of the child as “a blob of tissue” or “uterine contents.” But ultrasound images, prenatal surgery and other advances in obstetrics are shattering the blob-of-tissue myth. Dr. Paul Rockwell, a New York physician, made these profound observations after his amazing encounter with a tiny unborn baby boy: “Eleven years ago while I was giving an anesthetic for a ruptured ectopic pregnancy (at two months gestation), I was handed what I believe was the smallest living human ever seen. The embryo sac was intact and transparent. Within the sac was a tiny human male Swimming extremely vigorously in the amniotic fluid, while attached to the orp wall by the umbilical cord.” Source:hup:/n Docrid= 59 The Child and Adolescent Leamers and Learning Panogles developed, with long, tapers 4, as regards the skin a 6 the ends uf» This tiny human was perfectly fingers, feet and toes, It was transpare” the delicate arteries and veins were prominent fingers. “The baby was extremely alive and swam abOul the » approximately one lime per second, with a4 natural SHUTS stro, This tiny human did not look at all like the phows and dranin, and models of ‘embryos’ which J have seen, nor did tt look a few embryos I have heen able to observe since then, obvious, because this one was alive!” “When the sac was opene its life and took on the appearance of what 16 appearance of an embryo at this stage (blunt extremities, Cte) “It is my opinion that if the lawmakers and people realize th, this very vigorous life is present, it is possible that abortion w be found more objectionable than euthanasia.” The point at which Dr. Rockwell witnessed this unborn baby, - eight weeks after conception - is during the period that a ma jority of abortionists describe as most desirable for performing 2 d, the tiny human immediately |y., accepyed as th, abortion. Source: http// Docid= 15 Ser Seeres EMBL / fetus? vue 4° KU The Stages of Pre-natal Development Pre-natal development is divided into three (3) period germinal, embryonic and fetal “e |. Germinal Period (First 2 weeks after conception) - This includes the a) creation of the zygote, b) continued cell division and ¢) the attachment of the zygote to the uterine wall, The following are the details of development during this period: >, se a) 24 to 30 hours after fertilization - the male (sperm) and female (egg) chromosome unite b) 36 hours - the fertilized ovum, zygote, divides into two (2); 2 cells c) 48 hours (2 days) - 2 cells become 4 cells d) 72 hours (3 days) - 4 cells become a small compact ball of 16-32 cells ¢) 96 hours (4 days) - hollow ball of 64-128 cells f) 4-5 days - inner cell mass (blastocyst) still free in the uterus g) 6-7 days - blastocyst attaches to the wall of uterus h) 11-15 days - blastocyst invades into uterine wall and becomes implanted in it (implantation) of cells already ‘The Child and Adolesco” 0 ation entiation | 7 e ‘Bin, jane diferent re formed: The Dlasta,,% In the germinal Pom pe oreemM ring the germinal oy," as inner and outer layer a develops pphoblast the outer Jayg 4 as a - cells tha rhe Wl of i ayer of © ie criod, later the inner lay’ “Wo the embry? the germinal periods ie perv 4 ving e 4 develops Hater IM go during ET etson, Tex! inti ells that develops » embryo ce rrvion and support FOF - after €oneePtON) Ip 17th ed., 2004). ind (2°8 weeks sgote, become emo 2. Embryoni r the mass CC! é age, the name oF I take place: The following developments a) cell differentiation intens! 0 b) lifeesupport systems for the ans appear of the uterus, a gote gets attached 10 the val ie imme ao eae formed. The embryo's endodernt, tems. 1 layers of cells are ne the digestive and respiratory systems. The of cells, develops in ts - the ectoderm and thy i ar outer layer of cells is divided in 7 t layer which becomes thy mesoderm, The ectoderm is the vi ry yes, e) and skin pa tors (eyes, ears, Noss pans nervous system, sensory recep! y % ) (nails, hair), The mesoderm is the middle layer which becomes the circulatory, skeletal, muscular, excretory and reproductive systems, This process of organ formation during the first two months of pre. natal development is called organogenesis. ‘As the three layers of the embryo form, the support systems for the embryo develop rapidly. These life-support systems are the placenta, the umbilical cord and the amnion. The placenta iss life-support system that consists of a disk-shaped group of tissues in which small blood vessels from the mother and the offspring intertwine but do not join. The umbilical cord contains two arteries and one vein that connects the baby to the placenta. The amnion is a bag or an envelope that contains a clear fluid in which the develo, ae te es Al these embryo life-support systems 3. Fetal period (2 28 and not from the mother’s body. Continue dramatically during this period. The details of . follows (Santrock, 202)” developmental process ate a) 3 months after mbryo develop and concepti . and weighs about 1 “ption - fetus is about 3 inches lon Ounce; fetus has become active, mov’ its arms and | i and legs, opens ; ils head; the facg fons and closes its mouth, and mov » forehead, eyelids, nosé, chin can 10" Part ll Unit 1 Module 11 — Pre-Natal Development be distinguished and also the upper arms, lower arms. hands, and lower limbs; the genitals can now be identified as male or female. b) 4 months after conception - fetus is about 6 inches long and weighs 4 to 7 ounces; growth spurt occurs in the body's lower parts; pre-natal reflexes are stronger; mother feels arm and leg movements for the first time. ¢) 5 months after conception - fetus is about 12 inches long; weighs close to a pound; structures of the skin (fingemails, toenails) have formed; fetus is more active, 4) 6 months after conception- fetus is about 14 inches long and weighs one and half pound; eyes and eyelids are completely formed; fine layer of head covers the head: grasping reflex is present and irregular movements occur. €) 7 months after conception - fetus is about 16 inches long and weighs 3 pounds 8 and 9 months after conception - fetus grows longer and gains substantial weight, about 4 pounds Teratology and Hazards to Prenatal Development Teratology is the field that investigates the causes of congenital (birth) defects. A teratogen is that which causes birth defects. It comes from the Greek word “tera” which means “monster”. Below are clusters of hazards to pre-natal development: 1) Prescription and nonprescription drugs - These include prescription as well as non-prescription drugs. Antibiotic is an example of a prescription drug that can be harmful. Examples of harmful nonprescription drugs are diet pills, aspirin, and coffee. Remember the thalidomide tragedy in 1961? Many pregnant women took in thalidomide, a tranquilizer, to alleviate their morning sickness that gave rise to several deformed babies. Cocaine exposure during pre-natal development is associated with reduced birthweight, length and head circumference (Hurt, et al, 1999 cited by Santrock, 2002), impaired motor development (Arendt, et al, 1999 cited by Santrock, 2002), impaired - information processing (Singer, et al, 1999 cited by Santrock, 2002) and poor attention skills (Bandstra, 2000 cited by Santrock, 2002). 137 Child and Adolescent Learners 2) Psychoactive 4¥85 * juan ) nd Learning nicotine. caffeine ang in. de Pander coe! men WHO drank more 1 wo! have preterm deliverieg illegal drugs su° i to Me compared 10 thei, regn@ Researches found that Pe ikely caffeinated coffee fn at 4 coffee (Eskanay and newborns i ca 0 . Core ted by 54 root omen results to the so. et al 1999 ave which is 2 cluster op Heavy drinking drome ) of mothers who yf syne” pildren a called ie steak ea hike ey, These abnormalities abnormal Tee hoavily ail preg! tive li mbs, face and hear, drink alcohol : efec! Fe average i : 5 and defes aritade facial doris ATS inden a os (Santrock, 2002). Most 0” ait retarded i nce and some are me 102). intellige - gantrock, DI ; Burgess, 1996 quoted by "among § es mote, Fetal and neo! 5 of preterm irths and lower higher incident ing mothers (Wang, a ee children with smoking ™ (Wang, et irthwei , 2002). - al, 2000 quoted by Seni in addicts deliver smaller On eae re incidence of toxemia, than average size “stained placenta premature separatio! tema hemorrhaging after birth, ae ale edw/ynbti/curriculum/ i a Environmental hazards - ‘These include radiation in Jobsites and X-rays, environmental pollutants, toxic wastes, and prolonged exposure to heat in saunas and bath tubs. Research found that chromosomal abnormalities are higher among the offspring of fathers exposed to high levels of radiation in their occupations (Schrag and Dixon, 1985 cited by Santrock, 2002), Radiation from X-rays also can affect the developing embryo and‘fetus, with the most dangerous time being the first several weeks after conception when women do not yet know that they are pregnant (Santrock, 2002), Researchers out ae ae Hee a) enon monoxide, mercury a imaneetcari Toeearet ath als exposed to high doses. development. (Markowi ‘0 lead affects children’s mental Tkowits, 2000 cited by Santrock, 2002). Remember the action of the U.S.A. for the chile with high lead c “S.A. for the children’s toys ‘Ontent manufactured in China? Prolonged exposure of pregn, eae tubs raises the mothers? He ‘ant mothers to sauna or hot Y temperature creating fever that g 3a548 = maternal babies with mo n of placenta, retal d breech deliveries. 03 1980/5/80.05. Part Unit 1, Module 11 ~ Pro-Natal Development endangers the fen 5 nus. The higl eee eee interfere with cae’, igh temperature due 10 fever may verter vision and may cause birth defects oF even fetal death if the fever oc repeatedly for prolonged periods of time (Santrock, 2002), . ‘ermal factors such as Rubella (German Measles), Benital herpes, AIDS, nutrition, high anxiety and Age, (too carly or too tate, beyond 30) A rubella (German measles) in 1964-65 resulted in 30,000 pre-natal and neonatal (newborn) deaths and more than 20,000 affected infants who were bom with malformations, including mental retardation, bli : rt problems (Santrock. 3002), iindness, deafness and heart p Syphilis damages organs after they have formed. These damages include eye lesions, which can cause blindness, and skin lesions. When syphilis is present at birth, other problems involving the central nervous system and gastrointestinal tract, can develop About one-third of babies delivered through a herpes-infected birth canal die; another one-fourth become brain-damaged. A mother can infect her child in three ways; 1) during gestation across the placenta, 2) during delivery through contact with maternal blood or fluids, and 3) postpartum (after birth) through breastfeeding. Studies show that increased stress during pregnancy leads to premature birth and reduced birth weight. Other studies have shown that increased stress during pregnancy is related to ADHD even schizophrenia later in life. ( 04/20/the-effects- Admittedly, more research on the effects of emotional states and stress needs to be conducted for more conclusive findings. It is recognized that maternal malnutrition during pregnancy may result to inadequate growth in the fetus. If a fetus does not receive enough nourishment, the rate of cell division is seriously hampered, An extremely deprived fetus may have 20% fewer brain cells than normal! If an infant has been malnourished both in utero and infancy, the brain may be as much as 60% smaller than that of the normal child. (Vore, David. Prenatal Nutrition and Postnatal Intellectual Development, Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 1973, 19:253-260 cited in_http:/, mi#f) Folic acid is necessary for pregnant mothers. Folic acid can reduce the risk of having a baby with a serious birth defect of the 139. 140 ‘The Child and Adolescent Learnet + A baby with 5, tube speural © porn with @ spin called OEM fect 8 brain and spinal cord. Sy rate dete ged. eavind the bifida, the most commen 7 gre damaEeS nent retard, is not closed. The ¢XP° 0p with varying degrees of nerical chromo: com — ermal for num ki (htip:/www.squi . e increases: wiki ‘as matemal age INST iy inodia 2 Jescent mothe; abnormalities increase. (PE. porn 9 adolese 2 thers The mortality Tate of inl ers in elt twenties. : . jg born to mother ung, double that of infants mn syndrome TO er reaches 30. By age ¢ or by age 50 it is alm. 'A baby with Down SYM age 30 but the risk increases lia 00, and by ' the probability is slighly ONT prove age 18: (Gantrock, 2002) 1 in 10. The is igher to lead, = - 5) Paternal factors abnormalities j, tain pesticides and pet ch as childhoog sperm that lead 10 mi cancer. : ‘as in the case of older mothers & : cers dick Os corn as fe e jage OF diseases SU 1 fathers also May placy ets. (Santrock, 2002) Human Life Begins at Conception ; That which is in the mother’s womb is indeed a developing human being. An unborn baby of eight (8) weeks is not essentially different from one of eighteen (18) weeks or twenty-eight (28) weeks From conception the zygote, the embryo and the fetus are undeniably human life. Human life begins from the moment of conception. All that been there at the moment of we have and all that we are have conception! The fact that you have brown eyes and black, straight o: curly hair and the fact that you will tum bald at age 50 have beer there already at the moment of conception. What were added in the process of development is nutrition. I remember the film on abortion that I “ is : once saw, “The Si mies The mother submitted herself to a medical doctor for abortion Jn her third month of pregnancy. When the abortionist the fers, v scalpel into the woman’s womb to crush the head of ee said bid in et film, the fetus had his/her mouth ope” ae That's wy a he evaded the deadly scalpel of Scream.” This Im was given the title “ ilent is only means that the developing eae ene e womb 18 a human being not j ig Just a conglomeration of cells or tissues. Oe Part Unit 4 Module 44 Pre Nahe, Developme Based on these facts, it is wrong to do abortion, The womb is supposed to. be the safest of all places for human development, Unfortunately, however, with the scourge of abortion, it has become a tomb! ° The development that takes place in 3 stages proves that the developing embryo in a mother’s womb is truly a human being.

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