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The main topic of the trailer is likely to be about global warming or climate
2. The main speaker in the trailer is likely to be Al Gore, who is known for his
advocacy work on environmental issues.
3. The speaker may present different types of evidence, such as scientific data,
personal anecdotes, or visual aids like graphs or images.
4. The consequences of global warming mentioned in the trailer may include
rising sea levels, increased frequency and intensity of natural disasters, or
negative impacts on wildlife and ecosystems.
5. The visuals in the trailer may serve to illustrate the data or concepts
presented by the speaker, or to create an emotional impact on the audience.
6. The target audience for the trailer may be the general public, or specific
groups such as policymakers, environmental activists, or educators.
7. The music and sound effects in the trailer may be used to create a sense of
urgency, or to highlight specific points made by the speaker.
8. The message that the trailer is likely to convey is that global warming is a
serious problem that requires urgent action.
9. Possible solutions or actions that are suggested in the trailer may include
reducing carbon emissions, promoting renewable energy sources, or raising
awareness and educating the public about environmental issues.
10.How the trailer makes someone feel about the issue of global warming may
vary depending on their prior knowledge and beliefs, as well as the
emotional impact of the visuals and music.

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