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Table of Contents

Title page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i
Acknowledgment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii
Chapter I- Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Background of the Study. . . . . . . . . . . 1

Significance of Study. . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Statement of the Problem. . . . . . . . . . . 2

Definition of Terms. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Chapter II- Presentation of Data. . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Reason. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Effects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Treatments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Chapter III- Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendation. . 6

Bibliography. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7


A. Background of the Study

The findings indicate that lots of students

psychological problems which in turn affected their
academic performance. Many studies were conducted to
with this matter and it was found that psychological
problems such as depression and anxiety do have an
influence on the achievement of the students.
Anxiety is a feeling of nervousness, apprehension,
fear, or worry. Some fear and worries are justified,
such as worrying about loved ones or anticipating
quizzes, tests, or other examinations. Problem anxiety
interferes with the sufferer’s ability to sleep or
otherwise function. Remarkably, teenagers are
particularly at risk of irritability as a symptom of
several emotional problems, including anxiety.
Researchers have shown that anxiety and
depression has an important role in academic

B. Significance of the study

The prevalence of anxiety: A deeper understanding of

the causes, symptoms, and treatments of these
is crucial in enhancing the lives of those affected.
Heightened Awareness and Understanding: By studying
anxiety and depression, awareness and understanding of
these conditions can be increased, leading to a
reduction in the stigma associated with mental illness.

Anxiety: Anxiety is a feeling of nervousness,

apprehension, fear, or worry about a loved one or in
anticipation of taking a quiz, test, or other
examination. Felling of having Anxiety: Problem anxiety

interferes with the sufferer’s ability to sleep

or otherwise function. It is remarkable that teenagers
are particularly at risk of having irritability as a
symptom of several emotions, including anxiety.

C. Statement of the problem

Research Title: Anxiety Among Teenagers

General Problem: cause and effect of anxiety problem
Specific problem:
1. What is the main reason of having anxiety problems?
2. How can anxiety affect the mental health of
3. How anxiety can be treated?
D. Definition of terms
Academic performance: Mental health be developed
in school settings using support strategies such
as educational guidance and counseling, teaching
life skill programs, and psychotherapy
Stigma: Stigma refers to negative attitudes and
beliefs that are held by society towards
individuals with mental illness. This stigma can impact
individuals’ ability to seek treatments and
recover from anxiety and depression.
Psychotherapeutic treatment: This refers to the
use of talk therapy or counseling to treat
anxiety and depression. This may include
cognitive-behavioral therapy(CBT), and

psychodynamic therapy.
Anxiety: Anxiety is normal and often healthy emotion, but
it can become overwhelming and disruptive
when it persists for long periods or causes in
response to non-threatening situations.
Depression: Depression is a common and serious medical
illness that negatively affects how you Depression can be
short-term or long-term and can range from mild to serve.

Presentation and Discussion of Data

A. Main reason of having anxiety problems

a. Too much schoolwork: Academic failure is one of the

major problems of families.

b. Overthinking: Problem anxiety interferes with the

sufferer’s ability to sleep or otherwise function.

c. Family problems: Some fears and worries are

justified, such as worry about a loved one or
anticipation of taking a quiz, test, or other
B. Effects of anxiety on the mental health of teenagers.

a. Losing confidence: Expressed higher levels not only

anxiety and stress but also anger, sadness, and
fatigue, along with lower levels of happiness and
C. Treatments for Anxiety

a. Don’t think too much: Their negative thinking seems

to be self-correcting. Something appears to prevent
such self-correction from occurring in patients who
present for treatment.

Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendation

A. Summary

Anxiety is a feeling of nervousness, apprehension,

fear, or worry. According to research, anxiety, and
depression has a significant impact on educational
achievement. Psychological problems such as depression
and anxiety can hurt academic
performance. Academic performance may suffer as a
of psychological issues like depression and anxiety.
struggles and frustrations are valid, such as those
caused by care for loved ones or nervousness before

B. Conclusion
Anxiety truly affects teenagers, especially this
time 20% of adolescents may experience a mental health
problems in any given year 50% of mental health
are established by age of 14, and 75% by the age of 24.
responsibilities and other factors trigger anxiety.
Academic failure is one of the major problems of
families. Problem anxiety interferes with the
ability to sleep or otherwise function. Some fears and
worries are justified, such as worrying about a loved
one or anticipating taking a quiz, test, or other
examination. Teenagers’ mental health is negatively
impacted because of anxiety, which makes them lose
confidence and attempt suicide. Exposed to higher

of anxiety and stress, accompanied by anger, sadness,

and fatigue, in addition to lower feelings of
fulfillment and well-being. This could be due to
depression being
“affiliated with individuals feeling of hopelessness
helplessness, and a lack of social support and coping
skills when faced with difficulties and stressful life
experiences”. Remarkably, teenagers are particularly at
risk of having irritability as a symptom of emotional
problems, including anxiety. Researchers have shown
that anxiety and depression have an important role in
academic achievement.

C. Recomendation

This study discussed the cause and effects of anxiety

among teenagers. As a result, The recommendations that
follow are issued:

1. Provide you with a psychiatric assessment. This is

discussing your thoughts, emotions, and behavior
in a bid to narrow down a diagnosis and clear out
any potential consequences. Anxiety disorders can
combine with other mental health issues, such as
depression or substance abuse, making diagnosis
more complicated.
2. Peer support brings together people who had a
similar experiences for them to assist one
another. Many people find it beneficial to
communicate and interact about being fit and
active, connect with others, and feel less alone.
3. Take note of how worry affects your body. Do you
get “butterflies” in your tummy when you’re
nervous? Have you had sweaty palms? A fast
heartbeat? Muscle tenseness? These physical
experiences are triggered by your body’s stress
reaction. They are unpleasant, But they are not

dangerous. You’ll be well. Make an effort to

acknowledge them the next time you’re experiencing
them without being upset that they are there. You
don’t have to hide your emotions. But you don’t
have to give them your whole attention check to
see if you can put it in the background.


Journal of Family Medicine and Primaryy Care, Mahnaz F.

Khest- Masjedi (2019).
Computers in Human Behaviors, Tamyra Pierce (2009).
Scuence of the Total Environment, Paivi Hokka (1999).

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