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Assalamualaikum wr. Wb.

My honorable our principal Mr. Sulton,

all of teacher,
and all my friend that I love.
Before I start my graduation speech, let’s praise to Allah because we can together in this
occasion in a good health.
I am … from grade 6 … . In this opportunity I want to deliver some words about 6th grade
farewell event.
To my friends,
we have been being friends from 6 years ago. When we still 1 st grade we just like strangers.
Then we play together like friends until 3rd grade. When we were at the 4th grade in the 2nd
semester, the corona pandemic came to Indonesia. It made us school at home and miss all of
the event that we wait in 1st grade like outdoor learning, camping and many more. Sometimes,
it also made us not focus because our internet was slow for accessing zoom and google
classroom. This condition happened until we meet again at 6 th grade. We need to focus for our
test to the junior high school and cannot playing again.
In fact, we did the outdoor learning in grade 4 and 5 virtually. That’s was boring not like an
offline outdoor learning because we just see a video, get prize then done. It was by zoom or
video. We didn’t go to the direction.
For the last, I want to say thanks to all of my teacher because you all has taught me from grade
1 to 6. You made me smart like now. I hope the teachers always be healthy and be protected
by Allah SWT. Aamiin.
Ladies and gentlemen,
That’s what I can say. If there is mistake, I’m really.
Thank you and wassalamualaikum wr. wb

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