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1. Philosophical analyzes: Plato: “Myth about cave”?

2. Main idea of Aristotle: “The Nicomachean Ethics”?
3. Philosophical analyzes: Mashkhur Zhusup Kopeiuly “Experience gained by life”
(Xal axualy)?
4. Philosophical analyzes: Al-Farabi Al-Madina al-fadila - The Ideas of the Citizens in
the Virtuous City?
5. Philosophical analyzes: Koja Achmet Yassawi: “Diuani xikmet” philosophy?
6. Philosophical analyzes: Zhusuip Balasagun: “Kutty bilik”?
7. Philosophical analyzes: Abay Kunanbayuly: “Kara sozderi”
8. Philosophical analyzes: Shakarim Kudaiberdiulu: “Ush anyk” (Three truth). The
Ideas of Ar-ojdan or Consciousness?
9. Analyze: Orynbekov Muxanmadyar Serikbekuly: “Pre-philosophy protoqazaq”?
10. Interpretation: Nurzhanov Beket Galymzhanuly: Modernism and postmodernism
11. Philosophical analyzes: Yuval Noah Harari: “Sapiens: A Brief History of
12. Philosophical analyzes: Alvin Toffler: “The Third Wave: The Classic Study of
13. Philosophical analyzes: Samuel P. Huntington's “Clash of Civilizations”?
14. Philosophical analyzes: Jacques Derrida: “World as a text”. Analyses of cultural text,
hypertext and code?
15. Philosophical analyzes: Jean-Paul Sartre: “Existentialism is a Humanism”?
16. Short Summary. Herbert Marcuse: “One Dimensional man”?
17. Philosophical analyzes: Philosophical analyzes of book: Ortega y Gasset’s “Revolt
of the Masses”?
18. Analyzes of book: “Oswald Spengler’s The Decline of the West”?
19. Philosophical analyzes: Klaus Schwab: “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”?
20. Philosophical analyzes: Johan Huizinga: “Homo Ludens” play theory?
21. Philosophical essay by Albert Camus: “The Myth of Sisyphus” philosophy of the
22. Philosophical analyzes: “The Stranger” (The Outsider) novella by French author
Albert Camus. Existentialism?
23. Philosophical analyzes: The Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard “Either-Or”?
24. Viktor Frankl: “Man search of meaning life?” What is your meaning life?
25. Ontology – philosophy of Being Qazaq. Khozha Ahmet Yassawi: “Duani xikmet”?
26. Muhammad Yunus. “Building social business”. Ph-cal Interpretation?
27. Jean-Paul Sartre: “Existentialism is a humanism”. Humanization of Your
professions (IT, Communication, Economics, Natural science etc.)?
28. Shahkarim Kudayberdiuly: “Three truth”. Ph-cal Interpretation?
29. Sigmund Freud-psychoanalyses of libido, Alfred Adler – will to power, Victor Frankl
- will to meaning?
30. Abay Kunanbaev: “The book of words”. Critical philosophy?
31. Philosophical analyzes: Thomas Kuhn: “The structure of scientific revolutions”?
32. Antonio Grams: Cultural hegemony. Geopolitical role Kazakhstan?
33. About the role of the national idea «Mangilik El», as a strategy for the development
of Kazakhstan in the context of globalization?
34. About the role of the national idea «Ruhani jangyru»?
35. Philosophical analyzes: “Thinking, Fast and Slow” By Daniel Kahneman?
36. Philosophical analyzes: Robert Waldinger:“The good Life”?
37. Philosophical analyzes: Saint Augustine's “The City of God”?
38. Philosophical analyzes: “The Man of Genius”. By Cesare Lombroso?
39. Philosophical analyzes: The Da Vinci Code is a 2003 mystery-detective novel by
Dan Brown?
40. Philosophical analyzes: “The Name of the Rose” is the 1980 debut novel by Italian
author Umberto Eco?

41. Definitions of Philosophy and Your life philosophy?

42. What is main differences philosophy as a subject?
43. Philosophy are art or science? Both of them or neither?
44. Function of Philosophy. How could You use Philosophy in your future profession?
45. Three historical types of worldviews (outlook)?
46. The role of Philosophy in human live?
47. Functions of Philosophy in each periods (Ontology, Epistemology etc.)?
48. Sub discipline or branch of philosophy?
49. Philosophy of Socrates (Socratic method, absolute truth)?
50. Philosophy of Plato (Ideas government, “Eidos Urania” ,Myth about cave, three
groups of society etc.)?
51. Philosophy of Aristotle (3 types of existence, “golden mean” )?
52. The ancient oriental Philosophy. Ancient Indian Philosophy (East mythology,
Cosmology, Buddha, Jain, Hinduism etc.)?
53. Ancient Chinese Philosophy (Confucianism etc.)?
54. Philosophy of ancient Greece, Rome ( rationalism, logics etc.)?
55. Philosophy of Medieval periods: Christianity. Scholastic philosophy: realism and
56. Philosophy of Medieval periods: Islamic civilization (Sufism, Avisena,Values of
Ottoman Empire etc.)?
57. How could impact religion to science (Innovation, Ideas, Worldviews. Continue
about Autophagy etc.)?
58. Philosophy of Renaissance?
59. The main ideas of Enlightenments philosophy. John Locke: “A tabula rasa” Rene
Descartes: “Cogito, ergo sum”?
60. German classical Philosophy (I. Kant, Friedrich Hegel etc.)?
61. Philosophy of the 19th century – Irrationalism (Debate on existence of God:
Professor vs. Student named Albert Einstein’s Response to professor)?
62. Philosophy of the 20th century – Existentialism (Charles Peirce: Lingo semiology)?
63. Philosophy of Modernism and Postmodernism?
64. Idols of Francis Bacon: “Knowledge is power”?
65. The Greek myth told by Plutarch - “Theseus Ship of Paradox”?
66. Philosophy of Logotherapy by Victor Frankl?
67. Ontology. Philosophy of Being (Pythagoras, Parmenides etc.)?
68. Compare being Westernization (Technocracy) and Orientalism (Spiritualism)?
69. The philosophy of science, cognition, Epistemology and Gnosology- Agnosticism?
70. “The black square”. How impact to the way of thinking or cognition?
71. Compare: Dialectical and Metaphysical philosophy?
72. Compare: Rational and irrationalism philosophy. Realistic and transcendental
73. Compare. Explain: Gnosticism and Agnosticism, scientism?
74. Analyses of cultural text, hypertext and code. The cultural code of Kazakhstan
(Flag, Emblem, National Anthem)?
75. Philosophy of Humanism. Humanistic values on management in organization.,
Social business?
76. Compare. Education of West-East, Westernized-Oriental?
77. Compare. Philanthropist and altruism?
78. Philosophy of freedom and Democratization. Determinism and Indeterminism:
Freedom and responsibility?
79. How possible definition of civil human (moral values ,elite, Tolstoy, Gandhi,)?
80. Philosophy of methodology: Comparatives, Relativism, Historism, Verification,
Fluctuation etc.?

81. Qazaq philosophy and Role of pre-Islamic religion: Shamanism, Zoroastrianism and
82. Analyze: Pre-philosophy of Qazaq: Between 500 BC and 500 AD, Qazaqstan was
home to the early nomads: the Sak and the Huns.?
83. Interpretation: Turkic philosophy: Turkic Kaganate language of Orkhon-Yenisey
84. Compare: Philosophy of Kazakh Khanate (1465–1731) Janybek and Kerey Khans.
"Qasym Khannyn Qasqa Zholy" and “Esimxannyn Eski joly”?
85. Analyzes of "Zheti Zhargy" as a Qazaq philosophy?
86. Philosophical analyzes: Qazaq in the Russian empire (1731–1917). In 1730 Abul
Khayr Khans entering in Russian assistance, ?
87. Philosophy of Alash Autonomy (1917–1920) Kazakh people, attempted to set up an
independent national government Intelligence: Alixan Bokeixanuly, M. Tynyshpaev,
Gabbasov, Mustafa Shokay?
88. Phiosophy of “Bes Arys”: Axmet Baytursunuly, Shakarim Kudaiberdiuly, Magzhan
Zhumabaev, Zhusipbek Aymautov, Mirzhakyp Dulatov?
89. Phiosophy of “Ush Bayterek”: Saken Seifulin, Ilyas Zhansugirov, Beibet Malin?
90. Qazaq Soviet Union phiosophy (1920–1991). Zhabayxan Abdidin Dialectical
91. Interpretation: Philosophy of Modern and Independent Qazaqstan: “Mangilik el”
92. Interpretation: Modernization of Qazaqstan: “Ruhani jangyru”?
93. Phiosophy of Anacharsis Scithian?
94. Al-Farabi Al-Madina al-fadila - The Ideas of the Citizens in the Virtuous City?
95. Philosophical analyzes: Zhusuip Balasagun: “Kutty bilik”?
96. Koja Achmet Yassawi: “Diuani xikmet” philosophy. Phiosophy of Sufism and Koja
Achmet Yassawi?
97. Korkyt ata: philosophy of death and life, thanatology?
98. Philosophy of Asan kaygy “Jer uyk” (Ideas of paradise land, Utopian ideas)?
99. Philosophy of Mashhur Zhusip Kopeiuly?
100. Philosophy of Zar-zaman periods?
101. Philosophical analyzes: Chokan Valihanov: “Fragments of Shamanism in Qazaq
land” or "Notes on judicial reform“?
102. Enlightenments philosophy of Qazaq Intelligence: Ybyray Altynsarin?
103. Enlightenments philosophy of Qazaq Intelligence: Axmet Baytursynov?
104. Critical philosophy of Mirzhakyp Dulatuly and Sherxan Murtaza?
105. Critical philosophy of Muxar Magauin and Muxtar Shaxanov?
106. Philosophy of Ethics in Muxtar Auezov: “Abay zholy”?
107. Compare: Qazaq and Russian phiosophy (Slavianfils and Westernization)?
108. Compare: Ecosophy. How solving Semey-Nevada and Aral Sea level decline
109. Interpretation: Ecosophy and ecological culture of Qazaq (nomadic lifestyle,
110. How possible of construction of Cultural hegemony of Kazakhstan?
111. Philosophical Thoughts of Akyn-Zhyraus and Beys?
112. Semiotic analyzes: The cultural code Kazakhstan (Flag, Emblem, National
113. Ideological function of Philosophy: Role of personality and Philanthropists in
social developments Margulan Seissembay etc.?
114. The main Cultural values of Kazakh (ecological, freedom, tolerance etc.). Nomad
and settled civilization?
115. Abay Kunanbayuly: Humanism and “Being human” (“Adam bol”)?
116. Al-Farabi: Virtuous ruler of the city should combine the following 12 qualities?
117. Shakarim Kudaiberdiulu: “Ush anyk” (Three truth). The Ideas of Ar-ojdan or
118. Analyze: Orynbekov Muxanmadyar Serikbekuly: “Pre-philosophy protoqazaq”?
119. Interpretation: Nurzhanov Beket Galymzhanuly: Modernism and postmodernism
120. Axiology in Qazaq philosophy: Ideas Society without slavery or Human rights and
equalities, Tolerance and Freedom?
121. Philosophy and Ideas of Alsha on Jadidism movements?

• Recommendation to preparation exam questions:

• Your score or marks depends from writing: analytically and keeping structure forms
(do not copy-past). Try write by yourself. For this you should practice every day.
• Choose the most difficult questions (at list 10-15-20-40-60) from preparation and
write the answer half pages (50-100 words) everyone.
• Structure forms to writing answer (start every point with new line):
• Introduction…
• Basic ideas…
• In my opinion/Examples…
• Conclusion…

Example of card:
Specialty: for all specialties
Course title: philosophy
1. Interpretation: Nurzhanov Beket Galymzhanuly: modernism and postmodernism
2. Philosophy of methodology: comparatives, relativism, historism, verification,
fluctuation etc.?
3. Axiology in Qazaq phiosophy: Ideas Society without slavery or Human rights and
equalties, Tolerance and Freedom?
4. Open question: Own philosophical conclusion after studying?

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