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The Principal Anjuman College of Arts & Science K.M. Munshi Road Mumbai 5. Dear Sir, By your letter dated 1st July, 2004. you had inform us that the management of the college had, by resolution passed at the Board of Higher Education on 28thJune,decided to appoint a committee consisting of Prof.Agashe, Prof.Desai and myself to inquire into the causes and suggest remedies for the increasing indiscipline on the campus. In pursuance of this resolution and following the instruction contain in your letter the committee has looked into the matter and has pleasure in submitting its report. Should their be any matter the requires further elaboration or explanation the members of the committee will be happy to provide the same. We request you to place the report before the members of the Board of Higher Education and inform of a willingness to appear before the Board to answer any queries. Yours faithfully, Prof. A.Dastoor Chairman AUTHORITY & REFERENCE: Report of the committee appointed by the Board of Higher Education of Ajuman College of Arts and Science to investigate, report on, and suggest remedies for the increasing student indiscipline on the college campus. PROCEDURE AND PLAN OF INVESTIGATION: 1. The committee held five meetings between 1st July and 9thAugust,2004, to correlate the data collected by each member. 2. The Committee members had talks individually and collectively with (a) members of the Students Counsil (b) members of the teaching faculty (c) individual students and their parents, (d) members of the non-teaching staff. FINDINGS: 1. There is no proper check at the college gate to prevent the entry of antisocial elements from outside who strike friendships with the students and then enter the college premises. 2. The lone watchman of the college is inadequate to deal with the menace of outside elements and as he himself stays in the locality, is either in league with this elements or too timid to warm them off.



5. 6.

The college admits students from other colleges without insisting on their producing a No Objection Certificate from the principal of the institution last attended by them. As a result of this at least five students (names given) who were dismissed from the R.K. College for their misbehaviour have obtained admission in this college. As attendance is not taken is every lectures most of the students cut classes and loiter around the college or frequent the college canteen which has become the headquarters of antisocial elements. Eve-teasing has greatly increased in the college campus and as result of this the number of lady students in the college has been steadily declining. Parents of the well-behaved students have expressed great dissatisfaction with the state of affairs in the college and said that they will readmit their wards to other institution as soon as possible. The unprovoked attack on five students studying in the college library in which one of the students was so severely beaten that he had to be hospitalized has created a scare among the students and their parents.

RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. There should be strict checking of identity cards at the gate during college hours. 2. At least two watchmen should be posted at the gate to check the entry of students. The watchmen should be recruited through a reputed Security Agency. 3. No students should be admitted from another college unless he is able to produce a character and No Objection Certificate from the Principal of the last attended by him. 4. Attendance should be taken in every lecture and students found cutting classes should not given forms for the annual examination. 5. The girls common room should be shifted from the ground floor and relocated next to the teachers common room on the first floor. 6. The contract with the present canteenman should be terminated and a new caterer appointed. Under no circumstances should outside elements be 7. A discipline committee consisting of three teachers from the degree and three teachers from the junior college should be set up. The discipline committee will take rounds during college hours to check on those students who are cutting classes and loitering in the corridors or sitting in the college canteen. The committee should also be responsible for apprehending and punishing those students found guilty of indiscipline and insubordination. Sd/Prof. A. Dastoor Prof. Agashe Prof. Desai.

9th August,2004.


A carefully researched and prepared viewpoint that contains suggestions and ideas for the solution of problems and which is delivered as a speech with the help of notes and audio-visual aids is known as a Presentation. It is sometimes difficult to find the difference between speech making and making a presentation. But there is a difference. Speech making is usually intended to inform, entertain and sometimes persuade. In a business context, presentations try to persuade by explaining ideas, sharing knowledge and experiences and help the listener to make informed decision. Four things separate presentations from speechmaking: (a) the extensive use of audio-visual aids, and, (b) involvement of more than one person in making the presentation. (c) a limited audience (d) it is interactive. In a way, many television programmes could be described as presentations. Sometimes the purpose of a presentation is merely to obtain feedback. A young business executive may be required to make a presentation before his superiors for a new type of sales campaign. Another may be asked to make a presentation before a select a group of customers about the alternate kinds of services that the company intends to offer in the future. The presentation may take the form of a prepared speech which is read out line by line, with breaks for illustration on the black board or slides being shown with an overhead projectors. Or it could take the form of brief notes which the speaker refers to form time to time and elaborates upon spontaneously. In either case the speaker should have researched his material well and planned the presentation with care. You will get what you want from a presentation only if your audience gets something worthwhile from your presentation too. Material for presentation can be obtained form libraries, business journals and magazines, the Internet , discussions with people in the trade and sometimes by issuing questionnaires and conducting field surveys.

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