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was the unification of spain and retaking of granada from moorish occupation.

kings set out to put an end to the last Muslim stronghold in Western Europe by
conquering the Nasrid kingdom of Granada (1481-1492), which they repopulated with
more than 35,000 Castilians. The new Inquisition was established (1478), directed
initially against the converts who were Judaizing in Andalusia and later extended
throughout the kingdom, the expulsion of the Jews(1492), a complementary measure to
the previous one, which forced them by decree to convert or emigrate, and the
conversion of other religious minorities such as the Moors of Granada, whom he
tried to attract through tolerance and the preaching of Fray Hernando de Talavera.
and, failing to do so, he imposed the harshest methods of Cardinal Cisneros ,
provoking rebellions from 1499 to 1501, followed by mass conversions to
the second achievement was He also put great effort into overseas expansion in the
Atlantic , which, beginning with the Canary Islands , would culminate in the
discovery of America.(1492). Although after the first Colombian companies, neither
she nor her husband, who continued to protect Christopher Columbus , turned to the

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