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Student nr: 47421576

Unique nr: 707104

Discussion 6

Different types of teaching methods

Lecturing: This is the traditional way of teaching for years. Most of the teachers also prefer this
method of teaching. To stand in front of a class and explain, to be physically there and have
interaction with the students and one another. This is also a great opportunity for the students and
teacher to get to know each other.

Demonstrating: The best way to capture a student’s attention is with a practical demonstration. The
children like being involved in things and they will remember the lesson a lot better when it is done
like this. If you show the learners how your lesson can be incorporated in the real life it will make a
lot more sense to them and they would appreciate it more.

Collaborating: Participating in group work with fellow students is a great opportunity to learn new
things from each other. If working together on a group assignment the outcomes would be much
better than working by yourself. If you don’t understand the assignment there will be different input
from your fellow students and different opinions. Students will be more enthusiastic when they have
the chance to work together on a group assignment or doing a team building exercise.

Assignment: It is a wise idea to give students regularly assignments to do at home. It is a very good
way to teach students how to work on their own and do research on the assignment without the
help of the teacher. Children must learn their own independence on working on assignments.

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