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International Journal of Women's Dermatology 5 (2019) 30–36

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International Journal of Women's Dermatology

New oral and topical approaches for the treatment of melasma

P.E. Grimes, MD a,b,⁎, S. Ijaz, BA, MPH a, R. Nashawati, BS, MSGM a, D. Kwak a
Vitiligo & Pigmentation Institute of Southern California, Los Angeles, California
Division of Dermatology, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, California

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Melasma is a common, therapeutically challenging, and universally relapsing disorder of hyperpigmenta-
Received 11 August 2018 tion that is most often observed in women and individuals with Fitzpatrick Skin Types III through VI. The
Received in revised form 30 September 2018 pathogenesis of melasma is complex and protean. Contributing factors that are often implicated in the
Accepted 30 September 2018
etiopathogenesis of this condition include a genetic predisposition, intense ultraviolet radiation exposure,
and hormonal influences. Therapeutic interventions for melasma include a multimodality approach incor-
porating photoprotection agents, topical and oral skin lighteners, and resurfacing procedures. Given our
photoprotection expanding knowledge of the pathogenesis of melasma, new and effective treatments are expanding our
lightening agents therapeutic armamentarium. This article reviews new and emerging oral and topical treatments for
oral treatments melasma.
topical treatments © 2018 Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of Women's Dermatologic Society. This is an open access article
new and emerging under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Introduction b 20% of cases. The clinical and histologic features of melasma in men
are similar to those in women as reported in the literature (Sarkar
Melasma is a common acquired disorder of hyperpigmentation et al., 2018; Vachiramon et al., 2012). One study reported low testos-
that is characterized by irregular light to dark brown patches on the terone levels in men with melasma (Sarkar et al., 2018).
forehead, cheeks, upper lip, and chin areas of the face. Prevalence Myriad quality-of-life studies report on the emotional turmoil and
rates vary from 1% to 50% in high-risk populations (Grimes, 1995, psychological devastation that is experienced by affected individuals
2009; Halder et al., 1983; Kim et al., 2007; Moin et al., 2006; (Balkrishnan et al., 2003; Ikino et al., 2015; Pawaskar et al., 2007). Pa-
Werlinger et al., 2007). High-risk populations include individuals tients experience significant emotional impact and often feel both-
with darker skin types, pregnant women, and those residing in global ered, frustrated, embarrassed, and depressed about their skin
locations with intense ultraviolet (UV) exposure. appearance (Ikino et al., 2015).
Patterns of distribution of melasma include a centro-facial, malar, Histologic features of melasma include an increase in the content
and mandibular pattern with the centro-facial distribution as the of both epidermal and dermal melanin, but the quantity varies with
most common. In some instances, the neck, extensor arms, and the intensity of hyperpigmentation. In addition, most studies show
upper back are also affected. These nonfacial areas are most com- no quantitative increase in melanocytes; however, the cells are en-
monly observed in menopausal women. Recent studies have docu- larged with prominent and elongated dendrites and more abundant
mented an increase in erythema and telangiectasias in the affected melanosomes. Additional features of the involved skin include solar
areas, which suggests a vascular component for this condition (Kim elastosis and increased mast cells, dermal blood vessels, and expres-
et al., 2007). Melasma occurs in all races and ethnicities, but the over- sion of vascular endothelial growth factor (Grimes et al., 2005; Kang
whelming majority of patients are women and individuals with et al., 2002).
Fitzpatrick skin types IV through VI, including Hispanic, Asian, and in- The pathogenesis of melasma is complex. Multiple pathways have
dividuals of African descent (Halder et al., 1983; Kang, 2012; Kim been implicated in the induction of hyperpigmentation. Etiologic fac-
et al., 2007; Moin et al., 2006; Rodrigues and Pandya, 2015). Men tors include a genetic predisposition, UV light exposure, and hor-
comprise the minority of patients with melasma, and account for monal influences. Increased expression of stem cell factor, c-Kit, and
α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone have been reported in the
⁎ Corresponding Author. lesional skin (Kang et al., 2006; Lee et al., 2017). Recent studies sug-
E-mail address: (P.E. Grimes). gest that patients with melasma express markers, which suggests
2352-6475/© 2018 Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of Women's Dermatologic Society. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.
P.E. Grimes et al. / International Journal of Women's Dermatology 5 (2019) 30–36 31

increased oxidative stress (Seçkin et al., 2014). Alterations in the Wnt (Regazzetti et al., 2018). Therefore, photoprotection that incorpo-
pathway and abnormal barrier function have also been documented rates visible light, such as iron oxide sunscreens, is essential. There
(Lee, 2015). The observations of solar elastosis, increased mast cells, are few readily available iron oxide formulations, and such formula-
vascular defects, barrier dysfunction, and fatty acid abnormalities tions optimally block UV light in the visible spectrum.
suggest that melasma may well represent a phenotype of Castanedo-Cazares et al. (2014) compared the effects of a UV-
photodamage (Passeron and Picardo, 2018). visible light sunscreen to a UV-only sunscreen, both with sun protec-
From a historical perspective, commonly used agents for the tion factor ≥ 50. Sixty-eight patients were included in this 8-week
treatment of melasma include hydroquinone, azelaic acid, kojic study (Castanedo-Cazares et al., 2014). The UV-only sunscreen
acid, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, and tretinoin. Of these treatments, contained mexoryl SX, titanium dioxide, octocrylene, Tinasorb–S,
hydroquinone remains the gold standard. Multiple studies suggest and avobenzone. The UV-visible light sunscreen contained the same
that combination formulations offer the best results (Halder et al., regimen plus iron oxide. Both groups received hydroquinone 4%
1983; Kim et al., 2007; Moin et al., 2006; Werlinger et al., 2007). daily. Significantly greater improvement was observed in the group
These triple combination formulas usually contain hydroquinone, a that was treated with the UV-visible light regimen.
retinoid, and a corticosteroid in varying concentrations. The afore- In a 6-month study of 40 patients, Boukari et al. (2015) assessed
mentioned commonly used therapies are often associated with uni- the efficacy of a UV–visible light sunscreen that contained iron
versal relapses. Second-line treatments, such as chemical peels and oxide. The control group used the same UV sunscreen that provided
lasers, are efficacious in some patients, but these approaches can be the same UV-B and UV-A protection without the iron oxide. A signif-
associated with acute and long-term complications, particularly in in- icantly greater reduction in Melasma Area Severity Index (MASI)
dividuals with darker skin types. Given the global negative impact of score occurred in patients treated with the combination UV-visible
melasma on the quality of life, a quest to find more efficacious treat- light formula. Both studies document the beneficial effects of visible
ments that offer sustained long-term remission for patients with this light protection in patients with melasma.
frustrating and therapeutically challenging disorder is ongoing.
Polypodium leucotomos
Therapeutic interventions
There has been much interest recently in the use of Polypodium
The treatment of melasma should include a multimodality ap-
leucotomos (PL) as an adjunct photoprotective agent in melasma.
proach that incorporates photoprotective agents, antioxidant treat-
Polypodium is a fern of the Polypodiaceae family that is unique to
ments, skin lighteners, exfoliants, and resurfacing procedures, as
Central and South America. PL’s mechanisms of action include the
needed. Evidence-based studies suggest that first line therapies for
promotion of the p53 suppressor gene expression, modulation of in-
melasma encompass intense photoprotection and topical lightening
flammatory cytokines, upregulation of endogenous antioxidant sys-
agents (Jutley et al., 2014; Rivas and Pandya, 2013; Sarkar et al.,
tems, and blockade of UV radiation-induced cyclooxygenase–2
2013; Sarma et al., 2017). Additionally, many studies have addressed
expression (Nestor et al., 2014; Siscovick et al., 2008).
the safety and efficacy of chemical peels and laser/light sources for
Several recent studies have documented a beneficial effect in pa-
pigment reduction in melasma. Such procedures are most often con-
tients with melasma (Goh et al., 2018; Martin et al., 2013). In a ran-
sidered second- and third-line therapeutic approaches.
domized, placebo-controlled study of 40 patients, Martin et al.
Lasers should be used with care and caution given the high rate of
(2013) assessed the efficacy of PL 240 mg twice daily versus placebo.
recurrence of melasma. In addition, laser intervention is often com-
The authors reported a statistically significant effect of PL compared
plicated by postinflammatory hyperpigmentation in individuals
with placebo. In a recent double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, Goh
with darker skin types.
et al. (2018) reported the effectiveness of PL in melasma. Patients
This review addresses new and emerging oral and topical agents
were randomized to receive either oral PL 240 mg twice daily or pla-
for the treatment of melasma.
cebo for 12 weeks. The active and placebo groups were also treated
with a broad spectrum sunscreen and hydroquinone 4% daily. The
group treated with PL achieved a significantly greater reduction in
MASI score at 56 and 84 days of treatment (Goh et al., 2018).
Daily photoprotection is key in the management of this therapeu-
tically challenging and universally relapsing disorder. The use of
broad spectrum sunscreens is essential. Caregivers of patients with Frequently used topical agents
melasma often report the common occurrence of rapid and frequent
relapses after intense UV exposure. Lakhdar et al. (2007) assessed the A variety of topical agents have been used for melasma. Histori-
role of a broad-spectrum sunscreen in the prevention and treatment cally, hydroquinone has been the gold standard. Others agents in-
of chloasma in pregnant women during a 12-month clinical trial. Of clude azelaic acid, kojic acid, retinoid treatments, niacinamide,
the 185 patients who completed the study, only five new cases of corticosteroid medications, salicylic and glycolic acid, arbutin, resver-
chloasma (melasma) were noted, an occurrence rate of 2.7% and atrol, and resorcinol. These agents and their mechanisms are cited in
much lower than the 53% previously observed during pregnancy. Table 1 (Al-Niaimi and Chiang, 2017; Birk, 1985; Bissett, 2002; De
In addition to the deleterious impact of UV light as a trigger and re- Caprio, 1999; Deo et al., 2013; Glowka et al., 2018; Grimes, 1995,
lapsing factor, recent studies have implicated a role for visible light 2009; Hashim et al., 2018; Huh et al., 2010; Kang, 2005; Keeling
(Duteil et al., 2014, 2017; Mahmoud et al., 2010). Visible blue light has et al., 2008; Lajis et al., 2012; Menter, 2004; Monteiro et al., 2013;
been shown recently to stimulate opsin-3, which activates the Navarrete-Solís et al., 2011; Niwano et al., 2018; Nordlund et al.,
melanogenesis-associated transcription factor and other melanogenic 2006; Olejnik et al., 2018; Paine et al., 2001; Picardo and Carrera,
enzymes such as tyrosinase and dopachrome tautomersae (Regazzetti 2007; Pires et al., 2018; Schulte et al., 2015; Tse, 2010; Videira et al.,
et al., 2018). Tyrosinase and dopachrome form a protein complex 2013; Wargniez et al., 2017; Wohlrab and Kreft, 2014). Evidence-
that is mainly generated in the melanocytes of dark-skinned individ- based studies have suggested that combination products that contain
uals. Hence, the sustained effects of visible blue light irradiation in in- hydroquinone 4%, tretinoin, and a steroid produce the best response
dividuals with darker skin types are thought to induce long-lasting (Jutley et al., 2014; Rivas and Pandya, 2013; Sarkar, 2013; Sarma
hyperpigmentation in individuals with skin type III and above et al., 2017). (See Table 2.)
32 P.E. Grimes et al. / International Journal of Women's Dermatology 5 (2019) 30–36

Table 1
Common lightening agents for melasma

Name Mechanism of action Side effects Reference

Hydroquinone Tyrosinase inhibition Erythema, irritation, exogenous ochronosis De Caprio, 1999; Grimes, 2009; Nordlund
et al., 2006; Tse, 2010
Azelaic acid Tyrosinase inhibition Stinging, burning, itching, dryness Hashim et al., 2018; Schulte et al., 2015
Kojic acid Tyrosinase inhibition Irritation, contact dermatitis Deo et al., 2013; Lajis et al., 2012;
Monteiro et al., 2013
Ascorbic acid Inhibition of reactive oxygen species No significant adverse event Al-Niaimi and Chiang, 2017; Pires et al.,
Retinoids Downregulation of Tyrosinase Irritant reaction, dryness, hyperpigmentation Kang, 2005
Corticosteroid Antiinflammatory and nonselective inhibition of Telangiectasias, epidermal atrophy, steroid- Menter, 2004
treatments melanogenesis induced acne, striae, hypopigmentation
Niacinamide Inhibition of melanasome transfer Irritation Bissett, 2002; Navarrete-Solís et al.,
2011; Wohlrab and Kreft, 2014
Licorice Melanin dispersion, tyrosinase inhibition No significant adverse event Picardo and Carrera, 2007; Videira et al.,
Undecylenoyl Antagonist of α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone, No significant adverse event Glowka et al., 2018; Olejnik et al., 2018
phenylalanine β-adrenergic, stem cell receptors
4-N- Tyrosinase inhibition, antioxidant, antiinflammatory Mild erythema and itching Huh et al., 2010; Wargniez et al., 2017
Soybean Inhibits melanosome transfer to keratinocytes No significant adverse event Birk, 1985; Paine et al., 2001
Arbutin Inhibition of tyrosinase Skin irritation Sarma et al., 2017
Glucosamine Inhibition of tyrosinase activation Skin rash Niwano et al., 2018
Mequinol Inhibition of tyrosinase Skin irritation, redness, peeling Keeling et al., 2008

Hydroquinone is used globally for melasma (De Caprio, 1999; New oral and topical treatments
Grimes, 2009; Nordlund et al., 2006; Tse, 2010), and although used
for more than 60 years, it remains our most efficacious topical Tranexamic acid
agent. Hydroquinone inhibits tyrosinase, which is the rate-limiting
enzyme for pigment production, and is well tolerated in most pa- Tranexamic acid (TA), a synthetic derivative of lysine, is a fibrino-
tients. The most common side effect is irritant contact dermatitis. lytic agent that blocks the conversion of plasminogen to plasmin and
The majority of clinical trials that have assessed the efficacy and thereby impedes the binding of plasminogen to keratinocytes (Fig. 1).
safety of hydroquinone have not extended beyond 6 months. None- Downstream effects include diminished arachidonic acid release and
theless, physicians have enormous variability in prescribing practices decreased prostaglandin and fibroblast growth factor synthesis. Prosta-
for hydroquinone, so there is no universal standard of treatment. In glandins and fibroblast growth factor both stimulate melanin synthe-
the authors’ experience, hydroquinone can be safely and effectively sis. TA also decreases mast cells and angiogenesis (Kim et al., 2015).
used beyond 6 months. However, optimal results are often best Nijo Sadako first reported the efficacy of TA in 1979 in a patient with
achieved using a 6-month rotational algorithm that cycles on and melasma treated for chronic urticaria (George, 2016).
off hydroquinone. Other lightening agents are often essential to TA is currently used via a spectrum of delivery routes including
maintain the results achieved with hydroquinone use. Hydroquinone oral, topical, intradermal, and microneedling (Taraz et al., 2017).
should not be used in pregnant or breastfeeding women due to its The current oral dosing is significantly less than doses used to treat
Category C characterization. hemophilia, heavy menstrual bleeding, or other hemorrhagic condi-
Hydroquinone has been banned in some countries due to con- tions. Oral dosing for melasma is, on average, 250 mg twice daily
cerns of ochronosis and possible cases of depigmentation. Ochronosis compared with 3900 mg daily for bleeding diatheses (Taraz et al.,
is characterized by hyperpigmented lichenoid, which are cavier-like 2017). Multiple studies have documented the efficacy of TA in pa-
papules that appear in cutaneous areas treated with hydroquinone. tients with melasma (Banihashemi et al., 2015; Del Rosario et al.,
Ochronosis was first reported in Africa and is usually caused by the 2018; Ebrahimi and Naeini, 2014; Kim et al., 2017; Lee et al., 2016;
long-term use of high concentrations of hydroquinone with inade- Na et al., 2013; Perper et al., 2017; Wu et al., 2012).
quate sun protection (Bhattar et al., 2015; Grimes, 2009). In contrast TA has been predominantly used in Asian patients and was recently
to common case reports from Africa, this condition is uncommon in evaluated in a cohort of patients in the United States. Del Rosario et al.
the United States where most cases are secondary to the prolonged (2018) assessed the efficacy of TA 250 mg twice daily versus placebo in
use of over-the-counter, low-concentration, cosmetic formulations a 3-month study, followed by 3 months of sunscreen only. Thirty-nine
of 2% hydroquinone. Cases of depigmentation caused by hydroqui- patients completed the trial. At 3 months, there was a 49% reduction in
none are rare. MASI score versus 18% for the placebo control group. No serious ad-
Additional concerns with regard to the safety of hydroquinone is verse events were reported (Del Rosario et al., 2018).
based on studies that suggest that benzene, which is a known leuke- The largest retrospective study of TA treatment was conducted in
mogenic agent, is metabolized into hydroquinone as a major by- Singapore. The authors reviewed data from 561 patients with
product (Norlund et al., 2006). Benzene metabolites, including hy- melasma who were treated with TA, and improvement was noted
droquinone, phenol, or benzoquinone, do not exhibit the potency in 90% of patients. Adverse events were reported in 40 patients
and level of the myelotoxic effect of benzene. In addition, individuals (7.1%), and most side effects were mild. However, one patient devel-
who are occupationally exposed to long-term hydroquinone have not oped deep vein thrombosis and was later discovered to have familial
demonstrated myelotoxic changes (De Caprio, 1999; Tse, 2010). Hy- protein S deficiency. There was a personal history of spontaneous
droquinone has now been used and manufactured for more than 60 miscarriage and a family history of thromboembolic issues in two sib-
years, and a review of the literature reveals no cases of skin cancer, in- lings (Lee et al., 2016).
ternal malignancies, or liver damage related to the topical application General concerns linger with regard to the safety profile given
of hydroquinone for skin lightening. TA’s propensity to induce thromboembolic phenomena. Hence, TA
Table 2
New oral and Topical Treatments.

Agent Reference Mechanism of action Dosing Study outcomes Adverse events

Photoprotection Topical Iron oxide sunscreens Boukari et al., 2015; Blocks blue visible light SPF ≥ 50 UV-visible light regimen None
Castanedo-Cazares et al., 2014; had
Duteil et al., 2017; significant improvement
Lakhdar et al., 2007;
Mahmoud et al., 2010;
Regazzetti et al., 2018
Promotion of p53 suppressor gene
Goh et al., 2018; Martin et al., expression/modulation of inflammatory
Beneficial effect
2013; cytokines
Oral Polypodium leucotomos 240 mg BID Greater reduction Mild gastrointestinal upsets
Nestor et al., 2014; ↑ endogenous antioxidant systems

P.E. Grimes et al. / International Journal of Women's Dermatology 5 (2019) 30–36

Siscovick et al., 2008 blockade of UV radiation induced
cyclooxygenase-2 expression
Lightening Oral and Tranexamic acid Banihashemi et al., 2015; Blocks conversion of plasminogen 2-5% BID Global studies document Oral: mild gastrointestinal
agents topical Del Rosario et al., 2018; to plasmin 250 mg BID significant discomfort, hypomenorrhea,
Ebrahimi and Naeini, 2014; Blocks binding of plasminogen to reduction in MASI score allergic skin rashes,
George, 2016; Kim et al., 2016; keratinocytes alopecia, and mild elevations
Lee et al., 2016, 2017; ↓ arachidonic acid release, prostaglandin in alanine transaminase
Na et al., 2013; synthesis and FGF Topical: erythema, scaling, dryness
Perper et al., 2017; ↓ melanin synthesis Propensity to induce
Taraz et al., 2017; ↓ mast cells ↓ angiogenesis thromboembolic
Wu et al., 2012 phenomena
Potent antioxidant/free radical scavenger Decreased MASI,
Hamadi et al., 2009; ↑ super oxide dismutase, glutathione 5% BID malondialdehyde
Melatonin Not reported
Ryoo et al., 2001 reductase, glutathione peroxidase 3 mg daily decreased
↓ α-MSH receptors GSH levels increased
Intravenous: Stevens-Johnson
Handog et al., 2016; decreases tyrosinase 2% daily
Melanin index significantly Syndrome,
GSH Sonthalia et al., 2016; skews conversion of eumelanin 500 mg
reduced anaphylaxis
Watanabe et al., 2014 to pheomelanin daily
Oral and topical: none
Radio protector
Besouw et al., 2013; (via direct scavenging effects of Reduced MASI compared
Cysteamine 5% daily None reported
Mansouri et al., 2015 hydroxy radicals) to placebo
Tyrosinase peroxidase inhibition
Melanocyte activation, melanosome
development, melanin synthesis,
Pigment-correcting Comparable efficacy to
Makino et al., 2016 melanosome transfer Mild irritation
Serum hydroquinone
keratinocyte differentiation and
Topical desquation
No significant changes
Potent peroxidase inhibitor in serum TSH,
Methimazole Kasraee et al., 2005, 2008 5% daily Minimal cutaneous side effects
blocks melanin synthesis free thyroxine, free
triiodothymine levels
MASI/colorimetry effects
Blocks action of endogenous/ exogenous
similar to hydroquinone 4%
Flutamide Adalatkhah et al., 2011 testosterone by binding to androgen 1% daily None
Patient satisfaction scores
significantly high

BID, twice daily; FGF, fibroblast growth factor; GSH, glutathione; MASI, Melasma Area Severity Index; MSH, melanocyte-stimulating hormone; SPF, sun protection factor; TSH, thyroid-stimulating hormone; UV, ultraviolet

34 P.E. Grimes et al. / International Journal of Women's Dermatology 5 (2019) 30–36

A) Before B) After
Fig. 1. Melasma (A) before treatment and (B) after treatment with topical 3% tranexamic acid and hydroquinone. Significant improvement in areas of hyperpigmentation of the
cheek and upper lip.

is contraindicated in patients with clotting disorders or a history of hydroquinone 4% for 90 days. At 90 days, all patients with melasma
thromboembolism (Kim et al., 2017). Major side effects in melasma demonstrated a significant reduction in MASI score. In addition,
clinical trials are rarely reported. Other adverse events related to TA malondialdehyde, which is a measure of oxidative stress, decreased
use include mild gastrointestinal discomfort, hypomenorrhea, aller- and glutathione (GSH) levels increased and suggest significant im-
gic skin rashes, alopecia, and mild elevations in alanine transaminase provement in oxidative stress. These seminal observations also sug-
levels. Oral TA should be prescribed with care and caution. A detailed gest that additional studies to assess the efficacy and safety of
history should be taken for each patient to exclude individuals at risk melatonin in patients with melasma are warranted (Hamadi et al.,
for untoward complications. 2009l Ryoo et al., 2001).
Several studies have addressed the efficacy and safety of topical
TA (Banihashemi et al., 2015; Ebrahimi and Naeini, 2014; Kim et al.,
2016). In a 12-week, split-face, prospective trial, Banihashemi et al. Glutathione
(2015) compared the efficacy of a liposomal 5% TA formulation to hy-
droquinone 4%. Both treatments showed significant clinical improve- GSH is one of the most powerful endogenous antioxidants pro-
ment without significant differences between the two groups, which duced by cells in the human body and is a tripeptide of glutamate,
suggests comparable efficacy. cysteine, and glycine. Mechanisms that induce lightening of the skin
In a separate split-face study, a TA 3% suspension was applied to include inhibition of tyrosinase and the ability to skew production
one side of the face and a suspension with hydroquinone 2%, dexa- of eumelanin to pheomelanin. There has been enormous recent pub-
methasone 0.01%, and vitamin C to the opposite side. Both formula- licity with regard to the use of intravenous GSH for general skin light-
tions showed significant improvement, which suggests similar ening (Sonthalia et al., 2016). Multiple articles have been published
topical efficacy for hydroquinone-based formulations (Ebrahimi and in the lay press on the use of GSH for a variety of diseases including
Naeini, 2014). Topical side effects included erythema, scaling, irrita- melasma. Intravenous use of GSH has been associated with severe
tion, and dryness (Banihashemi et al., 2015; Ebrahimi and Naeini, life-threatening reactions including Stevens–Johnson syndrome and
2014; Kim et al., 2016). anaphylaxis.
Several studies have evaluated oral and topical GSH for general
Melatonin skin lightening. In an 8-week study, Handog et al. (2016) treated 30
healthy Filipino women with a 500 mg buccal glutathione lozenge.
The hormone melatonin, which is secreted by the pineal gland, is The melanin index showed a significant reduction, and global assess-
a potent antioxidant and free-radical scavenger that stimulates sev- ments reported moderate lightening in 90% of subjects (Handog et al.,
eral antioxidant enzymes, including superoxide dismutase, glutathi- 2016). A topical glutathione 2% suspension was assessed in a ran-
one reductase, and glutathione peroxidase. Melatonin also inhibits domized, double-blind, split-face, 10-week study, in which GSH was
α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone receptors. Oral and topical mel- applied to one side and a placebo to the opposite side. The melanin
atonin were evaluated in a series of 36 patients with melasma and 10 index was significantly reduced in the GSH-treated side (Watanabe
healthy control participants. Patients were randomized to several et al., 2014). Oral and topical GSH are well tolerated with no signifi-
groups, including topical melatonin only, topical melatonin plus cant adverse events. The results of these studies suggest the need to
screen, and a combination of topical and oral melatonin and test oral and topical GSH for melasma.
P.E. Grimes et al. / International Journal of Women's Dermatology 5 (2019) 30–36 35

New topical agents Conclusions

Cysteamine Melasma remains a chronic, therapeutically challenging, and

universally relapsing condition. This psychologically devastating dis-
Cysteamine hydrochloride (ß–mercaptoethylanine hydrochlo- order should be treated with a multimodality approach that incorpo-
ride) is naturally produced in the human body and is a degradation rates photoprotective agents, antioxidant treatments, skin lighteners,
product of the amino acid L-cysteine. Cysteamine is also a radio pro- exfoliants, and resurfacing procedures in severe cases. A myriad of
tector that protects cells from the mutagenic and other lethal effects new oral, topical, and combination therapies for melasma have
of ionizing radiation via its direct scavenging effects on hydroxy rad- been introduced to expand our repertoire of therapies, and warrant
icals (Besouw et al., 2013). additional trials to substantiate their efficacy and safety.
Recently, several studies have documented the efficacy of cyste-
amine in patients with melasma. In a randomized, double-blind Conflicts of interest
trial of 40 patients, a significant improvement in melasma lesions
was observed compared with patients who were treated with pla- None.
cebo. Mansouri et al. (2015) assessed the efficacy of 5% cysteamine
in 50 patients with melasma. Cysteamine induced significant reduc- Funding
tions in MASI scores at 16 weeks compared with placebo.

Pigment-correcting serum
Study Approval
Pigment-correcting serum was recently reformulated to address
The authors confirm that any aspect of the work covered in this
the multiple pathways involved in the induction of hyperpigmentation.
manuscript that has involved human patients has been conducted
These pathways include melanocyte activation, melanosome develop-
with the ethical approval of all relevant bodies.
ment, melanin synthesis, melanosome transfer, and keratinocyte dif-
ferentiation and desquamation. Pigment-correcting serum contains
TA, tetrapeptides, plankton extracts, niacinamide, phenylethyl resor- References
cinol, and undecylenol phenylalanine. In a randomized, double-blind
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comparison trial of 43 patients, pigment-correcting serum was com- tate-ethinyl estradiol combination in moderate acne: a pilot randomized clinical
pared with hydroquinone 4% and showed overall comparable efficacy trial. Clin Cosmet Investig Dermatol 2011;4:117.
to hydroquinone in patients with melasma and postinflammatory hy- Adalatkhah H, Sadeghi-Bazargani H. The first clinical experience on efficacy of topical
flutamide on melasma compared with topical hydroquinone: A randomized clinical
perpigmentation (Makino et al., 2016). trial. Drug design, development and therapy. Drug Des Devel Ther 2015;9:4219–25.
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Methimazole Development and validation of a health-related quality of life instrument for
women with melasma. Br J Dermatol 2003;149(3):572–7.
Methimazole is an oral anti-thyroid medication used to treat pa- Banihashemi M, Zabolinejad N, Jaafari MR, Salehi M, Jabari A. Comparison of therapeu-
tic effects of liposomal tranexamic acid and conventional hydroquinone on
tients with hyperthyroidism and has been shown to cause depigmen- melasma. J Cosmet Dermatol 2015;14(3):174–7.
tation when applied topically. Methimazole has been used in patients Besouw M, Masereeuw R, van den Heuvel L, Levtchenko E. Cysteamine: An old drug
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significant skin lightening. Methimazole is a potent peroxidase inhib- ochronosis. Indian J Dermatol 2015;60(6):537–43.
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