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From the smallest to the largest, the Universe is everything that exists.

From the invisible world of particles that make up our bodies to the great
galaxies made up of millions and millions of stars.
Everything that is, what has been and what will be. That is the Universe.
Although we are not sure, the most accepted theory about the origin of
the universe is the Big Bang theory. According to this theory, in the
beginning the entire Universe was super concentrated in a small
infinitely dense point and hot. Neither time nor space existed. Then, for
some reason, it exploded and began to expand, which he has continued
to do ever since, some 13,000 millions years ago. With this explosion
the space and time, and the laws of physics emerged that govern all
processes of the Universe.
The Big Bang theory is widely accepted by community scientific. The
great discussions center, nevertheless, on whether the universe will
continue to expand forever or will compress again.

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