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Complete the sentences with phrases and idioms from the box.

bear that in mind, brain damage, brainstorm, brain scan,

childminder, mind your language mind-boggling, wouldn’t mind, brain
drain, brain teaser, brainwashed, brainwave, mind reader, if you
don’t mind my asking, mind you, never mind.

A Thanks, I wouldn’t mind It’s really nice. 2

B They’re sending him to have a brain scan next week. 16

C Very polite and proper, so mind your language when she’s around. 9

D Oh, right. I’ll bear that in mind next time. 11

E Amazing! That’s a mind-boggling amount of money. 10

F I think they are a bit young yet. Getting a childminder to come to the
house would be a better option. 15

G I get together with the team at work and we brainstorm ideas.

H He’s still in a coma in hospital. The doctors fear he might have brain
damage . 13

I No! I’m fine! Just trying to work out this brain teaser in the
newspaper! 5

J I agree_____ , it’s worth it.

K Oh well, never mind Better luck next time. 1

L I have no idea. I think they must have brain washed her! 8

M How much did it cost, if you don’t mind my asking ? 3

N I’ve just had a brainwave Why not sell that old necklace of yours you
never wear? 7

O Lack of investment has resulted in a brain drain. 6

P Wow, you must be a mind reader! That’s just what I was thinking!

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