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A) Your Personal Purpose

a) Looking for patterns from my early life story, the people who had the greatest impact
on me and my life are my parents and teachers. They taught me the values of hard work
and perseverance. They also instilled in me the importance of education and the value of
learning and growing.
b) I found the greatest inspiration and passion when I was creating and developing new
ideas and turning them into reality. I loved creating something from nothing and watching
it come to life.
2) After reading chapter 3 of Discover Your True North, respond to these questions:
a) My greatest crucibles were the hardships I faced growing up with a single parent who
struggled to make ends meet. I had to work hard to get the resources I needed, and it
was a challenge to stay motivated and focused during those times.
b) These crucibles have shaped my views about the world by teaching me that no matter
the circumstances, you can still make it through, and to never give up. These
experiences have taught me the value of hard work, resilience, and perseverance.
c) I can use these experiences to reframe my life story by focusing on the positive, such
as the lessons I learned, and the strength and courage I had to overcome the difficulties I
faced. These experiences are not holding me back today, as I use them to motivate and
inspire me to strive for greater success.
3) After reading the section 'Purpose' on page 9 of Mastering Leadership by Anderson
(2019) and chapters 9 and 10 of Discover Your True North, respond to these questions:
a) My personal purpose is to use my skills and knowledge to create positive change and
make a meaningful impact in the lives of others.
b) My purpose is to use my knowledge and skills to help others reach their potential, to
make a positive contribution to the world, and to inspire others to do the same. It matters
to me because I believe that I can make a difference and that I have the power to make a
positive impact in the world.
B) Discover your 'Why'
1) To complete 'Step 1: Gather Stories and Share Them', I asked people who are close
to me to tell me stories about times they have seen me in my element, and when I have
been most successful. Through these stories, I was able to identify patterns in my
behavior and the areas I am passionate about.
2) In 'Step 2: Identify Themes', I looked for common threads in the stories I was told.
Through this process, I identified the areas in which I am most passionate, the skills I
possess, and the value I can bring to the world.
3) My one-sentence 'why' statement is 'I want to use my skills and knowledge to
empower and inspire others to reach their full potential'. This statement matters to me
because it reflects my values and beliefs, and it is my way of expressing my purpose in
life. It guides me in my actions and decisions and helps me stay focused on my goals.
C) Your Career Vision
1) My career vision is to become an international speaker and consultant, helping
organizations and individuals achieve their potential. 
b) I am passionate about learning and development, and I want to use my knowledge
and skills to help others reach their potential. I believe that everyone has the potential to
be great, and I want to be part of the process of helping them unlock that potential. 
c) My career vision is focused on the future, it is achievable, measurable, inspiring, and it
is aligned with my personal values and purpose. It is flexible and adaptable, and it will
help me stay motivated and focused on my goals.

D) Your Hedgehog Concept

1) I am deeply passionate about education, learning, and development. I want to use my
knowledge and skills to help others reach their potential, and I believe that education is
the key to unlocking that potential. 
2) I believe I can be the best in the world at helping organizations and individuals
develop their potential. I have the skills and knowledge to provide the guidance and
support they need to reach their goals, and I am driven to use that knowledge and
empower others. 
3) My economic engine is to use my skills and knowledge to make a meaningful impact
in the lives of others. I want to be able to use my skills and knowledge to create positive
change and help others reach their potential. I want to make money through consulting,
speaking, and teaching.
Part II - 
Development Plan
Two knowledge/skill areas: 
1) Professional/career development 
2) Communication
1) I sought advice from two other people I respect about how to develop each
skill/knowledge area. For professional/career development, they advised me to attend
professional development seminars and workshops, join networking groups, and reach
out to other professionals in the field. For communication, they advised me to practice
active listening and ask open-ended questions, be mindful of my body language, and
practice using persuasive language.
2) To develop my professional/career development skills, I plan to attend a professional
development seminar or workshop in the next few months, join a professional networking
group, and reach out to other professionals in the field to have informational interviews
and gain insight into the field. To develop my communication skills, I plan to practice
active listening and asking open-ended questions, be mindful of my body language, and
practice using persuasive language. I will practice these skills in everyday conversations
and in my professional settings. I will also read books and articles on communication,
and attend webinars and seminars related to communication.
3) Attending professional development seminars and workshops will help me stay up-to-
date with the latest trends in the field, and will give me the opportunity to network with
other professionals. Joining a professional networking group will provide me with a
platform to connect with other professionals in the field and exchange ideas. Reaching
out to other professionals in the field will give me valuable insight into the field and
provide me with mentorship and guidance. Practicing active listening and asking open-
ended questions will help me better understand the needs and wants of others and will
help me build stronger relationships. Being mindful of my body language will help me
project a more confident and professional image. Practicing using persuasive language
will help me better influence people and will help me achieve my goals.
I plan to attend a professional development seminar or workshop within the next 6
months, join a professional networking group, and reach out to other professionals in the
field to have informational interviews. I also plan to practice active listening, ask open-
ended questions, be mindful of my body language, and practice using persuasive
language in my everyday conversations and in my professional settings. I will also read
books and articles on communication, and attend webinars and seminars related to
communication. I plan to create a timeline for executing these practical steps, and I will
use the SMART goal planning concept to ensure that I am setting realistic goals and
staying on track.
Step-by-step explanation

Part I

A) Purpose and Vision

A) Your Personal Purpose

(Click on links to access resource on the Sask Polytech Library website)
BOOKDiscover your true north
George, Bill (William W.), author. Gergen, David, author of introduction, etc. 2015

1) After reading the introduction and chapter 1 of Discover Your True North, respond to
these questions:
a) Looking for patterns from your early life story, what people, events, and experiences
have had the greatest impact on you and your life? (3-5 sentences)
The people, events and experiences that had the greatest impact on my life are my
parents, who taught me the importance of hard work and dedication, my first job which
taught me the value of money and the importance of being able to take care of myself,
and my first leadership experience which taught me the value of taking initiative and
leading by example.
b) In which experiences did you find the greatest inspiration and passion? (2-4
I found the greatest inspiration and passion from my first job, which was working in the
hospitality industry. Working in such a fast-paced environment and learning about
customer service and the importance of working with a team was incredibly inspiring and
motivating for me. I also found passion in my first leadership role, which was leading a
team of volunteers for a local charity. The experience of leading and guiding a team to
success was incredibly rewarding and inspiring.

Serving the needs of others is one of my life's goals. I have always been drawn to
helping other people, and the experiences in my life in which I have been able to do so
have provided me with the greatest sources of inspiration and motivation. My most
difficult experiences have been the catalysts behind the formation of my perspectives on
the wider world as well as a deeper comprehension of who I am. These events will allow
me to rewrite the narrative of my life and gain a deeper comprehension of who I am as a
person. They have also assisted me in comprehending the ways in which they are
preventing me from achieving my goals in this day and age.
By going through the three steps outlined in the PDF document titled "Sinek 2017 Find
Your Why," I was able to find out "why" I do what I do. I listened to people's tales and
then related them to others. After that, I determined the themes. My "why" statement can
be summed up in one sentence: "I help other people because I want to make a
difference in the lives that they lead." This statement is significant to me because it
serves as a constant reminder of the motivation behind the work that I do. In addition, it
serves as a constant reminder of the impact that I am capable of having on the lives of
other people.
My goal for my professional life is to be of service to other people in a way that will have
a significant and long-lasting impact. I want to be able to reflect on my professional life
and realize that I was able to make a positive impact on the lives of other people. I hope
that one day I will be in a position to assist other people in a manner that is meaningful
and will have an effect that is long-lasting. In addition, one of my goals is to be in a
position to be of assistance to other people in a manner that is both meaningful and
consequential to the course of their lives.
The 'Hedgehog Concept' is a method for determining what you are deeply passionate
about by looking at the intersection of three different areas. What you are deeply
passionate about, what you are capable of being the best in the world at, and what drives
your economic engine are the three areas to focus on. I have a strong desire to be of
assistance to other people. I have the potential to be the best in the world at assisting
other people in a manner that is both significant and long-lasting. My desire to make a
positive impact on the lives of other people is the fuel that keeps my economic engine
There are a variety of occupations and fields of study that can be pursued at the
intersection of these three fields. It's possible that I could work as a nurse, a teacher, a
social worker, or a counselor. I could also be a physician, a lawyer, or the proprietor of a
business. Other possible careers for me include being a writer, a consultant, or a coach.
My individual mission in life is to be of service to others and to make a positive impact on
the world. I want to be someone who other people look up to as a leader and an example
to follow. My goal is to motivate and inspire other people to be the best versions of
themselves. My life has shown me that it is possible to have an impact on the world, and
that it is important to stand up for what is just. I am grateful for the opportunities that have
been presented to me. My philosophy is that everyone possesses the capacity for
greatness, and it is my mission in life to assist others in recognizing that potential within
My journey of collecting and sharing personal narratives led me to the discovery of my
"why." I had conversations with both friends and family members, and I asked them to tell
me about their experiences. After that, I determined the common threads running
throughout these accounts, and I drafted and edited my "why" statement. My "why"
statement is that I want to make a difference in the world while also helping those around
me. This statement is significant to me because it articulates the reason I exist. It is the
driving force behind my desire to lead and to accomplish all that I have.
My long-term professional goal is to establish myself as a pioneer in the field of
education. My goals are to assist others in reaching their full potential and effecting
positive change in the world. My goal for my professional life is to serve as an example
for other people, as well as to inspire and encourage them to become the best versions
of themselves. My goal for my professional life is to be able to effect positive change in
the world.
The following is how the five characteristics of a vision relate to my vision for my
professional life:
1. Its Significance: The significance of my career vision lies in the fact that it is my
purpose. It is the driving force behind my desire to lead and to accomplish all that I have.
2. Motivation My aspiration to have a successful career is driven by my desire to be of
service to others and to have a positive impact on the world.
3. Justification: The foundation of my professional aspirations is the conviction that
everyone possesses the capacity to achieve great things, and it is my mission in life to
assist others in recognizing their own potential for greatness.
4. My long-term professional goal is to assume a position of authority within the field of
5. My goal is to assist others in realizing their potential and in making a positive
contribution to the world. This is the focus of my career vision.
Step-by-step explanation
Part II
Stress management:
1) Identifying personal stressors and triggers.
2) Educating yourself on methods of relaxation, such as slow, deep breathing and
3) Recognizing positive ways to deal with stressful situations, such as keeping a journal,
going for a run, or talking to close friends or family members.
4) Seeking the assistance of a qualified professional when necessary.
I wanted to find out how other people deal with the stress in their lives, so I questioned
my friends and family. Several people suggested different things to me, such as keeping
a journal, working out, and having conversations with friends or family. I also did some
research on the internet and found a few additional techniques that I would like to try.
Some of these techniques include meditation and deep breathing. I am going to give
each of these strategies a shot to determine which ones serve me best in the long run. In
addition to this, I am going to make it a priority to maintain my healthy coping
mechanisms, such as keeping a journal and engaging in physical activity, and to get help
from a trained professional whenever it is necessary.
Any theory of leadership that:
1) Conducting research on a variety of leadership theories.
2) Figuring out which theory or theories of leadership most strongly resonate with you.
3) Experimenting with various ways of leading based on the different leadership theories
that speak to you.
4) Contemplation of the outcomes of your attempts to exercise the leadership techniques
I questioned my loved ones and friends about the qualities that, in their opinion, define
an effective leader. I asked a number of people for their feedback, and some of the
things that came up were being honest, being a good listener, and having a clear vision. I
also did some research on the internet and found a few additional leadership theories
that I found interesting and would like to learn more about, such as transformational
leadership and servant leadership. I'm going to do some research on all of these different
theories, and then put into practice the strategies that most appeal to me. I am also going
to think back on the ways in which I have used the leadership techniques in the past and
evaluate what has worked well for me and what hasn't worked so well for me.
Getting other people excited:
1) Figuring out what it is that drives you.
2) Recognizing the factors that drive the behavior of others.
3) Experimenting with a variety of methods for boosting one's own and other people's
4) Contemplation on your experiences with the various methods that you've utilized.
I polled my close friends and family to find out what drives them. A variety of responses
were given to me, some of which included the following: having a sense of
accomplishment; having the sense that their work is meaningful; being recognized for
their work. In addition, I did some research on the internet and came across a few more
strategies that I would like to experiment with, such as establishing objectives and giving
feedback. I am going to give each of these strategies a shot in order to determine which
ones work the best for me as well as for other people. In addition to this, I'm going to
think back on the various approaches I've used in the past and evaluate them to
determine which ones were successful and which ones weren't.


Step-by-step explanation
This project is meant to assist me in gaining clarity on my purpose and the ways in which
I may live out my purpose via the work that I do. In order to do this, I need to have a
handle on my personal purpose and figure out my "why," as well as compose a
professional vision and implement the "Hedgehog Concept." During the first part of the
lesson, I will be led through a process to determine my own purpose, find out my "why,"
compose a professional vision, and apply the "Hedgehog Concept."
In Part I, I searched for patterns in my early life narrative and identified the people,
events, and experiences that have had the most influence on me and my life. This was
done in order to prepare for Part II, which will discuss the results of my pattern analysis. I
analyzed the ways in which the most difficult experiences of my life have molded my
perspective of the wider world. After that, I made use of these events to rewrite the
narrative of my life and get a deeper comprehension of who I am. As a result of this, I
was able to articulate my own mission and discuss the reasons why it is significant to
In Part I, I was also able to determine my "why." Gathering anecdotes, determining
themes, and drafting and refining a one-sentence 'why' statement were all accomplished
with the help of the three phases detailed in the PDF document titled "Sinek 2017 Find
Your Why." My "why" statement is as follows: "To make the world a better place for
future generations by motivating and enabling other people to achieve their best lives."
This phrase is significant to me because it articulates my aspiration to have a
constructive effect on the wider world and to assist other people in discovering the
meaning and satisfaction that they seek in their own lives.
In addition to this, I formulated and gained an understanding of my professional mission
statement, which reads as follows: "To utilize my knowledge and talents to assist
individuals and organizations in realizing their maximum potential." This vision shows my
enthusiasm for learning, my desire to utilize my expertise to assist others, and my
dedication to my own growth and improvement. In addition to this, it satisfies all five
criteria that define a vision: it is clear, it is precise, it is attainable, it is meaningful, and it
is relevant.
At long last, I worked the "Hedgehog Concept" into my daily routine. I was able to
determine the things about which I have an intense level of passion, the things at which I
might be the greatest in the world, and the things which are the driving force behind my
economic engine. I was able to identify anything from three to 10 different career
pathways and/or occupations that fall inside the intersection of these three categories.
In Part II, I selected two areas of knowledge and expertise that would assist me in living
out my purpose and achieving the goals I have set for my work. I spoke to two additional
individuals whose opinions I value about how to improve each skill or knowledge area,
and as a result, I was able to pinpoint three actionable measures that may be taken to
improve each of the skill or knowledge areas that I have chosen. In addition, I
established a strategy for carrying out these actionable tasks, which I want to either finish
or get started on within the next half year.
In general, this project assisted me in gaining clarity on my purpose and the ways in
which I may live out my purpose via the work that I do. It has also enabled me to identify
development initiatives that would assist me in being a more successful leader and
achieving my career goal. This has been a significant benefit to me.

A/ UnitA After reading this and r eviewing the chapter eight...

After reading this and reviewing the chapter eight exercise on pages 231 and 232 in True
North Appendix C.
As instructed in the "Integrating Your Life" section, think of your life as a house with a
bedroom for your personal life, a study for your professional life, a family room for your
family, and a living room to share with your friends.  Draw/depict your house and or
descriptions of each room.  your working should be a highly visual essay, like a collage or
Also include your answers to Questions 1 and 2 in the "Integrating Your Life" .The 
underlying belief here is by bringing together all aspects of your life into an inte-
grated whole, you will be a more effective leader and have a more satisfying and 
fulfilling life.
1.What is most important to you in your personal life? 
2.In what ways do you set time aside for yourself and your personal development
After reading this and Review
(Appendix C of True North)   and
(the Cuddy, Kohut, and Neffinger (2013) article)
This write-up has two parts which are outlined below. Please pay close attention to formatting
and organization and attempt to make your answer as easy as possible to read, which includes
starting each part on a new page. Consult the syllabus for special requirements regarding
formatting requirements. Your answer should be of sufficient length to fully address the
question. and rev
Part 1:  True North
From the Chapter Nine Exercise on page 233 in Appendix C of True North, answer Question
2 of Discerning Your Passions and also Question 2 of The Purpose of Your Leadership. 
Part 2:  Connect, then Lead.
Interviewing two other people who are familiar with your leadership style and ask them to
rate you in terms of warmth and competence as low, medium, or high.   Choose one person
who is familiar with your actual job/work, and a significant other (friend, spouse, son or
daughter, parent, etc.) who is familiar with you interpersonally. 
Compare their results with your own self-evaluation and plot the results like the "How will
people react to your style" chart in the Cuddy, Kohut, and Neffinger (2013) article.  In your
answer, include a discussion of the ratings and who you asked, and make sure to answer the
following questions:

1. What are you doing well in terms of exuding warmth and strength?  
2. In which areas do you need to improve and how will you do so?  (Note:   If you get all
high scores, there is still room for improvement.)
3. In your opinion, how are warmth and strength related to leadership with purpose and

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My Life House
My life house would include a bedroom for my personal life, a study for my professional life,
a family room for my family, and a living room to share with my friends.
My bedroom would be a comfortable, calming and relaxing place, with cozy furnishings,
comfortable bedding and a place to store my personal items. I would hang photographs of
family and friends, inspirational artwork and quotes, and other items that bring me joy.
My study would be my professional haven, a place for me to focus on work and be
productive. It would have a large desk and a comfortable chair, along with a filing cabinet,
shelves for books and supplies, and a laptop. I would also hang motivational and inspirational
quotes on the walls.
The family room would be a warm and inviting space for my family. I would place
comfortable furniture and plenty of seating for family gatherings. I would also hang pictures
of my family and cherished memories.
The living room would be a place for my friends and I to relax and spend time together. It
would include comfortable furniture, a coffee table, and plenty of board games, books, and
other activities to keep us entertained.
Answer to Question 1: 
What is most important to me in my personal life?
The most important thing to me in my personal life is having time to relax, reflect, and enjoy
time with family and friends. I also prioritize personal growth and development, taking time
to read, learn, and explore new hobbies and interests.
Answer to Question 2: 
In what ways do I set time aside for myself and my personal development?
I set aside time for myself and my personal development by making time for things that bring
me joy. I also set aside time for reading, learning, exploring new hobbies, and spending
quality time with family and friends. Additionally, I take time to practice self-care, such as
exercising, meditating, and getting enough sleep.
Part 1: True North
Answer to Question 2 of Discerning Your Passions:
The things that I am passionate about are learning new skills and knowledge, exploring new
cultures, and helping others. I enjoy discovering new things, learning about different ways of
life, and understanding the world around me. I also believe strongly in helping others, whether
it be through volunteering, donating, or simply listening to someone who needs it.
Answer to Question 2 of The Purpose of Your Leadership:
My purpose in leadership is to help others reach their goals and be successful. I want to use
my skills and knowledge to empower and inspire others, helping them to reach their fullest
potential. I also strive to lead by example, demonstrating the importance of honesty, integrity,
and collaboration.
Part 2: Connect, then Lead
For this exercise, I interviewed two people who are familiar with my leadership style: a
coworker and a close friend.
My coworker rated my warmth as high and my competence as medium. My friend rated my
warmth as high and my competence as high.
When I compared the results with my own self-evaluation, I found that my coworker's ratings
were accurate. My friend's ratings were slightly higher than my own, which could be due to
their closer relationship with me.
When plotting the results on the "How will people react to your style" chart from the Cuddy,
Kohut, and Neffinger (2013) article, it appeared that both my coworker and my friend rated
me as high for warmth and medium to high for competence.
Answer to Questions:
1. What am I doing well in terms of exuding warmth and strength?
I am doing well in terms of exuding warmth by demonstrating empathy, understanding, and
kindness. I am also doing well in terms of strength by demonstrating confidence,
assertiveness, and a strong sense of purpose.
2. In which areas do I need to improve and how will I do so?
I need to continue to work on my confidence and assertiveness, as well as my ability to handle
difficult situations. To do this, I plan to practice active listening, ask for feedback, and be
open to criticism. I also plan to take on challenging tasks and learn new skills to further
develop my competence.
3. In my opinion, how are warmth and strength related to leadership with purpose and
I believe that warmth and strength are essential components of leadership with purpose and
passion. To be an effective leader, one must demonstrate empathy and understanding towards
others, as well as confidence and assertiveness. A leader must also have a strong sense of
purpose and passion for what they do in order to motivate and inspire others.
Step-by-step explanation

 A combination of kindness and fortitude is necessary for effective leadership that is

guided by purpose and enthusiasm. Having a warm disposition involves demonstrating
compassion and comprehension for other people, being receptive to hearing their
concerns, and offering emotional support. Being confident in one's abilities and one's
ability to make decisions, being able to express oneself when necessary, and having a
strong sense of purpose in one's work are all components of strength.
 It is impossible to be a successful leader without exhibiting both kindness and
fortitude in equal measure. A leader who lacks kindness cannot successfully
communicate with the people they are responsible for guiding and cannot comprehend
the requirements of those people. A strong leader is able to make judgments and take
action in challenging circumstances, while a weak leader is unable to do either.
 To be a successful leader who leads with purpose and passion, one must first have a
robust sense of purpose and be deeply passionate about the work that they do. In order
to motivate and inspire those around them, a leader needs to first find motivation and
inspiration in the work that they do themselves. A leader needs to have a distinct plan
for the future and the willingness to take chances in order for their followers to
accomplish what they set out to do.
 In order to hone my abilities as a leader, I decided to conduct an interview with two
individuals who are acquainted with the way I lead and to inquire about how they
would rate my kindness and proficiency. My acquaintance gave me a rating of high for
warmth and high for competence, whereas my colleague gave me the opposite rating:
high for warmth and medium for competence. After comparing their findings with my
own self-evaluation, I discovered that the ratings given by my colleague and my friend
were accurate, while the ratings given by my friend were slightly higher.
  As a result of this activity, I have been able to recognize certain aspects of myself that
could use some work, such as my self-assurance and my aggressiveness. In order to
accomplish this goal, I intend to engage in active listening, solicit feedback, and
remain receptive to constructive critiques. In addition, I intend to acquire new skills
and take on challenging duties in order to further improve my level of proficiency.
 In general, I am of the opinion that leadership with purpose and enthusiasm requires a
combination of kindness and fortitude as important components. I will be better able
to lead with purpose and passion if I demonstrate sensitivity and understanding for
those around me, have confidence in my own abilities, and have a strong sense of
purpose and passion for the work that I do.

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