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(Theme: A complete happiness cannot be found in the digital world but through socialization with
other people around.)

(setting)In some rural areas of Tangub City, there was a gamer name Anthony.
(exposition)He was the only son of a Renato and Perla. His father was a policeman and his
mother was a government teacher. He was came from a family known to famous
because of their wealth. Ever since Anthony was a child, he was very spoiled with his
parents. Everything he needs was given. Delicious foods, and expensive clothing were
giving to him. And anything he wants was bought. Luxurious toys, and expensive
travel as he wished was granted. He was very lucky and it seems his life was perfect.

One sunny morning, Anthony went to his neighbor’s house to make friends with
the children the same of his age. He met Niko, Aljun and Roy. They played together, ate
together and they seem they were very close friends. One day, his mother knew that he
was making fun with the neighbor’s children and became angry. His mother said, “I
want you to stay in the house when I am not around and I don’t want to see you
making fun with those dirty and poor children outside. Understand!! Anthony had
nothing to do but to agree what was his mother warned to him. (rising action)

In the next day, Anthony was bored and left alone in the house. He looked out
the window and saw his friends playing happily. He was got envy and wanted to go
out but the door was locked by his mother. He had to nothing to do but to watched
television all day long. He was felt bored, and alone. Even in the school, he doesn’t have
a close friend because his mother wants him to be close to his classmates. His only
friend was the child of his mother’s best friend but he was living far. Only the
television, cellphone, tablets and other gadgets make fun with him but times goes by he
was bored to use those things. He need someone who can talk, laugh and even cry. But
he did not experience that thing because of the strict warning of his mother.

Until he reached at the age of fifteen, his mother did not allow him to make
friends with the neighbor and she bought him an expensive cellphone for him to
entertain and fun. He used this phone for making friends online and even played
games. Every day he played games online like mobile legend. (climax) Until such time he
was become addicted to online games. He always played the game daytime and
nighttime. He did not even take meals because he was afraid to be lose in the game. It
was become a routine for Anthony. One day, Anthony become sick. He had a high
fever, headache and body pain. He was brought to the hospital for medication. And the
doctor once said that his routine can affect not just only in physical but also in
emotional condition. The doctor also advice to put limit in using phones and explain its
effect to the body. (falling action) The mother of Anthony felt so much worry and realize
her big mistakes. From now on, Anthony step out from his comfort zone and began to
explore the significant things around. He became a friend with his neighbor and make
fun together. Anthony did not feel lonely and bored but happy and inspired. (resolution)

Point of view: Money can’t buy a happiness of an individual. Even how expensive your cellphone and

other thing it cannot give a fulfilling happiness.


Every individual living in this world,

Has its own right uphold,
Being free to participate whatever activity,
And able to choose and make decision free.

There is one right that is now invade

Because some are being manipulated,
By an influence individual they are afraid,
Slowly vanish our right to suffrage.

The freedom of expression is also one of our right,

To freely broadcast out decision and insight,
In making decision what is best and right,
For our country to be brave and fight.

Because of the advancement of technology,

Easily others invade our right to privacy,
Using our data and pictures in media for cyberbully,
Hundreds of Filipino become a victim digitally.

To avoid chaos and problems,

Be a keen observer to our surroundings,
Always remember our Filipino cultures and values,
In order to live happy and be a hero.

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