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Within the official framework [scheme] visit to Vietnam, in the noon [on the afternoon
of] 12 October in Ho Chi Minh City, Mrs. Angela Merkel - the Prime Minister of Federal

Republic of Germany, and members of the delegations attended the Germany - Vietnam
Economy Forum with the topic “Common Chance Through The substainable growth.”/[Mutual
Opportunities Through Sustainable And Development]

Mr. Hoang Trung Hai – Vietnam’s Deputy Prime Minister, stated [presenting/addressing]
at the forum that German has always been the biggest commercial/[trading] partner of Vietnam
in the European Union, in 2010 the trade turnover of the two countries reached 4,1 billion USD,
up to 20% compared to 2009. More than 200 German enterprises have invested their effective
business in Vietnam such as Siemens, Bosch, Metro Cash & Carry...

According to Mr. Oliver Massman – lawyer [attorny] of Duane Morris law firm, the
invest environment of Vietnam has much potential and the market accessibility/[the country
capacity to access market] is higher than Singapore. Especially in the medical aspect, more than
30.000 Vietnamese people spend more than 1 billion USD to go abroad for/[seeking] medical
treatment each year, Vietnam’s infrastructure need 200 billion USD, the media market and
information technology are also attractive [profitable/lucrative/remunerative]...

German Prime Minister Angela Merkel said that in 2010 the import of Vietnamese goods
to German increased 30% compared to the last year, on the first half of 2011 Vietnamese cargoes
import to German were up to 40% compared to the same period in 2010. Mrs. Merkel stated that
German investors committed to increase long-term direct investment/[a pledge to make a long-
term/durable direct investment] into categories such as education, training, high technology,
environment, medical...

Le Nam

Youth newspaper, Thursday October 13th, 2011

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