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Directions: When journalists write about a news event, they gather the most

important information by answering the group of questions known as the five Ws

and one H: Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? Listen to the news report
on Forever Chemical.. Then use the graphic organizer below to record the
answers to these questions.

(Speaker) Who Who is reporting ? What experts (Context) When ? Time Period / When are the
are being interviewed? Would you consider this to events taking place? What do you already know about
be valid and accurate reporting? those times or gather from the reading?

Together with the person doing the interview, Since the 1940s, forever chemicals have
Scott Tong, Sharon Lerner is the reporter for been used extensively by consumers, and
the topic being discussed. Since Lerner has they have only recently come to light again
been a reporter for seven years and focuses in the early 2000s. This tells us that
on environmental and human health, I individuals have been consuming water
believe that her reporting is trustworthy and with dangerous levels since the 2000s for
that we can trust her opinions. I do believe about years. that there are now health
that the assertion she makes in this interview risks associated with human exposure to
regarding how the chemicals are dispersed PFAS, and that this toxin can and has
and who is to blame for their contamination been found in the air, water, and soil.
of our water supply and subsequent effects
on our health is entirely accurate.

Where?Where are the events taking place? What

might you already know about this place or gather from
the reading?

As these chemicals are present in

everything from the food we eat to the
furnishings in our homes to the clothes we
wear, it appears that the majority of
corporations that utilize Forever chemicals
are based in the US. Lakes, rivers, and
ravines may also contain these chemicals.
The government, which is not
recommending its first-ever ban on these
chemicals, is aware of the problem and is
debating it.
What? What is the subject and the argument about it? What is each side arguing?

The industrial use of PFAS, which numbers in the thousands, dates back to the
1940s. They have been included in commonplace goods including firefighting
foam, stain-resistant apparel, nonstick cookware and so much more that applies to
human's daily life along with hydrational products. The compounds are difficult to
degrade in the environment. Along with the harms of this chemical such as cancer
and another dangerous virus that is deemed “Toxic.”Although these companies
seem to try and avoid paying for the damages they’ve done to the community and
world they are responsible for these damages to the people and environment.

Why? (use the back side of the paper for this part)
● What message is the author delivering and Why does it matter? (conisder the impact the events had on the speaker
and lesson they learned)
● How does it change your thinking? (consider the importance it holds even today)

The author's point is that these businesses ought to be held accountable for the harm
they caused by introducing these chemicals into the water we drink, the products we
consume, and the air we breathe. Due to the poisons that are being thrown into today's
seas and the fact that these businesses and individuals don't care how it affects the earth
or us as humans, it is of utmost importance. It matters because people should be aware
of what they are consuming, what is happening in the world around them, and what they
think about and react to this harmful toxin that these firms continue to disseminate
despite their lack of concern.

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