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Writing a strong introduction for the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) exam is

important because it sets the tone for the rest of your essay and can help you score more points. Here
are some tips on how to write a good introduction for the IELTS exam:

 Start with a hook: Begin your introduction with a statement that will grab the reader's attention
and make them interested in what you have to say. This could be a quote, a statistic, a question,
or a surprising fact.
 Mention the topic: Clearly state what the topic of your essay is and why it is important. This will
help the reader understand the purpose of your writing and what they can expect to read.
 Provide background information: If necessary, provide some background information about the
topic to help the reader understand the context. This could include historical or cultural
information, or an explanation of the current situation.
 State your thesis: Clearly state your main argument or point of view. This is called your thesis
and it should be concise and specific. Your entire essay should be focused on supporting this
 Preview the main points: Give a brief overview of the main points that you will be discussing in
your essay. This will help the reader understand the structure of your writing and what they can
expect in the body paragraphs.

Remember, the introduction is just the first part of your essay and it should be relatively short, usually
no more than 4-5 sentences. Keep it clear and concise, and avoid using complex language or grammar.
The main goal of your introduction is to grab the reader's attention and make them interested in what
you have to say.

Here is a sample introduction for an IELTS essay:

The issue of technology's impact on employment is a highly debated topic in today's society. While some
argue that technology has created new jobs and improved working conditions, others claim that it has
led to widespread unemployment and low-paying jobs. In my opinion, technology has both positive and
negative effects on employment, and it is important to carefully consider the consequences before
embracing new technological advancements. In this essay, I will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of
technology on employment, using specific examples and evidence to support my argument.
How to write body paragraphs in IELTS essay

The body paragraphs are the main part of your IELTS essay, where you present your arguments and
supporting evidence. Here are some tips on how to write effective body paragraphs for the IELTS exam:

 Start with a topic sentence: Each body paragraph should start with a clear and concise topic
sentence that states the main point of that paragraph. This will help the reader understand the
structure of your writing and follow your arguments.
 Provide supporting evidence: Use specific examples, facts, statistics, or expert opinions to
support your main point. Make sure that your evidence is relevant and directly supports your
 Explain and analyze the evidence: Don't just present the evidence, but also explain and analyze
it. Show the reader how the evidence supports your argument and why it is significant.
 Use linking words: Use linking words to connect your ideas and evidence, and to show the
relationships between them. This will help the reader follow your writing and see the
connections between your ideas.
 Use a varied vocabulary: Try to use a varied vocabulary and avoid repeating the same words and
phrases. This will help you express your ideas more effectively and demonstrate your English
language skills.
 Conclude the paragraph: End each body paragraph with a conclusion that summarizes the main
points and reiterates the relationship between the evidence and your argument. This will help
the reader understand the significance of your evidence and your argument.

Remember, each body paragraph should focus on a single main point, and all the sentences should
support that point. Keep your writing clear and concise, and avoid using overly complex language or
grammar. The main goal of your body paragraphs is to present your arguments and evidence in a clear
and convincing way.

Here is a sample body paragraph for an IELTS essay:

One of the positive effects of technology on employment is increased productivity. Advances in

technology, such as automation and artificial intelligence, have made many tasks easier and faster to
complete, allowing workers to produce more in less time. For example, the widespread use of robots in
manufacturing has allowed factories to produce goods more efficiently, which has led to increased
profits and new jobs in areas such as design and maintenance. Furthermore, technology has also
allowed workers to collaborate more effectively, reducing the time and effort required for tasks such as
communication and information sharing. In this way, technology has made many jobs more efficient and
satisfying, and has contributed to increased productivity and economic growth.
In this paragraph, the topic sentence states the main point of the paragraph, which is the positive effect
of technology on employment. The supporting evidence, in the form of specific examples and facts, is
then presented and analyzed to show how technology has increased productivity and created new jobs.
The linking words "for example" and "in this way" help connect the ideas and show the relationships
between the evidence and the argument. The conclusion summarizes the main points and reiterates the
significance of the evidence.

How to write effective conclusion in an IELTS essay

The conclusion of an IELTS essay is your last opportunity to make an impression on the reader,
and to leave a lasting impact on the reader's mind. Here are some tips on how to write an
effective conclusion for the IELTS exam:

 Summarize your main points: In the conclusion, you should summarize the main points
and arguments you made in the body of your essay. This will help the reader recall your
main ideas and see the overall structure of your essay.
 Restate your thesis: Restate your thesis statement in different words, making sure to
keep the meaning the same. This will reinforce your argument and make your
conclusion more memorable.
 Emphasize the importance of your argument: In the conclusion, you should emphasize
the significance of your argument and why the reader should care about it. This will help
the reader understand the importance of your ideas and why they are worth
 Offer a final insight: Offer a final insight or perspective on your argument, or suggest a
course of action for the reader to consider. This will help you leave a lasting impression
on the reader and demonstrate your critical thinking skills.
 Avoid introducing new information: Do not introduce new information or ideas in the
conclusion. The conclusion should only summarize and reinforce the ideas you
presented in the body of your essay.
 Keep it concise: The conclusion should be concise and to the point, avoiding excessive
detail or repetition. Use a simple and direct language, and avoid using overly complex
sentences or vocabulary.

Remember, the conclusion of your IELTS essay is not a new opportunity to present new ideas, but a
chance to reinforce and summarize your main points and arguments. Keep your conclusion concise and
focused, and make sure it leaves a lasting impact on the reader's mind.

In this conclusion, the main points and arguments from the body of the essay are summarized and
restated, and the thesis statement is reinforced. The importance of the argument is emphasized, and a
final insight is offered, suggesting a course of action for the reader to consider. The conclusion is concise
and to the point, avoiding excessive detail or repetition, and uses a simple and direct language.

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