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“S. Sfi. `–BLÁ,
NX‡_ HjÁ. gfimÁ˛Lfi_ÁjÁ
Electronic version 2009
developed by
Jagamara, PO: Khandagiri, Bhubaneswar 751030,
Copyright © 2009, Srujanika.

B“m˛LÁVˆ_fiL j’≤Δe˛Z (2009) `ı™ Δ[fi

jÛS_fiL–, S–Nce˛–, X–L: M®ΔNfiefi˛, b ˛a“_hËe˛ 751030
(jËrÈ˛: 2009 jÛS_fiL–ºº- LıfiHVfib˛ Lc_ÁjÁ Sfi.`fi.HmÁ˛. c ¶Δ j$ÁºV“ge˛ m˛–B“j_ÁjÁ
Sefi˛A“e˛ afi[efi˛[ºº)

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it

with due acknowledgement to the developers under the terms of
the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation (

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but

WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.

>>jÀQ— J a‘ak˛–e˛ `–B‹ jÀQ_– `e˛ `Û∫§–“e >>

a‘ak˛–e˛ `–B‹ j’lfi©Δ jÀQ_–
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Preface Addenda and Corrigenda




A Aristocrat - Arrear
A - Abducent Arrest - As
Abduct - Abomination Asafetida - Asphyxiate
Aboriginal - Absolutism Asphyxiation - Assimilate
Absolutory - Abysmal Assimilation - Astragal
Abyss - Accident Astral - Atrociousness
Accidental - Accountant Atrocity - Attributable
Accountantship - Acknowledge Attribute - Auspicious
Acknowledgement - Acting Auspiciously - Avast
Actinic - Additive Avatar - Awkwardness
Addle - Adjust Awl - Azure
Adjustable - Adoration
Adore - Adventuress B
Adventurous - Aerometer B - Backhand
Aerometry - Afflictingly Backing - Backhouse
Affiction - Against Baker - Banderole
Agape - Agonistic Bandicoot - Barbarize
Agonize - Air-jacket Barbarous - Barren
Airless - Algebraist Barrenness - Bath
Algid - Alliaceous Bathe - Beaming
Alliance - Almond-oil Beam-ends - Beautify
Almond-tree - Aluminium Beauty - Befell
Aluminous - Ambuscade Befit - Belie
Ambush - Amphibiology Belief - Benefactor
Amphitheatre - Anarchist Benefactress - Beslaver
Anarchy - Anglicize Besmear - Bewilder
Angling - Annoyance Bewilderment - Biform
Annual - Anteprandial Bifurcate - Binding
Anterior - Antiquarian Bindingly - Bivouac
Antiquary - Apocope Biweekly - Blandness
Apocrypha - Appealable Blank - Blend
Appear - Apposition Bless - Block-system
Appraise - Apropos Block-tin - Blowze
Apt - Archipelago Blowzy - Boarder
Architect - Aristocracy Boarding - Boiler
Boiling - Bone Chastisable - Chequer
Boned - Booted Chequered - Chilliness
Booth - Bottle-nose Chilling - Choke
Bottle-nosed - Bowery Chokebore - Chronologer
Bowie-knife - Brag Chronologic - Cinque-foil
Braggadocio - Bravery Cipher - Circumvallation
Bravo - Break-up Circumvent - Clamp
Breakwater - Briber Clan - Clean-handed
Bribery - Bring Clean-limbed - Click
Bringer - Broiler Client - Closet
Broke - Brunnette Close-time - Coach
Brunt - Buggy Coach-box - Cockerel
Buggy - Bung-hole Cocket - Cognition
Bungle - Burnisher Cognitive - Collation
Burnt - Button-hole Collator - Colporteur
Button-hook - By-word Colt - Comfort
Comfortable - Commissioner
C Commissure - Commutation
C - Cache Commutative - Complacence
Cachet - Calendonian Complacent - Compounder
Calefaction - Calvinism Comprehend - Conception
Calvinist - Candy Concern - Condemn
Cane - Canvass Condemnable - Confer
Canvasser - Captiousness Conference - Conformation
Captivate - Carelessness Conformist - Conically
Caress - Carrotry Conifer - Conscription
Carry - Cassia Consecrate - Consignment
Cassock - Cat Consist - Constitutionalism
Catachresis - Cathartic Constitutionally - Contain
Cathedral - Cavernous Containable - Continuative
Caviare - Centenarian Continue - Contributive
Centenary - Cetacea Contributor - Converse
Cetaceous - Chance Conversely - Coolly
Chancel - Chare Coolness - Coquette
Charge - Chasteness Coquettish - Cornet
Cornetcy - Correctness Detailed - Detruncation
Corrector - Coruscation Detrusion - Devourer
Corvette - Cough Devout - Diamond
Could - Counterplot Dianoetic - Different
Counterpoise - Court-yard Differentia - Dilapidate
Cousin - Crack-brained Dilapiated - Diocesan
Cracked - Craven Diocese - Disadvantageously
Craving - Cremator Disaffect - Discal
Crematory - Crinkle Discard - Discordance
Cripple - Cross Discordant - Discuss
Cross-action - Crucify Discussable - Disgorgement
Crude - Cryptographic Disgrace - Dislocate
Cryptography - Cult Dislocation - Dispensation
Cultivable - Curer Dispensatory - Disqualify
Curfew - Customariness Disquiet - Dissipated
Customary - Czarina Dissipation - Distinctly
Distinctness - Ditch
D Ditcher - Divisibly
D - Damning Division - Doctrine
Damp - Dash Document - Dolour
Dashing - Deadliness Dolphin - Dotage
Dead-lock - Debatable Dotard - Down
Debate - Dechristianize Down - Drake
Decidable - Decompound Dram - Dreaminess
Deconcentrate - Deep-laid Dreamland - Drink
Deeply - Deficiency Drinkable - Drug
Deficient - Degrading Drugget - Dulcify
Degradingly - Delightfulness Dulcimer - Dusk
Delimit - Demobilise Duskily - Dysuria
Democracy - Denial
Denizen - Dependence E
Dependency - Depressive E - Ear
Depressor - Descriptive Ear - Eat
Descriptively - Desperado Eatable - Edentate
Desperate - Detail Edge - Effervescent
Effete - Eighteen Far-fetched - Fatally
Eighteen-mo - Elector Fate - Fay
Electoral - Elfin Fealty - Feed-pipe
Elfish - Embankment Feed-pump - Femininely
Embargo - Embroider Femininity - Fescue
Embroidery - Empire Festal - Fiction
Empiric - Encaustic Fictitious - Fight
Encave - Endearment Fighter - Filth
Endeavour - Engaging Filthily - Finis
Engagingly - Ennoblement Finish - Fish
(Ennur) - Enterprise Fish-carver - Flag
Enterprising - Envelop Flag - Flatten
Envelope - Episcopalian Flatter - Flesh-fly
Episcopalianism - Flesh-hook - Flock
Equiponderance Flock - Flower
Equiponderant - Erubescence Floweret - Fly-catcher
Erubescent - Estate Fly-fishing - Following
Esteem - Eurasian Folly - For
Eureka - Evident Forage - Foreclosure
Evidential - Excellent Foredate - Forethought
Excellently - Excruciate Foretoken - Formerly
Excruciating - Exfoliate Formidable - Fossil
Exfoliation - Expansile Fossiliferous - Fox-earth
Expansion - Expiry Foxglove - Freak
Explain - Expressible Freakish - Frequency
Expression - Extinction Frequent - Frigidity
Extinguish - Exude Frigidly - Frostiness
Exulcerate - Eyry Frosting - Fugitively
Fugitiveness - Functionary
F Fund - Fusil
F - Face Fusileer - Fuzz
Faced - Fadelessly
Fading - Faithful G
Faithfully - Falter G - Galeated
Faltering - Farewell Galipot - Gammon
Gamut - Gascous Hesperian - High
Gas-fitter - Geese High-born - Hip
Gelatinate - Genius Hip-joint - Hock
Genteel - Gesture Hock - Holly
Get - Gimcrack Hollyhock - Hone
Gimlet - Glance Honest - Hopeless
Glancingly - Glomerate Hopelessly - Horse-race
Glomeration - Gnaw Horse-radish - House
Gneiss - Godship House-breaker - Huge
Godson - Goose-flesh Hugely - Humorously
Goose-quill - Grace Homorousness - Hush
Graceful - Grandam Hush-money - Hymnology
Grand-aunt - Grasp Hyperbole - Hysterically
Graspable - Grazing
Grease - Grief I
Grievance - Groan I - Ice-house
Groat - Groveller Icelander - Igneous
Grovelling - Guest Ignis-fatuus - Illuminant
Guffaw - Gun-metal Illuminate - Immaterialism
Gunner - Gyve Immaterialist - Immunity
Immure - Impenetrably
H Impenitence - Impingent
H - Habit Impious - Impossible
Habitable - Halbert Impost - Impromptu
Halcyon - Hamper Improper - Inaccessibly
Hamper - Handkerchief Inaccuracy - Incapability
Handle - Harbour Incapable - Incognizable
Harbourage - Harmony Incognizance - Inconstantly
Harness - Haunted Incontestable - Inculcate
Hautboy - Headland Inculcation - Indemnity
Headless - Heartily Indent - Indignantly
Heartiness - Hedger Indignation - Inductile
Hedge-school - Hellenize Induction - Inequable
Hell-fire - Herd Inequality - Infamy
Herdsman - Hesitation Infancy - Infirmary
Infirmity - Infrequent L
Infrequently - Inhibitory L - Lacerable
Inhospitable - Inner Lacerate - Lama
Innervate - Inquisitive Lamb - Landmark
Inquisitively - Insignificant Land-measure - Lardy
Insignificantly - Instalment Large - Latimist
Instance - Insult Latinize - Lavishness
Insulting - Intemperant Law - Lazaretto
Intemperate - Intercommunicate Lazily - Learn
Intercommunicable - Interlocutory Learned - Left-off
Interlope - Interrogatively Leg - Lender
Interrogatory - Intransitively Length - Letter-stamp
Intransmissible - Invalidate Letter-writer - Libeller
Invalidity - Inviolate Libellous - Lie
Inviolately - Iris Lief - Light-footed
Irish - Irregularly Light-handed - Limn
Irrelevancy - Isinglass Limner - Lion
Islam - Ivy Lioness - Lithoglyph
Lithoglyphics - Loamy
J Loan - Lodge
J - Jackass Lodger - Longsighted
Jack-boot - Jejunely Long-spun - Lose
Jejuneness - Job-master Loser - Lowland
Jockey - Joust Lowliness - Lumber
Jovial - Juice Lumber-room - Luxuriantly
Juiceless - Justificative Luxuriate - Lyssa
Justifier - Juxtaposition
K M - Mackerel
K - Keep Mackintosh - Magnifier
Keeper - Kill Magnify - Majority
Killing - Kit Make - Malison
Kitchen - Knock Mall - Manhole
Knocker - Kumiss Manhood - Mantis
Mantle - Mare's tail Mustiness - Myxoma
Margarine - Marksmanship
Markswoman - Marsupium N
Mart - Mason-work N - Narrow
Masoolah-boat - Mat Narrow-gauge - Nautilus
Matador - Matron Naval - Nectary
Matronliness - Me Neddy - Neighbouring
Mead - Meddler Neighbourliness - Net
Meddlesome - Meet Nether - Nick
Meeting - Memorable Nickel - Nisi
Memorably - Menthal Nisi prins - Nog
Mention - Meringue Nogging - Noology
Merino - Metabolism Noon - Notation
Metacarpal - Meteor Notch - Noxius
Meteoric - Mezzatint Noxiously - Nutrimental
Miasma - Mightily Nutrition - Nyula
Mightiness - Millet
Mill-horse - Mineralisation O
Mineralise - Minus O - Objective
Minute - Miscellaneous Objectively - Obtrusively
Miscellany - Miserere Obtuse - Octonocular
Misericarde - Mispronunciation Octopetalous - Officer
Mispunctuate - Mistake Official - Omittance
Mistaken - Mnemonic Omnibus - Open-handed
Mnemonics - Modernist Open-handedness - Oppose
Modernly - Molecule Opposer - Orator
Molehill - Money-changer Oratorial - Organ
Moneyed - Monosyllabic Organ-builder - Orthophony
Monosyllable - Mope Ortive - Outdo
Mopish - Mortgagee Outdoor - Ovary
Mortice - Motion Ova - Oversight
Motional - Mourn Oversleep - Ozone
Mourner - Muddiness
Muddle - Mumpish P
Mumps - Muster P - Pack
Package - Painfully Placeless - Plantable
Painfulness - Palladium Plantain - Play
Pall-bearer - Pancratium Play-actor - Plenitude
Panda - Pantaloonery Plenteous - Plum-pudding
Pantatrophy - Par Plunder - Poet-laureate
Para - Paranymph Poetry - Police
Parapet - Parergon Policeman - Polycracy
Paresis - Parricide Polyergic - Pontage
Parrot - Particularism Pontiff - Porcine
Parting - Pass Porcupine - Posit
Passable - Paste Position - Post-mortem
Paste-board - Paternity Post-natal - Pound
Paternoster - Patten Pound - Prairie
Patter - Pay Praise - Prechristian
Pay - Pear Precinct - Predilection
Pea-rifle - Pectoral Predilect - Premeditatedly
Peculate - Peel premeditation - Presence
Peel - Pellet Present - Pretended
Pellicle - Penetration Pretendedly - Prim
Penetrative - Pentameter Primacy - Print
Pentangular - Perceptivity Printer - Probate
Perch - Perfunctoriness Probation - Prodigious
Perfunctory - Permeate Prodigiously - Progeniture
Permeation - Person Progeny - Promissory-note
Personable - Peruvian Promontory - Propinquity
Pervade - Petrine Propitiable - Prosperous
Petrogeny - Pheasant Prosperously - Providentially
Pheasantry - Phonograph Province - Pubes
Phonographer - Physicist Pubescence - Pullet
Physics - Piece Pulley - Pup
Piece-goods - Pilfering Pupa - Purpose
Pilgrim - Pinchingly Purposeful - Put
Pindaric - Pistil Putage - Pyx
Pistillaceous - Place
Q Romance - Rose-vinegar
Q - Quarrel Rose-water - Rout
Quarrel - Quest Rout - Ruddy
Question - Quinquangular Rude - Run
Quinquefoliate - Quotient Runaway - Ryot

R - Race S - Sack
Race - Ragged Sack - Sail
Raggedness - Rampart Sailable - Salubriousness
Rampick - Rarefy Salutary - Sanguify
Rarely - Rave Sanguinarily - Saturnalian
Ravel - Readymade Saturnine - Scandalise
Ready-money - Reast Scandal-monger - Schismatic
Reasty - Reciprocally Scholar - Scoriae
Reciprocate - Reconcilement Scorn - Screw-propeller
Reconciliatory - Recuperation screw-steamer - Scurf
Recuperative - Reduce Scurfy - Sea-monster
Reducible - Reflectible Seamster - Secondly
Reflecting - Regal Second-rate - Seed
Regal - Regular Seed-corn - Self-sufficient
Regularity - Relent Self-will - Sensitive plant
Relenting - Remind Sensorial - Serge
Reminder - Rent-roll Sergeant - Settle
Renunciation - Repository Settle - Shako
Repossess - Reputedly Shakily - Shedding
Request - Resolve sheen - Shin
Resolved - Resultant Shin - Shook
Resumable - Return Shoot - Shrewish
Returnable - Revolt Shriek - Sidearms
Revolting - Ricketiness Sideboard - Silky
Rickety - Rind Sill - Singular
Rinderpest - Roam Singularity - Sketch
Roamer - Roman Catholic Sketchable - Slanderer
Slanderous - Sleight Synod - Systole
Sleight-of-hand - Slow-worm
Sludge - Smirch T
Smirk - Sneakiness T - Tackling
Sneer - Soar Tact - Tamarisk
Sob - Solely Tambour - Tarnish
Solemn - Somnolently Tarpaulin - Tea
Somnolescent - Souled Teach - Teleologic
Soulful - Spare Teleology - Tend
Sparing - Spectacle Tend - Ternate
Spectacled - Spidery Terra - Text
Spigot - Splint Text-book - Theoretic
Splinter - Sprawl Theoretically - Thin
Spray - Squanderer Thine - Thousand
Squanderingly - Stagnation Thousandfold - Throng
Staid - Stand-point Throstle - Thunderer
Standstill - Statics Thundering - Tie
Station - Steep Tier - Timeless
Steepen - Steward Timelessly - Titan
Stewardship - Stock Titan - Toilsomely
Stock - Store Toilsomeness - Too-too
Storehouse - Stranger Top - Tossing
Strangle - Strike Toss-up - Town-erier
Striker - Stubbornness Townhall - Tragic-comedy
Stubby - Style Trail - Transfuser
Stylet - Subscribe Transfusible - Transporting
Subscriber - Succumb Transposable - Treasure-chest
Such - Sullen Treasure-house - Trialism
Sullenly - Superadd Triangle - Trinitarianism
Superannuate - Support Trinity - Troop
Supportable - Surround Trooper - Trumpery
Surrounding - Swath Trumpet - Tuberculosis
Swathe - Swing Tuberous - Turf
Swinging - Synecdoche Turfy - Turtle-dove
Turtle-shell - Twitch Wall-paper - Warp
Twitter - Tzarina Warped - Watch
Watchcase - Waterproofing
U Water-ram - Wean
U - Ulna Weapon - Weedy
Ulster - Unavoidableness Week - Well-known
Unavoidably - Unclasp Well-mannered - Whatnot
Unclassable - Under Whatsoever - Whiff
Underbid - Undistinguished Whig - White-bear
Undisturbed - Unfit White-faced - Wicket
Unfitness - Uninflammable Wide - Wimple
Uninformed - Unmanliness Win - Winking
Unmanly - Unqualified Winner - Withdraw
Unquenchable - Unsheathe Withdrawal - Wonder
Unsheltered - Untried Wonderful - Word
Untrimmed - Upper Wordbook - Worldling
Upper - Utility Worldly - Wrangle
Utmost - Uxoriousness Wrangler - Writing-book
Writing-desk - Wyvern
V - Valiantness X
Valid - Variant X - Xyster
Variation - Vehemently
Vehicle - Ventilate Y
Ventilation - Verminous Y - Yak
Vermivorous - Vicarious Yam - Yet
Vice - Vint Yew - Yuletide
Vintage - Vital
Vitalisation - Voluntary Z
Voluntaryism - Vying Z - zenith
Zealite - Zymotic
Wag - Wallow

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