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ACP01 Translation Exam

Beginner Latin:

It was a great yet notorious house: for it could carry sounds heard through the silent
night. In time, there appeared the apparition of an elderly man bound at the hands.
Those who lived in this house spent the nights trembling from the fear they had. They
never slept—death trailed. Soon the house was deserted, no one wished to buy it. But
then, the philosopher Athenodorus arrived and bought himself the house. Although he
knew of the apparition, he gave over his riches. When it was night, he ordered slaves to
stay in the first part of the house. Then there was a great sound. When Athenodorus
raised his eyes, he saw the ghost, as was told. Nevertheless, the philosopher was by no
means alarmed. He finally rose from bed and proceeded to lead the spirit into the
garden, where the apparition dissolved. The next day the slaves of Athenodorus
excavated the garden. There, they found the bones of a dead man in chains; this they
buried in a tomb and never thereafter was the apparition seen.

Beginner Italian

Translation: 6. Raffaello - ​The School of Athens

The Fresco, ​The School of Athens​, represents the rational search for truth that, in those
years of the opening to antique knowledge, interpenetrated with the truth of Christianity.
Within the bombastic and classically influenced architecture, the philosophers and wise
men of antiquity are shown dominated, in the center of the scene, by the figure of Plato,
who gestures with his hand to the sky, and Aristotle with his right hand stretched out
toward the earth. The gestures of both, like of the other learned and erudite, are
revelatory of their works and of their thought and it is notable that Raffaello depicted the
figures in groups, showing the intent to debate on questions of the philosophical order.
In the robes of the sages of antiquity are depicted some contemporary figures. If in the
figure of Plato himself one is thought to recognize Leonardo da Vinci, to the extreme
right one can identify the portrait of Bramante, and the self-portrait of Raffaello; in the
figure of Heraclitus, on the other hand, seated and leaning with the left elbow on the first
step of the steps, a figure who was added in a second moment, Raffaello depicted
Michelangelo, who, at this same time, had revealed half of the vault of the Sistine
Chapel, which was commissioned by Pope Julius II.

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