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Teenage experimenting- prequel scene, buckets-Adam Barnard

Nah screw that, no way I'm inhaling that shit.

Fine then suit yourself.

Wait hold on a sec.

What now?

What if you don’t come out of it

Mate shush every drug has a come down it's all in your head stop stressing.

Well, you have seen what YouTube Sais

All It said was its fucking awesome

Fine then but I'm not responsible for you

You're actually the biggest buzz kill

I think it's called being smart. Not sub missing too stupid older kids saying this is what you need to
take to be cool. When are you going to learn. This is going to kill you one day. But what do I know,
I'm not the one addicted to 3 type A class drugs that will all in all end up with you being found with
possession and get you locked up in jail, but it's not my decision is it, only you know what is the right
thing to do, it's your decision it has to be.

Pahahahahahhahahahahahhahaha. You actually sound like some next Greta Thunberg man, you
need to chill the fuck out, it's just like weed just a different name and with enough hallucigenic
strength to make you relive a whole conscious life while only physically lasting 30 minutes in this
physical body. What not to love I'm going to experience things people could only dream of. I don’t
see the issue man

Anything named anything with 3letter especially the word DMT sounds fucking sketch mate
including the fact you're going to be tripping worse the crackhead Kane. Wouldn’t be surprised if I
see you in stirring green alley with him couple years down the line.

Right, you're pissing me off now

Just looking out for you man

Shut up and pass the lighter.

Follows on to the next scene doctor.

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