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Exemplification Essay

The Role of Modern Technology

Technology is no problem. It is just the way you use it. In Are you a child, if so,
you should be on your device for no more than 2 hours. And if you have access to your
device at bedroom before you sleep that is even worse. Scientists have proven that you
lose more brain cells when you play on your electronic before you sleep than when you
play in the morning or afternoon. If you are an age between 8-12 your average should be
no more than 6 hours. If you spend more time on electronics than you, should you be too
dependent on technology. This is bad because you will be forgetting things you have
learned in the past which would be useful when you grow up. In conclusion, it would be
better in people don’t use too much technology for their entertainment because it could
make you lose brain cells which makes you lose intelligences.

I believe people are too dependent on technology. I think life would be way harder
if there is no technology. This is because there would be no transportation unless you
walk, no communication unless you live near each other and are not lazy enough to walk
there, there would be no shelter unless you make your own with wood, and no stove to
cook on and you would have to just make fire with wood and sticks...etc. Secondly, I
think this because they use it in their everyday life so much that they got so used to it,
that they need it for such simple things. Such as, simple addition in Math class, and some
people are so lazy when they need to walk to school, they want to get a ride because “you
get there faster”. And online shopping when they have a local store right in front of their
house. Which makes you lose more money than if you were to go there because there is
shipping cost too.

I would say that people use way more technology than they should. I think this
because people use it for simple questions. Simple addition you should know by Grade 2
(53), and they use it for learning how to cook when there is something called a cookbook
when they could just read, and it tells you all about cooking. Basically, I believe that
technology should only be used for certain tasks.

You may be wondering “everyone can buy technology”. And this is how this could
be debatable. Because there are people who use technology in their everyday life. And
people who don’t even have any type of technology because they can’t even afford it.
Such as, single parents, university students, homeless people and it they do have a cell
phone, they may not have access to a laptop or tablet. Have you ever tried typing a paper
on a cell phone.

Now I will be sharing more information on why I think people are too dependent
on technology. People are way too dependent on technology because they use it in their
everyday life so much that they got so used to it they need for such simple things like I
said before. Also, they don’t realize how capable themselves are. And once new device
or electronics comes out everyone knows about it and needs to buy it so badly. Just like
the iPhone 8, almost every person that is a technology “fan” has one. And if it is
something educational or something that is not relatable to any source of technology, and
it is not as known or as popular as an electronic. And I have heard people tell me things
such as, when people are like a meter away from each other they call, facetime, message,
or audio call someone. And if you think people use a lot of technology, think about the
future. Instead of walking there would be something that teleports you to where you need
to go. But there is also already something that makes you travel without you walking. It
is called a Hoverboard. It allows you to travel by you just standing up and putting weight
on the direction you need/want to go. And if people are whining because the technology
needs to be better think of the people who were born before us. Instead of laptops, and
phones to type you're work they only had typewriters and if you make one mistake you
would have to restart the whole thing over again. In conclusion, people are getting more
lazier as the day/years go on. This is all because the evolution technology has turned into.

In conclusion, In the body of my essay, I have shown examples that prove, some
people are too dependable on technology.
Comparison and Contrast Essay

Cats and Dogs: The Similarities and Differences

There are several similarities that cats and dogs share, but at the same time
they are very different. These two animals are two of the most popular pets today. Some
people prefer the company of a cat, while others are considered dog lovers. Through the
various aspects of each animal, we will look at the similarities and differences each one
holds, and we can get a good insight as to why these animals are so loved.

First, we shall discuss the similarities that these two creatures share. One of the
most obvious similarities between these two animals is that they both have hair. They are
also domesticated animals kept as pets. They require love and affection from their owner
and can show love and affection If you show it towards them. Another thing is that when
you pet them, not only does it relieve stress, but it also gets dog or cat hair everywhere.
They both give birth to multiple offspring at one time, which must be very hard on the
mother. Both animals are easy to love, and with the right affection they become like
children to most.

Aside from the similarities, there are also differences between the two animals. To
begin with cats, who belong to the family of felines. Cats are loners, meaning they can
spend a lot of time alone without getting lonely. They like spending time away from
people. The sounds they make also differ from a dog. Typically, you will hear a “meow”
or a “purr” from a cat. Cat’s do not have ranks that determine their social status. All cats
are basically equal, one doesn’t dominate over another. Another difference is the signals
cats give off. When a cat holds its tail up in the it shows a sign of happiness. Another
difference is that cats are nocturnal, meaning they go out at night. They also have
retractable claws, unlike dogs. Cats seem to be very well-balanced and a lot more flexible
than dogs. Most would say that cats have a higher intelligence than dogs do.

Dogs, on the other hand, are canines. They are a pack of animals, which means you
should spend lots of time with your dog so that it doesn’t get lonely. A dog goes woof,
bark, growl, or howl, complete opposite of a cat. The canine group also has a particular
social status, and how they determine their ranks. The determining factor in dogs is the
tail. In dogs, how high they hold their tail is how they determine ranks. If one dog meets
another dog, and one holds its tail up, it is the one of the higher social classes. Dogs,
however, are day animals. Another obvious difference between dogs and cats is that dogs
are usually bigger than cats. Dogs are also somewhat smarter than cat's around verbal
command. For example, you can call your dog by name and usually it will come to you,
unlike a cat. Also, you can train dogs to do tricks when commanded. Some of the most
seen tricks in dogs are roll over, fetch, shake hands, sit down, lay down, and play dead.

As one can tell there are various similarities and differences that dogs and cats hold
to each other. This compare and contrast between the two animals can be perceived in
different ways. Some may think more highly of cats due to their intelligence, while others
will choose a dog any day because of their companionship. It primarily relies on the
personality of the person.
Cause and Effect Essay

Effects of Video Game Addiction

Video game addition is a serious problem in many parts of the world today and
deserves more attention. It is no secret that children and adults in many countries
throughout the world, including Japan, China, and the United States, play video games
every day. Most players are able to limit their usage in ways that do not interfere with
their daily lives, but many others have developed an addiction to playing video games
and suffer detrimental effects.
An addiction can be described in several ways, but addictions involve unhealthy
attractions to substances or activities that ultimately disrupt the ability of a person to
keep up with regular daily responsibilities. Video game addiction typically involves
playing games uncontrollably for many hours at a time—some people will play only
four hours at a time while others cannot stop for over twenty-four hours. Regardless of
the severity of the addiction, many of the same effects will be experienced by all.
One common effect of video game addiction is isolation and withdrawal from
social experiences. Video game players often hide in their homes or in Internet cafés
for days at a time—only re-emerging for the most pressing tasks and necessities. The
effect of this isolation can lead to a breakdown of communication skills and often a
loss in socialization. While it is true that many games, especially massive multiplayer
online games, involve a very real form of e-based communication and coordination
with others, and these virtual interactions often result in real communities that can be
healthy for the players, these communities and forms of communication rarely
translate to the types of valuable social interaction that humans need to maintain
typical social functioning. As a result, the social networking in these online games
often gives the users the impression that they are interacting socially, while their true
social lives and personal relations may suffer.
Another unfortunate product of the isolation that often accompanies video game
addiction is the disruption of the user’s career. While many players manage to enjoy
video games and still hold their jobs without problems, others experience challenges
at their workplace. Some may only experience warnings or demerits as a result of
poorer performance, or others may end up losing their jobs altogether. Playing video
games for extended periods of time often involves sleep deprivation, and this tends to
carry over to the workplace, reducing production and causing habitual tardiness.
Video game addiction may result in a decline in overall health and hygiene.
Players who interact with video games for such significant amounts of time can go an
entire day without eating and even longer without basic hygiene tasks, such as using
the restroom or bathing. The effects of this behaviour pose significant danger to their
overall health.
The causes of video game addiction are complex and can vary greatly, but the
effects have the potential to be severe. Playing video games can and should be a fun
activity for all to enjoy. But just like everything else, the amount of time one spends
playing video games needs to be balanced with personal and social responsibilities.
Classification and Division Essay

Florida’s Trapped Tourists

Florida is the nation's virtual melting pot for many reasons. One of the biggest
reasons is that the state is awash in tourist attractions. The Sunshine State's variety of
attractions often makes it easy for those who live there to identify and classify the
tourists. South Florida's natural attractions hint of adventure; Orlando's theme parks lure
families and newlyweds; West Palm Beach promises a snobby, luxurious lifestyle; and
Key West offers hedonistic escapades.

One classification of Florida tourists is the tropical adventurer, easily

distinguishable by an ever-present camera or video recorder. Although even Floridians
occasionally take pictures, cameras provide one clue that someone is a visitor to the state.
For example, a man wearing a pith helmet, a fifty-pocket photo vest, Banana Republic
shorts, and L.L. Bean super-duty sandals while taking pictures of children looking
miserably cute in the glaring sun could be a Floridian; however, if the guy in the pseudo-
adventurer garb is telling the children to move closer together so he can include a palm
tree, airboat, stuffed alligator, or bikini-clad bimbo, he is a tourist. This man falls into the
tropical adventurer category because he is not trying to capture a special moment in his
children’s lives, but endeavouring to record a particular object that proves to friends and
family that he has indeed led his brood upon a Sunshine State safari. It is always the
background that this type is focused on, the proof of tropical adventure.

Another type of easily identified tourists includes those drawn like lemmings to the
magical, mystical, or confined-animal theme parks. These people may include families or
handholding, smooching newlyweds. They are all under the impression that a park such
as Rodent World is the perfect fun or romantic getaway. These tourists obviously find it
fun and romantic to stand in long lines among rude teenagers and whiny toddlers who are
constantly being chastised by grumpy, overweight, under-dressed, sweaty parents -- all
suffering from the heat and habitual humidity or the punctual afternoon thunderstorms.

When the storms do strike, a bizarre scenario unfolds: The individual tourists are
transformed into a giant pulsating entity composed of a zillion bright yellow plastic
ponchos bearing a portrait of "the Rodent." Battalions of these tourists, all clad in these
fourteen-dollar-bright-yellow slickers are a true testament of the Rodent's mass-
marketing magic. If it isn't raining, this variety of tourist is distinguishable by goofy-
looking hats and T-shirts bearing the likenesses of various princesses, ducks, mice, dogs,
chipmunks, or various other “cutesified” critters.

The Palm Beach set also stands out as a distinct variation of tourists. Often, these
are successful businessmen (or their sons) and their wives, all of whom showcase deep
tans from leisurely or sporting activities. They often wear expensive, name-brand resort
clothes, or nautical-motif attire. The women can be identified by "name-dropping"
shopping bags, enormous sunglasses, strange hats, and expensive sandals on perfectly
pedicured feet. The men are usually found on the golf course or in the country club
lounge, where they brag of luxury cars, sailboats, stock market prowess, or deep-sea
fishing conquests. Because some of these people spend many months in the state, they
have even convinced themselves that they are true "Floridians," not tourists.
Daytona Beach also adds to Florida's melting-pot of tourism, but Daytona visitors
arrive by season: In February and July, it's auto-racing fans; in March and April, it's
college students on spring break; and in the fall, it's Speed Week bikers. However, if a
member of one group tends to stray into another group's season, it's still easy to sort out
who's who. Auto racing fans wear shirts with giant numbers that barely cover giant
bellies; the college kids don't wear shirts at all; and the bikers are the totally nude,
tattooed dudes (and “dudettes”) spraying one another down in the car washes.

The final group of tourists is far more difficult to spot because it is easy to blend
into the locale: Key West. There are few places, for example, where a large man can slip
into a small, tight-fitting, zebra-striped dress; plant a cheap, blond wig on his head; toss
on a pair of spiked heels; and fit right in with the crowd.

Although the Key West carnival atmosphere can make tourists more difficult to
spot, they are not completely invisible. Pale skin, fiery red skin, or peeling skin are clues.
So are new Hawaiian shirts, designer swimsuits, and the stench of Coppertone. So too are
the stunned looks at restaurants when visitors learn that the glass of water, they requested
costs more than the rumladen planter's punch. By happy hour, however, all differences
tend to dissolve in Margaritaville as everything becomes a tropical blur, and all are
totally uncaring of who is native and who is tourist.

Of course, all of this is not to say that Floridians begrudge tourists their "traps"
because the "natives" often visit them, too. In fact, many Floridians visit theme parks, the
Palm Beaches, Daytona, or Key West because they enjoy watching tourists. The tourists
who flock to Florida attractions become Florida attractions themselves.
Analogy Essay

Should We Pay?
Many issues have been plaguing the sports world recently, especially the question of
paying college athletes. Are athletics so important that colleges need to put out millions of
dollars per year just to pay for students to play for them? Paying college athletes is like throwing
a lit match into a haystack: once the fire is started, it just keeps burning, making a bad situation

There are several differences between the haystack and paying athletes. To start,
throwing a needle in a haystack is a totally negative concept; everything will burn.
However, with paying college athletes, some people can find reasons why this could be a
positive thing. For instance, some believe paying athletes will bring more competition to the
table and make some colleges much more prestigious than others. Others say this will bring in
more money and more revenue. A second difference is the end of the situation. At the end of the
fire, there is smoke, and it will eventually put itself out. However, this is an issue that cannot
extinguish itself. No matter what the verdict, someone is going to be unhappy, and the "fire" will
keep burning.

Despite these differences there are many similarities between the two. One similarity is
the haystack going up in flames and the whole educational system going up. If we pay our
college athletes, the focus will be more on the money than on learning.
College is supposed to prepare a student for life's work through learning, not be life's
work. College sports will also become more like professional sports- all about the money and
less about the love of the sport. Related to this is the issue of scholarships. Are scholarships not
enough pay for the student? And who decides how much money each player receives? Will it
depend on how good the player is, what sport they play, what position they are?

Another similarity has to deal with going up in flames. By throwing one little lit match
into that haystack, the whole thing goes up. Just by paying college athletes many other issues
arise. Yes, paying athletes may bring in more revenue, but how much of that will actually go
back to the college or institution? Another issue that comes up is the fairness to other students.
Young athletes already receive many things that non- athletes do not. Not only do they have the
opportunity to travel and stay overnight in the best hotels, but they also get special treatments
away from the sport. Some athletes may receive special attention from certain professors or even
people throughout the town in which the college is located.

A third similarity between the burning haystack and paying athletes is the rate at which
things will "burn". The haystack will burn fast, leaving nothing behind, and getting bigger and
bigger as it goes. The same goes for this issue. Everyone wants to voice their own opinion about
it, snowballing into a bigger and bigger issue. People will quickly become angry and quick to
defend their side.

Paying college athletes is like throwing a lit match into a haystack: the educational
system and other issues go up in flames and they will occur very quickly. I believe there are
more problems with this idea than there are good things about it. I find nothing about it to be
worth spending millions of dollars to pay students to play a game. They need to be worrying
more about their studies. This issue will be burning for a long time.
Definition Essay

Definition of Health
By: Johanes Helmold

The word “health” seems to be straightforward. However, each word has a history and
nuances in definition, and the word “health” is no exception. Health can be spoken about in
terms of biology, wellbeing, and personal satisfaction. In the following paragraphs, we will
explore the etymology of the word “health” and how the word relates to various disciplines.
There are two theories of the progression of this word. Firstly, it is thought that “health”
as a term derives from the Proto-Germanic word “haliþaz,” man or hero. Later, with Old
English, the word transformed into “hæleþ,” with the meaning of man, hero, or fighter. Finally,
in Middle English, the word became “haleth,” which has the same definition as in Old English.
According to another form of etymology for “health,” the word came from the Proto-Germanic
term “haliaz,” which is defined as whole or hale. This transferred to the West Proto-Germanic
language as “hailiþō,” “hǣlþ” in Old English, and “healthe” in Middle English—all with the
same meaning. According to the first theory, “health” is “Cognate with West Frisian held
(“hero”), Dutch held (“hero”), German Held (“hero”), Danish helt (“hero”), Swedish hjälte
(“hero”), Norwegian hold (“hero”) (Wiktionary). As you can see, the progression of the word
“health” is a bit muddled, and not exactly linear in meaning.
However, in modern English, it is understood to be a mass noun referring to “The
state of being free from illness or injury,” figuratively as “A person’s mental or physical
condition,” and as a saying, with it being “Used to express friendly feelings towards one’s
companions before drinking” (Oxford Dictionaries). This is far from the definitions and the
contexts it was used in some of etymological theories of its Proto-Germanic, Old English, and
Middle English origins.
Though these are standard definitions of “health,” the word also correlates to many
disciples. For instance, The World Health Organization in 1948 proposed that health relates to
“physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity”
(World Health Organization). However, later the Organization revised its definition as, “The
extent to which an individual or group is able to realize aspirations and satisfy needs and to
change or cope with the environment. Health is a resource for everyday life, not the objective of
living; it is a positive concept, emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical
capacities” (WHO Regional Office for Europe). It is easily noticed that this pivotal Organization
changed its definition to a more holistic statement as time went on.
In relation to psychology, which focuses more on mental health (which also interacts
with our physical system), the word “health” is prominent. According to Psych Central, “Mental
health and wellness is the state at which one feels, thinks, and behaves. Mental health can be
viewed on a continuum, starting with an individual who is mentally well and free of any
impairment in his or her daily life, while someone else might have mild concerns and distress,
and another might have a severe mental illness. Mental health is just as vital as physical health”
(Psych Central). As you might have noticed, mental health is not so black and white. It is
difficult to determine the exact sanity or insanity of a person; however, we can generalize about
how a person stands in terms of mental health.
“Health” is a fairly old word, deriving from the Proto-Germanic language, which
continued on in Old English and in Middle English. There are two versions of its etymology, but
at present there is usually one generalized definition of the word by the World Health
Organization. Health encompasses physical, psychological, and social wellbeing.
Descriptive Essay

Kpop is an abbreviation for Korean popular music. It is most commonly known as
K-pop, which is popular music from South Korea. K-pop music in the country is
comparable to Taylor Swift in the United States. K-pop, K pop, K pop, and KPOP are all
common abbreviations for Korean pop. Kpop consist of kpop idols/groups,
dances/choreographies, and musics.

K-pop idols are musicians and ensembles that have been created by a variety of
entertainment businesses with the aim of appealing to younger audiences. A group of
individuals who are all extremely skilled in at least one of the following—singing,
rapping, and dancing—come together to form the music groups. Such as: BTS,
Blackpink, Redvelvet, Enhypen, Lesserafim, and many more.

Most K-pop choreographies concentrate on forceful, coordinated motions with

performers changing places repeatedly during a dance.The motions are also intended to
be monotonous and visually appealing, fitting the theme of each song. For example,
Blackpink’s “Ddu-Du-Ddu-Du”, PSY’s “Gangnam Style”, Twice’s “What is Love?” and
Treasure’s “Darari” all of the songs had choreography that made them stand out. Apart
from that, the eye-catching clothes worn by groups or singers in concerts and music
videos are equally essential.

The songs, which originated in South Korea, are inspired by traditional Korean
music, and the lyrics are largely in Korean with a touch of English. On top of its
traditional Korean music origins, it incorporates forms and genres from across the world,
including as pop, hip hop, R&B, rock, jazz, gospel, reggae, electronic dance, folk,
country, disco, and classical. That’s why Kpop music is unique on its own way, and it has
it’s own quality and uniqueness that makes it so popular around the world.

K-pop, or Korean pop music, has recently become extremely popular all over the
world. It is a musical style that has grown incredibly popular all over the world and was
invented in South Korea. K-pop is renowned for its entrancing music videos, coordinated
dance routines, and catchy melodies. The focus on ensemble performances is one of K-
distinctive pop's characteristics. The majority of K-pop groups include many members,
each with unique skills and functions within the group. Even how many years have
passed kpop will always dominate and will always be famous around the globe.
Process Essay

Fudge Brownie Mix

One of my favorite sweets is a brownie; they are rich in chocolate and

wonderful. I believe that chocolate lovers will be content with a tasty brownie
before or after a meal. Along with being sold in a variety of shops and eateries,
brownies are very simple to create at home. The procedure is very easy for
everyone; there are only 3 simple steps to making a brownie using fudge brownie
mix. The 3 steps are just: Preheat, stir, and bake.
We will need to gather the required supplies and equipment before we start.
One bowl, one spatula, and one baking pan are all that are required. The only
ingredients required are the brownie mix, butter to grease the baking pan, 110 mL
(1/3 cup and 2 tbsp) of oil, and 45 mL (3 tbsp) of water.
First, preheat the oven to 180°C. While we wait for the oven to preheat,
grease the baking pan.
The next step is to thoroughly combine the brownie mix, water, oil, and eggs
in a bowl. Once the brownie batter has reached the desired consistency, pour and
spread it into the baking pan that has been butter-greased.
The final step is to bake it for 28 to 30 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted
about 5 cm from the pan's edge almost comes out clean. You'll also get your
scrumptious brownies. When removing the baking pan from the oven, you must
exercise caution and wear gloves or other protective gear to avoid getting burned.
The brownies are finally finished at this stage, making it the most crucial step
overall. Additionally, the warnings are for your safety, so you won't get hurt.
Narration Essay

Overcoming my Problems and Depression

Throughout my life, I have met several difficulties. Problems are the hardest to
overcome. Experiencing troubles can lead to mental health issues, depression, or even
death. Yet, thankfully, I was able to overcome it and move on to a new and healthy life. I
overcame those challenges by opening up to my mommy and bonding with her, reading
books which helps me a lot when it comes to soothing myself, and last but not least,
listening to and watching kpop, which helps me momentarily forget my problems.
Opening up and bonding with my mother causes me to experience various feelings,
such as fear and happiness. I open out to my mother when I feel like I'm drowning
because she controls every move I take and always decides what I should be when I grow
up. Following that, I felt like the weight on my shoulders was lifted as I opened up, and
I'm glad we were able to spend some time together, even if it was just for a short while.
Reading books helps me a lot to overcome the stress that I've been feeling
throughout that time when my mother is academically pressing me, she keeps demanding
that I need to be above all of my classmates while also maintaining my grades even
though I can barely keep up in class. I noticed myself being peaceful and at ease with the
help of books when I was reading them.
One of my coping mechanisms for overcoming depression is to watch and listen to
Kpop. It was during the pandemic that all of my troubles came together, such as the
necessity to relocate to a new house due to private circumstances, the death of my
grandmother on my mother's side, and my mother having a difficult time alone overseas.
With the assistance of kpop, I've had to forget all of my difficulties for the time being
while watching or listening to kpop, and at the same time I attach myself to all of my
kpop idols who always offer encouragement and emotional support.
The most important details in this text are the ways that the speaker has overcome
difficulties in their life, such as opening up to my mother and bonding with her, reading
books, and listening to and watching kpop. Opening up and bonding with my mother
causes me to experience various feelings, such as fear and happiness, and reading books
helps me to feel peaceful and at ease. Kpop helps me to cope my problems and attach
myself to my kpop idols, who offer encouragement and emotional support. During the
pandemic, all problems coincided, such as the necessity to relocate to a new house due to
private circumstances, the death of my grandmother on my mother's side, and my mother
having a difficult time alone overseas. With the assistance of kpop, I have been able to
forget all of my problems and stress and move on to a new and healthy life.

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