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Q1. What do you mean by the term “Business Ethics”? Explain and discuss evolving ethical values.
Q2. Write brief notes on the following
a) Arguments against business ethics
b) Importance of ethics in business
Q3. Critically examine the relevance of Indian Ethos in the current global business environment.
Q4.What is Work-Life Balance? Give some guidelines to improve work-life balance.
Q5. What do you understand by the term ‘Corporate Governance’ or ‘Corporate Excellence’? What are
the characteristic features of good corporate governance?
Q6.What is TQM? Discuss the tools which are helpful in TQM.
Q7. Gandhiji advocated for the concept of “Trusteeship”. Explain the meaning and relevance of
trusteeship in social welfare.
Q8. Explain Gandhiji’s Greatest Social Sins. Discuss their relevance in the changed social environment.
Q9. Define the term “Corporate Social Responsibility”. Discuss social responsibilities of business with
respect to different stakeholders.
Q10.Write a note on the following:
a) Arguments against CSR
b) Social Audit
Q11. Write brief notes on “Business ethics and its widespread absence”.
Q12. How Indian ethos could improve work culture in organization?
Q13. “TQM is the need of modern competitive industrial organizations”. Examine the statement.
Q14. “CSR is about the organizations obligations to all stakeholders and not just
Q15. What do you mean by value? Also explain the values for managers.

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