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Spring 2023

PS II practicum offers a focus on unit planning and allows for the development of competence in the areas of
planning & preparation, instruction, classroom leadership & management, and assessment. PS III is a five-
course equivalent integrated semester including half-time teaching and professional study in curriculum design,
leadership, advanced methods, and reflective practice. In this PS II/III final practicum experience, Intern
Teachers are assigned full time to schools for the semester during which they assume responsibility for
approximately one-half of the teaching day. PS III professional study is designed to complement and enhance
the internship. The professional study components may occur on or off-campus and are coordinated by the
University Consultants in collaboration with Intern Teachers and school personnel.

This final report is a summation of the PSII/III final practicum experience. The information reflects the student’s
growth and progress that demonstrates they have met the learning outcomes, expectations and responsibilities
identified for both Professional Semester II and Professional Semester III which are aligned with the
Alberta Teaching Quality Standards.

Intern Teacher: Shelby Job

Course Title: Education 4571: Elementary Education

School: St. Catherine School

Grade Level(s): 4,5

Teacher Mentor: Lisa Constant

Administrator: Dan Vanden Dungen

University Consultant: Laurie Reeder

Dates of Internship:
January 9, 2023 - April 21, 2023


Final Conference Date: X Date: 20/04/2023

Review the Portfolio: X

Review the Professional Inquiry Project X

U of L: PS II/III Final Report: (Revised: November 2022)

DocuSign Envelope ID: 77919621-2D5C-4889-AB65-81018854F8AF

University Consultant Comments:

Shelly Job completed her PS11/111 practicum at St. Catherine’s School, where she was primarily assigned to
grade 4 but also taught grade 4/5 grammar and 5/6 gym. She did teach full time towards the end of her
practicum and was able to experience a full-time teacher’s workload. I was Shelby's University Consultant
and observed her teaching at least 5 times. Shelby took on 50% of the teaching time from the beginning of
the practicum and planned for Science, PE, Social, Grammar, Music and Art.

All Interns were required to participate in a series of seminars, presentations, and assignments at regular
intervals. The assignments included a Professional Portfolio, Professional Growth Plan, Professional Inquiry
Project, a presentation to peers on a current topic of interest and a Final Descriptive Report. Shelby
completed all assignments was a valuable member of our cohort. She always reflected on lessons and overall
practice, during discussions with her Teacher Mentor and Admin as well as during discussions after my
observations. She always participated in discussions during seminars and kept an open and regular
communication with her teacher mentor as well as with myself.

Shelby developed long range, unit and lesson plans that were thorough and exceptionally well done. She
plans exciting, student-centered lessons that effectively address learning objectives and allow for diverse
needs in the classroom. Each lesson has a clear beginning, middle and end, as well as a plan for
assessment. She is well prepared for lessons and uses a wide variety of hands on and attention grabbing
activities. These included building activities, models, visuals, group work and whole class discussion. Shelby
will go the extra mile to make sure all of her students feel included. She made Ukrainian pancakes to
compliment learning about Ukrainian culture and shared them with her classroom. The Ukrainian students
were very impressed! Shelby always made sure her lessons included several techniques for addressing
diverse learning needs. She found excellent resources and often created her own resources and ideas.
Shelby used a variety of formative and summative assessment.

I was able to observe one of Shelby's FNMI lessons on Inuit games in the gym. She had created stations
around the gym for groups of students to rotate through. Even though she previously taught her students how
to play each game, she posted pictures and rules at each station so students could refer to them. The
students loved this unit and were all participating and on task playing the games. Shelby attended PD on
Blackfoot with her school division as well as hearing a Blackfoot speaker at one of our seminars on Blackfoot
knowledge and culture.

I have read the complete Final Report and certify that the assigned grade is Pass

University Consultant Signature Date

U of L: PS II/II Final Report: (Revised: November 2022)

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University Consultant comments (Page 2 continued):

Shelby has a calm demeanor which can contribute to effective classroom management. She is
approachable and learned that positive interactions with students can create relationships that promote
respect for all involved. In turn, this creates a positive classroom environment. Shelby was able to deal with
challenging behaviors quickly and effectively and has a wide variety of techniques to address unique
personalities. She formed excellent relationships with students.

Shelby is very professional and formed relationships outside the classroom. She was a valuable staff
member who contributed to extra curricular activities and volunteered where ever she was needed. She
collaborated with colleagues regarding interventions for students. Shelby accepted feedback and was
always looking for ways to improve her teaching.

Shelby is hard working, reliable, friendly and professional. I'm impressed by what she has accomplished
during this practicum and how she was always prepared for teaching with a variety of learning activities.
She has all the qualities of an effective teacher and she will be a huge asset to any group of students in any
school division.

I have read the complete Final Report and certify that the assigned grade is Pass

University Consultant Signature Date

U of L: PS II/III Final Report: (Revised: November 2022)

DocuSign Envelope ID: 77919621-2D5C-4889-AB65-81018854F8AF

Intern Teacher’s Descriptive Report:

My PS II/III has been a challenging, rewarding and wonderful experience! I have grown exponentially as a
teacher and have gained valuable skills to carry into my future career. The welcoming and supportive staff and
environment at St. Catherines fostered my growth while also setting an example for the kind community I would
like to someday help create within the schools I teach in. The diverse group of students I taught will always
hold a special place in my heart for their role in my journey in becoming an educator.
For the 12-week length of my internship I taught grade 4 Science and Social, grade 4/5 Grammar, Gym, Art
and Music, as well as grade 5/6 Gym twice a week. About half way through I started a novel study and for two
weeks I taught full time adding on ELA, Math and Genius Hour. This wide variety of subjects and grades
allowed to gain so much experience throughout the internship, which I am grateful for. Adding to the complexity
of this teaching assignment, the grade 4s were learning grade 3 curriculum for Science and Social. This meant
that through the internship I had the opportunity to teach outcomes from grades 3,4 and 5 and the ages of
grades 4,5 and 6. At the beginning of the internship this was overwhelming but I feel it has prepared me well to
thrive in future teaching positions. I am also appreciative of the challenge of teaching subjects that were out of
my comfort zone and expertise. Music and Art were particularly challenging for me but I now feel more
confident in these subjects.
One of the goals in my professional growth plan was to create engaging and meaningful learning activities
across all subjects. Throughout my internship I worked hard to make lessons that were both interesting and
relevant for students. In our hearing and sound unit in Science students engaged in a diverse set of learning
activities that helped create an engaging learning experience. Some of our activities/assessments included
building our guitars, acting out a skit of the human hearing process, and building models of human ears with
clay. Throughout my internship I had the opportunity to explore with different assessments and learn what
worked best for my students and me as a teacher. I become more proficient at assessing students formatively
through conversations, exit slips, class discussions and assignments and used this information to guide my
instruction. I also utilized a variety of summative assessments that provided opportunities for student’s diverse
strengths to shine through including quizzes, visuals, hands on activities, written assignments and a planned
interview. I utilized cross curricular opportunities between Science and Music by exploring the pitches and
ways that instruments make sound. In the Science building unit, with a variety of material and testing designs,
students were put into ‘construction crews’ for all of the building projects which helped foster teamwork skills
and simulate the roles that different crew members would have in real life. Making Social Studies engaging and
relevant was a bit more challenging but I am very proud of the growth I made in this area throughout the
internship. We are very fortunate to have two grade 5 Ukrainian refugees in our class. I interviewed these
students about their culture and all their favourite traditions from Ukraine in the weeks before teaching the
grade 4’s about Ukrainian traditions and celebrations. I used the information to teach the grade 4’s about
Ukrainian culture. This provided an authentic and meaningful learning experience for the grade 4’s. They were
so engaged and loved learning about their classmates. The summative assessment at the end of the unit
involved students choosing which of the four countries they would most like to travel to and making a travel
poster. Part of what they needed to include was why they chose that country. Most of students chose the
Ukraine because


Intern Teacher Signature Date

U of L: PS II/III Final Report: (Revised: November 2022)

DocuSign Envelope ID: 77919621-2D5C-4889-AB65-81018854F8AF

Intern Teacher’s Descriptive Report (Page 2 continued):

they wanted to learn more about where their classmates came from which was a heartwarming sentiment.
The process of interviewing the Ukrainian students helped me build a stronger relationship with them and
learn so much more about them. It was absolutely beautiful to witness them light up when they talked about
home. To wrap up the unit the grade 4’s and I surprised them with Syrniki (Ukrainian pancakes) which was
both of their favourite food from home. We ate them together as a class; the memory of the students sharing
and experiencing each others cultures is something I will cherish moving into my teaching career.
Integrating FNMI knowledge and culture into education is on of the most important and meaningful
competencies for teachers today and something I feel I did very well throughout my internship. In gym I
created a unit of traditional Inuit games. Along with the games themselves students learned the important
survival skill the games practised for traditional Inuit life as well as the cultural significance of them. We
celebrated the end of the unit with an “Arctic Winter Games” competition.
One of the greatest areas of growth in my internship was learning how to effectively support EAL students.
St. Catherines is nearly 40% Spanish as first language students. In my classes I had both Spanish and
Ukrainian/Russian EAL students. Throughout the internship I became proficient at using google translate to
provide instructions, help sheets and assignments in their own languages. I became familiar with many EAL
resources and tier one strategies that benefit all students but are essentially for the success of EAL students
such as visual and explicitly teaching vocabulary. It became apparent to me however, that supporting the
learning needs of EAL students is not always enough to ensure their success; one of the highlights of my
internship was creating a presentation on how to support the emotional and social wellbeing of EAL students.

Some of the biggest takeaways from PS II/III internship is the importance of meeting students where they
are at and being able to adapt to the needs of students and circumstances of each day. I learned that it is
important to start each day with great plans but equally important to adjust these plans and provide the
students with what they need at the time. Throughout the internship I became better at remembering the ‘big
picture’ day and not getting bogged down with every detail. At the beginning I felt a lesson or day did not go
well if I did not achieve every outcome I set for the day; now I know as long as the students learned
something and progressed in their abilities it was a successful day! The importance of scaffolded
assignments and early finisher tasks become clear and utilizing these helped my classroom organization and
management significantly. Taking time each day for routines and check ins with students helps build
relationships and makes the classroom a more productive and happy environment. My passion for teaching
was reaffirmed and grew over the course of the internship. Teaching really is one the most important and
rewarding professions. I am grateful for my amazing TA, UC, entire St. Catherine’s staff and wonderful
students for supporting me in becoming a teacher. I feel prepared with a toolkit of skills to meet the needs of
future students and ensure they are receiving quality education. I also recognize the areas of growth I have
moving ahead into my career. Most of all I am excited for journey ahead!

Intern Teacher Signature Date

U of L: PS II/III Final Report: (Revised: November 2022)

DocuSign Envelope ID: 77919621-2D5C-4889-AB65-81018854F8AF

Teacher Mentor Comments:

Shelby job joined our grade ⅘ classroom at St.Catherine School in Picture Butte from January 9th until 21st,
2023. Working side by side and watching her grow throughout her PS II/III practicum experience has shown
great evidence that she will be a valued member of a school staff.

From the very beginning, Shelby was eager to jump in and fully immerse herself into the classroom
environment and hands-on experience. She was willing to collaborate and bounce ideas off me, and spent a
lot of time going through resources in the attempt to create interesting and innovative lessons. There were
things that she included in her lessons that I will definitely borrow and add in future classes. Shelby was able
to self-reflect on lessons and was open to constructive criticism. Her implementation of these
recommendations in future lessons showed evidence of her willingness to improve, and strength in seeing the
worth in mistakes.
Shelby built positive and productive relationships with students, earning morning hugs and trust. During parent
teacher meetings, Shelby was professional, respectful and was able to easily converse with parents about the
students. It showed genuine caring and understanding of each student's unique abilities and personality.
Shelby was a valuable team member in our staff. She contributed to important issues in staff meetings,
offered her personal time to help with after school badminton, and had an easy/kind hearted manner that
everyone was drawn to.
Shelby created short, medium and long range plans that showed lots of thought and consideration of
assessments and intended learning outcomes. Lessons were varied, engaging and relevant to the students. I
was impressed with her creativity. As she got to know the students better, they included variations to include
the different needs in the classroom. Shelby showed flexibility in her lessons as disruptions happened or
students needed more time with a concept.
Shelby created a whole unit on First Nations, Metis and Inuit games for Gym class. It was amazing and
provided the students with the opportunity to gain understanding and respect for the history, culture and
perspectives of the FNMI. Shelby showed consideration and sensitivity to the FNMI culture, and made the
lessons engaging and informative for all students.
We have a high amount of ESL students in our class. Shelby created lessons that included differentiations for
these students to help with understandings effectively. Shelby made an effort to connect with our 2 Ukrainian
students new to our school. Through her interview and presentation she did with them, our class gained a
better understanding of their culture and personalities, creating relationships between the students that may
not have happened.
Shelby was a knowledgeable, empathetic and hard working practicum student who was always eager to learn
and contribute. I have every confidence that she will be an amazing teacher and I feel blessed to have had the
opportunity to work with her.

Teacher Mentor Signature Date

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Teacher Mentor Comments (Page 2 continued):

Teacher Mentor Signature Date

U of L: PS II/III Final Report: (Revised: November 2022)

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Administrator Comments:
Shelby joined St. Catherine School in the spring of 2023 for a combined PSII and PSIII round in Lisa
Constant’s grade four / five class and in a grade five / six gym class. Due to the cycling of curriculum for
our combined grade classes, Shelby also got to teach some grade three curriculum to her homeroom.
The class was a diverse and active group of students with several strong personalities and with
significant numbers of English as Additional Language Learners. As a result, Shelby got a good
opportunity to refine her classroom management strategies and to practice accommodating student
differences. By the end of the internship she displayed a broad set of classroom routines and
management strategies which she executed with ease and confidence. Shelby had a very successful
teaching experience overall, and she showed many qualities that will serve her well in her future teaching

Shelby demonstrated a solid professional body of knowledge in her PSII/III internship. I observed her
using a variety of effective classroom routines and management strategies that fostered a positive,
engaging learning environment. The students responded very well to her, and she was able to
successfully redirect those who got off-track in a way that maintained relationships. Shelby planned and
designed learning activities that utilized a range of instructional strategies to engage students and
promote learning. Her lessons were well planned and addressed the learning outcomes outlined in
programs of study. She engaged in effective assessment practices and made adjustments to instruction
on the basis of information gathered through formative assessment. Over the course of her practicum,
she continued to expand her repertoire of effective planning, instruction, and assessment practices to
meet the diverse learning needs of her students.

Some of Shelby’s greatest strengths were her calm, caring manner and her thoughtful planning and
preparation. At one point she mentioned to me that her voice wasn’t particularly loud or forceful; she may
have been concerned that I would see this as a deficit. She needn’t have been concerned. What I
observed was that Shelby had a strong classroom presence and solid routines for gathering, maintaining,
and redirecting the energy and attention of her classes. It certainly helped that the lessons I observed
were well planned and structured with little downtime and with timely changes in activity levels. The
expectations and instructions were clear and were on task much of the time. In one instance where a
student was dysregulated and refusing to participate, Shelby provided an appropriate balance of giving
the student time and space with firm but gentle encouragement. This was a wise and mature response to
a tricky situation. I also noticed multiple ways that Shelby constantly monitored student learning and
behaviour and made micro-adjustments to her lessons to keep students on track. The effectiveness of
her efforts was evident, both in the quality of work students were producing and in the verbal evidence of
learning demonstrated in the class discussions.

Administrator Signature Date

U of L: PS II/III Final Report: (Revised: November 2022)

DocuSign Envelope ID: 77919621-2D5C-4889-AB65-81018854F8AF

Administrator Comments (Page 2 continued):

Shelby showed herself to be a team player who contributed to the school in multiple ways. She participated
in recess supervision and helped with after school badminton. She was an active participant in all of our
staff professional development activities and Collaborative Response meetings, and she helped to carry
out actions that flowed from these activities. One way that she did this was through her Professional Inquiry
Project. In this project, Shelby and a fellow intern started up a club to bridge social, economic, and
language divisions within our school community. This initiative flowed from some of their own observations
as well as from discussions among staff about the needs of our students. She also went out of her way to
converse with students and show interest in their lives outside of class. Collectively, these efforts beyond
the classroom facilitated the development of strong, positive relationships between Shelby and the
students and staff at St. Catherine School.

My discussions with Shelby revealed a deep compassion for students and a strong desire to continue to
grow in her teaching skills. She actively sought out feedback and endeavored to try out suggestions. She
made clear efforts to include and support our English as Additional Language students and to acquire and
apply foundation knowledge of First Nations, Metis and Inuit. She collaborated effectively with her mentor
teacher and with other staff and fellow student teachers, and she conducted herself with professionalism at
all times.

In summary, it has been a pleasure to have Shelby at St. Catherine for her internship, and I have no doubt
that she will make an amazing teacher. We feel very blessed to have had her here, contributing to our
school and helping to teach and influence our students and staff. I wish her all the best as she moves
forward with what I know will be a very successful career.

Administrator Signature Date

U of L: PS II/III Final Report: (Revised: November 2022)

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