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The Water Dragon’s Treasure

One day, in the School of Thorns and Roses, Oliver and Robert were
assigned a quest to find the treasure of the Water Dragon. The School of
Thorns and Roses were all about quests and adventures, and Oliver and
Robert enjoyed adventures, so they registered for the school. When they
were chosen they were extremely happy. Oliver and Robert had been
waiting for their first quest, and were really happy to get one in just two
weeks. The pair, however, wasn’t very skilled at doing quests. Considering
that, they got the hardest expedition to complete. Before starting the quest,
they needed to find a third person to accompany them. “The third person is
essential”, said the schoolmaster, “because you cannot survive long
without extra help.”

Soon, they were on their way to find someone. Suddenly, they saw a
girl in a forest. When they approached the person, she knocked the pair out
of their consciousness. When Oliver and Robert awoke, the girl apologized
to them. She thought they were burglars due to their daggers from their
belts. She introduced herself as Shasta, and Oliver and Robert introduced
themselves as well. They also described their situation right now, and
asked if she could help them. Shasta agreed and provided them with some
potions of underwater-breathing. Robert then asked if she wanted to take
part of the quest they were going to accomplish. Shasta thought for a
moment, then she finally gave her answer. The duo had now become a trio.

When they reached the deep dark waters, they drank their
underwater-breathing potions. They then swam to the chest of treasure. As
soon as they neared it, the Water Dragon emerged and slashed its tail at
them, knocking them over. When they regained their balance, the Water
Dragon opened its mouth, getting ready to blast water as powerful as a
geyser. BOOM! The whole ship shook and everyone was blasted away.
The Water Dragon approached them, getting ready to eat one of them.
When Robert was getting eaten, Oliver and Shasta could only watch their
friend draw his last breath. After Robert was eaten, Oliver didn’t want to
continue his quest, but he had to. He and Shasta hurried away towards the
treasure chest while the Water Dragon was still eating. They opened the
chest, peeking at its contents.

It was vacant. This could only mean that they came here for nothing,
and the Water Dragon didn’t even know it was empty. All of a sudden,
Oliver and Shasta suddenly felt like they were not able to breathe. They
finally realized that their potion was rapidly wearing off! They quickly tried to
swim to the surface but to no avail. When they were very close to the
surface, Shasta used all her effort to boost up Oliver, but once again, they
were unlucky. Noone had made it out alive.

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