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The Central Park five ( When they see us )

Introduction : Hello, I’m Maty and I’m in class of . Today I want to introduce you the story of
«The Central Park five », Five youg men aged 14 to 16 years old accused of raping and
beating a woman in Central Park in the town/city of Manhattan in 1989 while they were

Pourquoi ai-je choisis ce sujet : I choose this subject because it’s a story that I like very
much and that really touches me

Problématique : Why this story represents exactly the systemic racism in North America ?

Annonce du plan : At first, I will tell you about the inefficiency of the police and finally I will
explain how they manipulated them to close the investigation as quickly as possible.

The inefficiency of the police. Indeed, initially they had arrested them because of a
gathering that ended badly ; then they found the body of the jogger in the north of the park.
When the news (was ?) fell/broke, they were sure it was one or more of the boys of these
32 teenagers ; they finally choose 4 of them for the interrogations and another one who
had just accompanied his friend, and for the police (officers ?) it was them. They did no
analysis of the body, nothing at all but as these young black men were present in this park
the same night as this woman. It's necessarily them.

How they manipulated them. Before starting the interrogations, they beat some of them
before and during the interrogations, they were estranged from their parents and had no
lawyers because at that time they didn’t know that they could have one. The police officers
"played" the "good cop, bad cop", there is one who was very aggressive and the other
came to "negotiate". He told them that if they stuck to the version they had invented, they
could go home; which was obviously false. They all gave a version although little dubious
but it was enough for the accused.

Conclusion : ??

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