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currency Translation GL R12


When I run the currency Translation request It view no output.   

What are the right steps to run it correctly?


To run currency transaltion you need to do few setups and also user need to enter few

Setups required:

- Defining and associating TCA accounts in Ledger setup. 

- Defining and associateing History Rate type 
- Defining and associating Daily Rate type

End users:

- Define History rate for the last day of the month 

- Define daily rates and make sure last day of the month you are runnging translation
ahs defined rates 

Also make sure you are not running Translation for the first open period in the system,
I think r12 does not allow that.

Go to this path: 
(N) inquiry -> Account 
and from ledger LOV choose the new ledger name that was generated from (N)
Currency -> Translation 
then choose the account combination  
then fire show balance button. 

Currency translation will create one more ledger for the translated currenct.

Say You have ledger XYZ and you run translation for USD, system will create one
more ledger XYZ (USD).

You can use this new ledger in all the FSG and trial balance to get balance.

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