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Lengua Extranjera

Name: ___________________________________________________ Grade: ___________________

Group: ___________________


Second Period

I. DIRECTIONS. Listen to the conversation: “A phone call from a customer”. Are the sentences true or false? (5 points)

1. The delivery hasn’t arrived yet. True false
2. Andrea is having cash flow issues and needs a payment extension. True false
3. Andrea usually asks for an extension of the payment terms. True false
4. Andrea has a new order to place, even bigger than the last one. True false
5. Junko can extend the payment terms on the last order to 60 days. True false

II. DIRECTIONS. Put the following sentences into passive voice. (Modals) (5 points)

1. You may forget the rules quickly.

2. You should study the lessons repeatedly.

3. Benjamin must win the competition.
4. They should cancel the game.
5. The doctor can't persuade her.

III. DIRECTIONS. Write the concept in the blank. (5 points)

forgery – vandalism –– shoplifting – manslaughter – domestic abuse

1. Nora Roberts stuffed three sweaters into her large handbag and left the store without paying for the items. She was
charged with__________________________ .
2. Frankie broke three windows of his neighbors’ house and threw eggs at the garage door. He was charged
with_____________________________ .
3. Albert signed someone else’s name on several checks and then cashed them at the bank. He was charged
with_____________________________ .
4. The old man hit his wife so hard she ended up in the hospital. He was charged with___________________ .
5. When Bart punched the man in the face, the man fell down and hit his head on the sidewalk and died. Bart was
charged with___________________ .

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