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Jessica Koches

Movie Makeup

January 30, 2023

The movie I chose to watch was Rain Man. Rain Man is about a man with autism who

exhibits exceptional talent or brilliance in some field, otherwise known as a savant. The

character, Rain Man, or Raymond, is exceptionally good with numbers. He has a fantastic

memory and displays many other symptoms typically seen in autism.

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is characterized by persuasive and usually severe

impairments of reciprocal social interaction skills, communication deviance, and restricted

stereotypical behavioral patterns. Behaviors and difficulties associated with autism range from

mild to severe. People with ASD have persistent deficits in communication and social interaction

accompanied by restricted, stereotyped patterns of behavior and interests/activities. People with

ASD may display little eye contact with and make few facial expressions toward others; they use

limited gestures to communicate. They can have limited capacity to relate to peers or parents.

They may lack spontaneous enjoyment, express no moods or emotional affect, and may not

engage in play or make-believe with toys. There can be little intelligible speech and they may

engage in stereotyped motor behaviors, such as hand flapping, body twisting, or head banging.

Autistic traits persist into adulthood, and most people with autism remain dependent to some

degree on others. Manifestations vary but social skills rarely improve enough to permit marriage,

Three possible nursing diagnoses for the character, Rain Man, would be Impaired Social

Interaction, Risk for Self Mutilation, and Ineffective Coping Skills. Rain Man has Impaired

Social Interaction evidenced by his dysfunctional interactions with peers, family members, and

others. Risk for Self Mutilation is another diagnosis evidenced by his history of self injury. This

also ties in with the last diagnosis, Ineffective Coping Skills. When Rain Man gets very

frustrated or has extreme emotions, he begins to bang his head.

Rain Man had many typical autistic traits. One thing I have experienced with ASD in the

past is that they usually have a talent or gift. They have one thing they can do very well. Rain

Man was great with numbers and had a fantastic memory. Even though he was great with

numbers, he did not understand the concept of money and could not do a simple math problem

regarding money. He made little eye contact and rarely had any facial expressions. He could not

relate to those around him. Rain Man had a few episodes where he would hit his head and

scream. This was a reaction to a bad emotion/emotions. He would repeat himself often over and

over again.

Some medications used in those with ASD include medications that treat hyperactivity

and inattention such as methylphenidate (Ritalin). Venlafaxine (Effexor) is an SNRI that may

also be used which is often prescribed to treat anxiety. Medications used to treat repetitive

behaviors include fluoxetine (Prozac), and citalopram (celexa).

Rain Man’s autism had a very big effect on the family. He was sent to an institution after

being accused of hurting his baby brother. The baby brother grew up and forgot he had a brother.

His memory was his imaginary friend, “Rain Man”. After their father died, the younger brother,

Charlie, found out he had a brother. He did not understand what autism was. He could not figure
out why Raymond did certain things or why he was acting the way he was acting. Throughout

the movie, he finally begins to understand his brother and accepts him for who he is.

I thought it was a very good movie. I have some experience with people who have ASD.

I believe the movie portrayed the disorder realistically and accurately. At that time, people did

not understand what autism was. I think this movie would have a positive impact on the public.

In a way, it is educational. It shows people that even those diagnosed with ASD are people too. I

really enjoyed watching Rain Man. I would recommend others to watch it, too!

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