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• Create a quiet place at home to study:

Having a space just for studying is essential for concentration, as there are
no third parties involved to distract you from what is important.
I have been planning to establish a place in my room to study every day, since
in my house we are 4 people, and while one eats, another one watches TV,
another one is distracted on his cell phone, so there are always noises and
Therefore, having a private place where I can do my homework and study is

The main one is to establish a perfect place to study, this would be in my
room, due to the fact that only I would be in that place, without noises,
screams, or just the TV on.
This will help me to be able to concentrate only on school during that time.

• Turn off the phone, TV, and other distractions when studying:

This is one of the study habits that has been most difficult for me, mainly on
the cell phone, since it is also my work tool, since I have to respond to clients.
But it is also something that I must start working on, because the distractions
only delay me in the preparation of the tasks, with the consequence that I am
delayed in my other pending activities.

Establishing a study routine, schedules to concentrate exclusively on school,
is the main help, so that during this time I turn off the cell phone, the television
and everything that distracts me, allowing me to finish work faster.
• Take practice tests, so you don’t panic when it’s time for the real test:

When it comes to taking the exam, nerves are always present, this is due to
the fear of forgetting everything I studied previously.
I had never taken practice tests, because I had the same fear of being wrong.

Before taking an exam, after studying, I will take test exams, because it will
help me control my nerves, and to practice each time I study a particular
subject, remembering more and more of everything I learned.

• Use a planner or agenda to keep track of your study progress:

Previously, I had an agenda in which I wrote down all the pending tasks, jobs,
projects, specifying dates, everything to stay up to date and not be left behind.
Lately I don't practice this anymore, because I'm badly organized, and I forget
to do it, and I trust that my mind will remember everything, but there can
always be an exception, and because I don't want to write down I can forget

Write down the pending tasks by means of dates, since this way I will be able
to organize my times, knowing how much time I have left to deliver it, and
knowing which one to do first, given its difficulty.
I can do this physically, either in an agenda or any notebook, or also on the
cell phone, in a blog of notes or in a document.
Having a day-to-day work schedule allows us not to saturate ourselves with
work, delay or forget about certain pending deliverables, so I'll do it starting

Throughout my time at school I have put into practice some study habits that have
allowed me to get good grades, all thanks to a good organization, but I still have
things to improve.
The first thing I have to do is establish a specific place to study and work, which
allows me not to be distracted by the other people who live with me. Later, turning
off the cell phone will allow me to finish my tasks faster, since I will not be constantly
When I'm assigned jobs, I always write them down so I don't forget them.
And finally, after studying, and from time to time, I will do different test exams of all
kinds, this with the purpose of two things, the first, to prepare me to remember what
I studied before much better each time, and the second, learning to manage my
nerves, making me feel relaxed but focused on the exam.

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