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Learner’s Name: ​Juan Dela Cruz 

Grade Level: ​Three 

Learning  Learner’s Need/s  Intervention Strategies  Monitoring Date  Learner’s Status 

Area  Provided  Insignificant  Significant  Mastery 
Progress  Progress 
Mathematics  The learner needs to  - Provide the learner with more  November 24,       
3  improve his skills in  basic activity sheets or worksheets  2020 
adding 3- to 4-digit  that develop the skills in addition in 
numbers up to three  a step-by-step manner. 
addends with   
sums up to 10 000  - Provide the learner with more 
without and with  examples on how the addition 
regrouping.  process takes place on 3 to 4-digit 
numbers up to three addends. 
- Designate a learning partner or 
organize a learning support group 
in their area that focuses in 
developing basic numeracy skills. 
- Regularly communicate with the 
parent/guardian for monitoring and 
providing additional guidance. 
MAPEH  Learner did not finish  -Extending time of completion of  November 24,       
(Arts)  the tasks in Module 2  tasks.  2020 
due to lack of   
materials, Showing the  -Seeking for more supervised time 
illusion of space in  with learning facilitator. 
drawing the objects 
and persons in 
different sizes. 
Mother  The learner needs to  -Adjust the level of difficulty of the  November 24,       
Tongue  identify idiomatic  learning content/task.  2020 
expressions in a  -Give sample prototype learning 
sentence.  outputs or models to serve as 
reference for his homework. 

Intervention  Learner is not making significant progress in a timely manner. Intervention strategies need to be revised. 
Status  Learner is making significant progress. Continue with learning plan. 
Learner has reached mastery of the competencies in learning plan. 

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