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The tragedy of Macbeth review

-Scottish play
-holinshead -wrote history of England and Scotland
Historical background/context
-Macbeth-Thane of Glanes,given a fortune that tells him he will be king
-Banquo-wrote a book on Doomsday,is given a fortune which tells him that his decendant will be king
James(Shakespeare dick riding)
-weird sisters-witches
Act 1 General review
Scene 1
Witches discuss when they shall meet with Macbeth
Scene 2
Duncan and Macbeth are cousins,macbeths glory is described by the seargeant,the fight was against
Scene 3
The witches tell Macbeth of his new titles and they tell blanqueo that his descendants shall be kings
In this scene macbeths downfall is foreshadowed in the manner that Banquo tells macbeth that the
minor truths the witches tell him are only to secure his good faith
This scene also portrays macbeths mayor internal struggle as he debates whether to act based on his
consiente or commit the evil acts which would make him king of Scotland.
Scene 4
The thane of Cawdor is finally dead,
Duncan:There’s no art To find the minds construction in the face He was a gentleman on whom I built
An Absolute trust
This quote implies that Duncan was a good and trusting king whom never expected to be betrayed
After This Duncan declares Malcolm as the next king of scotland and makes him prince of Cumberland
Because of this Malcolm now stands in macbeths way
Scene 5
In this scene Lady Macbeth shows no hesitation in embracing her husbands kingship and she is willing to
use any means to make this come true she believes both fate and the metaphysical will help her achieve
Lady Macbeth also declares that he shall never see the sun again
Scene 6
In the beginning of this scene both Duncan and Banquo declare how pleasant the air in the castle is
which is an example of Shakespeares dramatic irony since they both are killed later on.
Scene 7
This scene has one of shakespeares soliloquies(speech presented by a character whom is alone on
stager)presented by Macbeth himself where he portrays his internal struggle on whether or not to kill
Duncan because his murder will outrage the heavens.
Conflict of act 1:whether or not to kill Duncan in order to satisfy he and his wife’s ambitions
Act 2
Scene 1
In this scene macbeth tells Banquo that he does not think of the weird sisters and their fortune often
but this is untrue since this was the first thing on his mind and he doesn’t know that macbeth plans to
kill the king(dramatic irony)
The reference to Tarquín in line 55 is a historical alusión which refers to macbeths downfall
Scene 2
Lady macbeth says the alcohol which has made the others tired and drunk made her bold and fiery
Macbeth kills the mf and makes it seem like his servants did it
Scene 3
Porter is introduced (comedic relief)
In this scene the kings death is revealed and macbeth got away with it and the blame is pinned on those
who were in his chamber Malcolm realises that he is mortal danger and he leaves Scotland with his
Scene 4
They question an old man and it can be inferred that the social fabric is unraveling in Scotland and things
are becoming more and more violent

Act 3
Scene 1
Banquo suspects that Macbeth is guilty and he congratulates him for earning all the titles the wyrd
sisters promised him
He asked Banquo is fleance is to go with him in order to kill both in one go
He says that being king is nothing if they are not safe
Macbeth encourages the murderers to hate Banquo,he also insults them in order to challenge them and
rile them up
Scene 2
Macbeth reveals to his wife that he has “scorched the snake” that Banquo was ,while the crime has
been committed he still has no peace of mind macbeth becomes the primary motivator and perpetrator
of violence
Scene 3
Banquo is killed,fleance rounds away,
Scene 4
The murderers tell Macbeth that fleance has escaped and he shows intense feelings of anxiety and he
uses imagery of a snake to signify danger,lady macbeth accuses her husband of being a pussy bitch
because he got nervous,macbeth begins to see an apparition of Banquo which is his own self conscious
torturing him.he realises that he has become so violent that there is no way to end this peacefully.
The god of witches tells them to make things right
Scene 6
Lennox believes that macbeth killed duncan and Banquo,implication of maacbeths enemies gathering
strength and momentum to strike back

Act 4
Scene 1
Witches assure macbeth thatp he will be secure on his reign of terror on Scotland, macbeth shows a
confidence he did not have with them before and barks orders at them.he sees an apparition of a
armed head which tells him to beware of the thane of fife(macduff), a bloody child who tells him that a
woman cannot harm him,and a crowned child who tells him that nobody can beat him until Birman
wood rises and attacks his castle.He decides that he is going to have Macduff family killed as he must
act immediately and never hesitate in his decision making.
Scene 2
Begins with a conversation between lady Macduff and her son whom contradicts everything she says in
order to ease her since her husband left unexpectedly. A messenger enters and warns her that she is in
grave danger and that death is imminent.the murderers walk in and kill them both.
Scene 3
Malcolm and Macduff speak about how they grieve and how they shall protect their country,Macduff
words show to be truer than he knows since his family got fucking killed the scene before this.they
exude that macbeth is a treacherous man and that they shall fight for Scotland.rosse arrives and tells
him that Macduffs family was fmurdered as well as all the servants in the house

Scene 1
Lady macbeth is overcome by guilt and she appears to be going insane.and she tells of her and her
husbands sins in chronological order.
Scene 2
Macbeths men discuss the English power that is on the way to battle with them,it is clear than macbeths
men no longer respect him out of love but out of fear.
Scene 3
Macbeth is pale with fear and he knows that his demise is upon him or he may be loosing his mind like
his wife.His soliloquy speaks about how he just wanted to be loved by his subjects and to be accepted
and that he was sick in his heart.He tells the doctor how scotland is diseased because of the English
Scene 4
The forest moves to Dunsinane and the prediction is set leading to macbeths downfall.
Scene 5
The queen kills herself and when macbeth is told of this he says that death is without meaning and he
disregards his morality.He is told by a messanger that the siege is starting and he tells him that he is a
liar but he is ready to die in battle.
Scene 6
Malcom Macduff and Siward are ready for battle
Scene 7
Macbeth defeats a young siward who tells him that his name was hateful to his ear and it was worse
than the devil himself.Macduff enters and he is determined to put up a fight with the tyrant so he would
stop being haunted buy his wife and childrens ghosts.
Scene 8
Macduff fights macbeth and macduff is not of woman born (c-section) and he is seen as less manly.and
macbeth declares that he will not yield(he dies)
Scene 9
Macbeth is killed and Malcolm will take his place as king and restore order in scotland

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