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tomas alt <tomasalt123@gmail.


Breaking Free from Mediocrity

1 message

Kevin Ward <> 27 March 2023 at 15:48


Hey Don,

⚠️ATTENTION: This is going to be a very specific training experience for a very specific type of


✅ You are full time and you love selling real estate.
✅ You are selling between 5 and 20 homes a year.
✅ AND…You want a LOT more. (Like…you want to be in the TOP 1%.)

THE TRUTH: Most real estate agents struggle…most of the time.  They say they want more, but they’re
never going to be willing to make the changes required to become one of the top 1%. 

And, frankly, after the last 10 years of coaching agents full time, I’m tired of trying to rescue agents from
the cesspool of scarcity and lack against their will.  

Unless you are willing to do something radically different from the traditional real estate model, it’s going
to get harder and harder for you every year.

The solution is NOT working harder.  (That actually could be part of your problem: you’re working too

IF 2 or more of those are YOU:

🚨 You feel stuck doing 5,10,15 deals a year.

🚨 You want to break free from the “Feast-or-Famine” cycle that’s keeping you super stressed.
🚨 You’re spending too much time with buyers and want to become a powerful Listing Agent.
🚨 You’re tired of putting in too many work hours but not getting the results you want.
🚨You’re willing and ready to make some major shifts in what you’re doing to get radically different
results NOW.

…I have great news!

I’m going to give you the solution to all that (and more!) when you join me for the Breakthrough
Experience. Click here to get more details.
At the Breakthrough Experience, you'll receive hands-on guidance on the exact blueprint and strategies
to scale and automate your business with more profit and more days off than you ever imagined!. 

You’re going to get the exact formula to guarantee yourself  2-3 more closings a month this year
using The Real Estate Vortex! 

This is THE PATH that my top clients are using to create high 6 and 7-figure incomes while having a

Now it’s your turn…so you can stop feeling stuck, stressed, and struggling to break free from scarcity
and the feast-or-famine rollercoaster!. 

Don, if you’re one of the few agents who are truly committed to breaking free from the crowd of
mediocre producers, click here to apply for the Breakthrough Experience now.

To your success,



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