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tomas alt <tomasalt123@gmail.


How your ex really feels about you

1 message

Coach Adrian <> 5 February 2023 at 16:40


Hey ,

Today I want to bust open a common misconception many people have with their ex:

"They broke up with me, so surely they don’t care about me anymore."

Sure, sometimes this can be true.

For example:

A short-term relationship where someone played with your emotions so they could
get what they want from you… before moving swiftly on.

But most of the time, your ex does care - a lot.

When someone cares in a positive way, they run towards you.

When they are indifferent, they hang around, get bored and slowly stop responding.

When they care, but it hurts - they run away fast.

Right now, your ex is battling their own thoughts and feelings.

In their own way, they might be just as conflicted and hurt as you.

How to use this to heal with them:

Ask yourself:

"What did I do to push them away?"

If you are aware of this, you get to do something truly incredible that can heal your
relationship with your ex and yourself:


All you do is identify what needs fixing - and then fix it - while you’re in no contact.

What often happens next:

Your ex will get inspired and want to be with you more

They start to imagine a future with you again… and crave you

But then, they get triggered…

Why do they get triggered?

This happens when the new you seems too good to be true.

All you do to remove their fear is patiently apply the steps in the Reset Method.

When they realize the new you really is the new you, that’s when you seal the deal.

Go here to see how to do this.

Speak soon,

Coach Adrian
Relationship Coach
Featured on Happily Committed, Love Advice TV & WithMyExAgain

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Elite Communication Coaching, LLC, 100 N. Biscayne Boulevard Suite 3070, Miami, FL 33132, United States

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