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tomas alt <tomasalt123@gmail.


How to give people almost no choice but to buy even a weak and inferior offer
1 message

Ben Settle <> 28 January 2023 at 11:45


Not that I suggest selling weak or inferior offers.

But here are some facts to chew on:
Whenever I call my doctor, the office manager is probably the single most pleasant person
one could ever talk to. I joke that she’s so sweet she makes sugar taste just like salt. I not
only happily pay my doctor’s (who doesn’t accept my particular insurance) sky high fees, I
do so cheerfully, with no questions asked, even as the doctor almost sounds embarrassed
quoting prices and the cost of supplements sold to me, etc.
Same cheeriness when dealing with Sean D’Souza’s wife Renuka.
When I do business with them she handles all the logistics, keeps me in the loop with
everything, and even sends me chocolate - just a pleasure to deal with.
Email Players subscriber Brian Kurtz’s assistant Carla is the exact same way.
And Email Players subscriber Kim Krause Schwalm will even send me wine (randomly,
even when we don’t do business together), & pays commissions as promptly as anyone
else I’ve dealt with — making JV’ing with her extremely easy and profitable, as opposed to
dealing with flakey types.
Same goes for the woman we bought Stefania’s car from.
It was a brand spanking new vehicle when she was pregnant with Willis.
That I happily paid full price for in cash without even bother negotiating.
(Even though I rather enjoy negotiating with car salesmen, it’s fun.)
Because of the same effect of the above JV partners: she made it a total delight to buy
from her. We genuinely just liked her. She didn’t have to make a single sales pitch, lie
about having to talk to any managers, exaggerate the vehicle’s performance (she let the
test drive do all the “selling”), or do anything “salesy” at all.

She was just a professional that we genuinely like.

In fact, Stefania stops in just to say hi to her for no reason with Willis.
That was the kind of “Joe Girard” effect she had going on.
(If you don’t know Joe Girard is, I highly suggest a deep dive into his career)
My insurance agent is the same.
I wouldn’t even dream of changing agents, even if I could find one who got me better
The lesson?
Well, it has nothing to do with JV’s and affiliates or buying cars.
It’s simply an example of 1 of the 9 ways to use what I have dubbed “6th Generation
Marketing Warfare” in a business that I talk in more detail about inside the lily white pages
of the upcoming February Email Players Newsletter.
I invented this 6G Marketing Warfare term a couple years ago.
And it’s where selling, pitching, marketing, and promoting — directly or indirectly — can be
done well before anyone sees an offer, or before a product is even created, with most of
the selling being done by that company’s fans & customers (as well as its haters & trolls).
And sometimes potentially without those customers even being aware of it by you using
everyone and everything as a marketing media to sell with.
It doesn’t matter if the offer is the “best” or even an inferior offer.
Although, obviously, you want the highest quality offer you can.
Otherwise, your repeat sales will be crap, if nothing else.
Whatever the case:
This issue is extremely potent and very apt for 2023.
I say that because the crappier the economy gets, the more scared your market gets, and
the freakier the decisions made by your politicians gets… I believe it’s this marketing
warfare weapon that can help you not only weather the storm, but also help you “poach”
buyers from your customers by default.
I’ve seen and done before.
And I’m already seeing it happen again due to using this.
If you want to learn and use it, time is short.
The deadline to subscribe in time to get this bad-boy is in a few short days.
Here’s the link:
Ben Settle

This email was sent by Ben Settle as owner of Settle, LLC. Copyright © 2023 Settle, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
No part of this email may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission
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