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Chapter 2: Synthesis of the Reviewed Literature and Studies

The above collection of both foreign and local studies provided information that their proposed

studies has similar points that have appeared however, studies also revealed conflicting

conclusions, approaches, and models in analyzing genre. In genre analysis Swales (1981),

combined rhetoric and linguistics in communicative purposes through text analysis which was

also acknowledge by the New Rhetoric Approach that was initiated by Miller (1984) wherein , it

was based in large-scale typification of rhetoric action. However, Bhatia


To sum up, in genre analysis, these studies want to convey that it is not just simply about

understanding the words, but also on it’s generic structures and rhetorical function , such as

‘moves’, ‘stages’, ‘schematic’ and ‘generic’ structures. In terms of move, Swales developed

genre analysis using rhetorical devices in order to describe the communicative purposes of texts

by categorizing them into discourse units (Kanoksilapatham, 2007: 23). Furthermore, According

to Connor & Mauraen (1999), some move types are considered conventional because they appear

more frequently than others in a given genre. Less frequent moves are the optional ones.

Bhatia (1993), defines abstract as a concentrated accurate representation of a document's

content that is preferably written by the document's author which situates the author's work in
relation to their scholarly position whereby, there are three different categories of abstracts
( Kachru and Nelson, 2006). Abstracts that are descriptive, informative, and critical can all be
distinguished by their internal purposes Ruban et al. (2007)

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