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The Movement Assessment Battery for Children – Second Edition (Movement ABC)

The Movement ABC-2 is one of the most frequently used tests of motor impairment in the world. It’s four
primary uses are:
 Identify children who are significantly behind their peers in motor development
 Assist in planning an intervention program in either a school or clinical setting
 Measure change as a result of intervention
 Serve as a measurement instrument in research involving motor development

The Movement ABC-2 Test is a standardised test that required a child to perform a series of motor tasks in a
strictly specified way. In addition, it provided qualitative data on how the child approaches and performs the
tasks. The test is divided into three ages bands; AB-1: 3-6 years, AB-2: 7-10 years and AB-3: 11-16 years.
Within each age band the test is grouped into eight task items udder three headings: Manual Dexterity, Aiming
and Catching and Balance.

Age band 3 (11-16 years)

Item Code Name of Item Raw Score Item Standard Manual Dexterity MD1 + MD2+
(best attempt) Score MD3
MD 1 Turning Pegs Component Standard Percentile
preferred hand score score
Turning pegs
non-pref hand
MD2 Triangle with
nuts and bolts
MD3 Drawing Trial 3
Aiming and catching AC1 + AC2
A&C 1 Catching with Component Standard Percentile
one hand best score score
Catching with
one hand –
other hand
A&C 2 Throwing at
wall target
Balance BAL1 + BaL2 +BAL 3
Bal 1 Two- board Component Standard Percentile
balance score score

Bal 2 Walking Toe to

heel backwards
Bal 3 Zig Zag
Zig zag
hopping- other
Total test Standard Percentile
Score Score rank %
Total Test

Traffic Light system for Total test Score: delete or highlight as appropriate

Childs Score Total test Score Percentile range Description

Red Zone Up to and including 56 At or below the 5th Denotes a significant
percentile movement difficulty
Amber Zone Between 57 and 67 Between the 5th and 15th Suggests the child is at
inclusive percentile risk of having a
movement difficulty;
monitoring required
Green Zone Any score above 67 Above the 15th No movement difficulty
percentile detected

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