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Portfolio Task #4: Maze and Cloze Assessments

Read the following Cloze and Maze Assessments. Identify the errors and explain

Cloze Assessment
Story: Edited from George’s Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl

“I’m going shopping _______ in the village”, George’s mother said to George on
Saturday morning. “So be a good _______ and do not get _______ to mischief”.
This was a silly _______ to say to a _______ boy at any time _______ it immediately
made him _______ what sort of mischief _______ might get up to.
“_______ forget to give your Grandma her medicine at eleven _______”, the mother
said. Then _______ she went, closing the _______ behind her.
Grandma, who _______ dozing in her chair, __ one wicked little eye _______ said, “You
heard what _______ mother said, George. Don’t f_______ my medicine!”
“No, Grandma”, _______ said.
George was very, _______ , very bored. He did _______ have a brother or _______. His
father was a _______ and the farm they _______on was miles away _______ anywhere,
so there were _______ any children to play _______. He _______ tired _______ staring
_______ pigs and hens and cows and sheep. And he was especially _______of having to
live _______ the same house as _______ grizzly old cranky Grandma. L_______ after her
all by _______ was hardly the most _______ way to spend Saturday _______.
“Make me a nice _______ of hot tea!”, Grandma _______ to George. “That’ll keep
_______ out of mischief for _______ few minutes”.
George did not like _______. She was a grumpy _______ woman. She had pale _______
teeth and a small puckered-up _______ like a dog’s bottom.
_______ Grandmas are lovely, _______, _______ older ladies, but not _______ one.
Definitely not this one. _______ was a special sort of Grandma.
Errors: Review your notes about the rules related to developing a Cloze assessment.
Then, using that knowledge, find the various errors in this Cloze, and explain why each
one is an error.

Sample Sentence From The Passage That Explain Why This Is An Error
Contains an Error

“I’m going shopping _______ in the Close procedure must begin with the
village”, second sentence instead of the first one
(Mactaggart, 2023, Module 9).

, who _______ dozing in her chair, __ one Close procedure blanks are all equal in
wicked little eye length, in order to avoid giving hints from
the size of the blank to the student
(Mactaggart, 2023, Module 9).

“_______ forget to give your Grandma her Close procedure blanks must be deleted
medicine at eleven every fifth word instead of in the beginning
of the sentence (Mactaggart, 2023,
Module 9).

George was very, _______ , very bored. Close procedure must contain an accurate
punctuation (Mactaggart, 2023, Module

He _______ tired _______ staring _______ Close procedure must delete every fifth
pigs and hens and cows and sheep word instead of every second one
(Mactaggart, 2023, Module 9).
*you may add more rows to the table, if needed.
Maze Assessment
Story: Edited from George’s Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl

“I know exactly what I’ll do!” (bought, thought, think) George. “I will make Grandma a
new (medical, medicine, medal), one that is so strong, so (fierce, farce, freeze), and so
fantastic that it’ll either (cup-holder, cure, drive) her completely or blow off the (top,
tie, tan) of her head! I’ll make her a (rabbit, technology, magic) medicine, one no
doctor in the (wonder, world, fold) has ever made before!”
George quickly (looked, changed, sauntered) at the kitchen clock. It said (ten, hen,
letter) to eleven. There were a few (misses, pillows, minutes) left before Grandma’s
next dose. George (knew, flew, blue) what to do. He took an enormous (mailbox,
saucepan, winter) out of the cupboard and placed (it, at, shy) on the table.
“George!” came the (shrill, skill, shark, spill) voice from the next room. “What (where,
are, why) you doing?”
“Nothing Grandma”, George sweetly (replied, answered).
George knew what to do. He (would, willow, carp) put everything he could find into (sit,
his, isn’t) magical medicine pot. The only important (window, rule) would be this: if it
was (runny, thunder, round) or powdery or gooey, in it (wind, wet, went).
Nobody had ever ever made a (marvellous, marshmallow, medicine) like this before. If
it didn’t (cure, cute, kite) Grandma of her grouchy ways, it (wood, would, wild) at least
cause some exciting, unexpected (reaction, results, outcomes). It would definitely
without-a-doubt be worth watching!
First, he went upstairs to the (bathroom, basement, chartered). Up he went, carrying
the large (envelope, elbow, saucepan). He opened the medicine cabinet and (dumped,
different, drove) in everything he could find. A (shouted, tube, table) of toothpaste. A
can of superfoam (shaving) cream. Half a bottle of nail (polish, crayon, forever)
remover, and a full jar of (leg, hair, type) remover. George carried the (bridge,
venomous, enormous) saucepan downstairs and trotted into the (life, laundry, helper)
room, where there were of all (kids, knight, kinds) of (dangerous, dandelion, dingo)
and (exciting, exiting, exist) household (mittens, mighty, items). He added in powdery
washing-machine (detergent, difficult, garage), guaranteed to make grime disappear!
He (added, divided, preached) a big tin of floor polish (butter, better, because) the label
read, Removes Filth and (Fort, Foul, Figure) Messes and Leaves Everything Shiny and
(Bright, Lights, Ripple). “Perfect”, thought George, as he happily (played, plonked,
smile) it into the pan.
“George!” came Grandma’s (screechy, secret, suntan) voice from the next room. “What
(are, bat, aired) you up to in there?”
“Nothing! (Buttery, Effortless, Absolutely) nothing”, he called back.
“Is it (together, forever, yesterday) for my medicine yet?”
“No, Grandma. (Another, Brother, Forget) few minutes”.
“Well, don’t forget it!” (sing, shouted, sock) his cranky Grandma.
“I won’t”, George (anyway, always, answered). “I promise I won’t”.

Errors: Review your notes about the rules related to developing a Maze assessment.
Then, using that knowledge, find the various errors in this Maze, and explain why each
one is an error.

Example of Error From Passage Explain why this is an error

The passage contains 453 words. Maze procedure must contain

approximately 150 to 400 words
(Mactaggart, 2023, Module 9) while this
passage has 453 words.

I know exactly what I’ll do!” (bought, Maze procedure must start with the
thought, think) George. second sentences, as the first one must be
completed and typed (Mactaggart, 2023,
Module 9).

“Nothing Grandma”, George sweetly In this example, the word is replaced with
two choices as in the maze procedure
(replied, answered).
words must be replaced with three choices
(Mactaggart, 2023, Module 9).

and (exciting, exiting, exist) household In maze procedure every 7th word is
(mittens, mighty, items). replaced, while in this example it was
replaced with every second word
(Mactaggart, 2023, Module 9).
George!” came the (shrill, skill, shark, In this example, the word is replaced with
spill) four choices as in the maze procedure
words must be replaced with three choices
(Mactaggart, 2023, Module 9).

large (envelope, elbow, saucepan). In the maze procedure one of the

distractors must be related to the context
(Mactaggart, 2023, Module 9) in this
example, there are three different words
that are not related to each other with no
two words are related.
*you may add more rows to the table, if needed.

Mactaggart, J. (2023). Module 9 PPT [PowerPoint Slides]. Oakville: Sheridan College


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