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First Semester Unit Plan

Department of Modern Languages

Grade 10

Theme : au temp passe

Weeks :1-2

Objectives :

1. Students should be able to identify errors on their exam papers

2. Students should be better able to understand why the errors were made and understand the
steps to correct them
3. Students will review the present and past tense


 Topics on the end of year exam paper

 Passé compose of regular er, ir and re verbs that use avoir
 Passé compose of irregular verbs that use avoir including verbs that end in “yer”
 Passé compose of verbs that use etre including reflexive verbs

Theme: Les activites en famille

WEEKS: 3-4

Family celebrations such as birthdays, weddings, anniversary celebrations etc.


1. Students should be able to say what took place at a family celebration that their family
observed/took part in.
2. Students should use more confidently the passé compose to talk about events that took place in
the past
3. Students should be able to say what they did or did not do at events that they discuss
4. Students should be able to discuss with confidence at least two cultural celebrations observed
within the French Caribbean islands.


Vocabulary related to family celebrations and activities that were done such as:

 Anniversaire, marriage, enterrement, bapteme


 Passé compose of regular and irregular avoir and etre verbs

 Passé compose of verbs ending in yer
 Passé compose with negative expressions

Suggested Activities:


 Encore Tricolore bk 4 page 151 “On parle des vacances”

 Encore Tricolore bk 4 page 150 « Lexique »

Listening  :

Youtube « la célébration du baptême”

A video explaining and demonstrating what a baby’s baptism is like in France (catholic).


Students will write a letter to a friend explain what happened at a family celebration that they
observed/participated in.

Weeks 5-6

Parle-moi de ta famille

Objectives :

1. Students should be able to identify the different members of the family.

2. Students should be able to describe personality/characteristic traits of their family members.
3. Students should be able to compare people.


Vocabulary related to the members of the family and adjectives used to describe the characteristic traits
of different members.

Taille: petit(e), grand(e), assez grand(e), de taille moyenne

Le visage : rond, carre, long,

Les cheveux : frises, bruns, blonds, roux

Les yeux : marrons, bleus, verts,

La beauté : joli, jolie, belle, beau,

Caractère : strict, génial, gentil, intéressant, amusant, sympathique, méchant, paresseux, travailleur etc

Grammar :

Comparatives : plus que, moins, aussi que

Superlatives : le moins la moins, le plus, la plus, les plus, le meilleur, la meilleur, le pire, la pire, les pires,

Activities :

Reading : French for CSEC,

page 4 Rendez-vous aux Antilles “la vie de famille”

Page 6,Ma famille, exercise 1

Page 8, Copains, copines, exercise 1 On s’entend

Listening  :

Writing  : Students will write a paragraph in which they talk about their family, including comparisons of
various family members.

Weeks 7-8

Theme: Functions of the syllabus


1. Students will learn some functions that they must know in order to be proficient in the
2. Students should be able to answer situations by identifying the key functions that they normally

Content: functions outlined in the CSEC syllabus:

Greetings and responses: bonjour, bonsoir, salut,, quoi de neuf?, très bien merci, ca va bien merci,
comment ca va ?, comme ci comme ca
Introductions : je m’appelle, il/elle s’appelle, je te présente, je vous présente etc

Apologizing  : je suis désolé, je regrette, je m’excuse, excusez-moi, pardon-moi, pardonnez-moi

Gratitude  : merci beaucoup, merci bien, je vous remercie, je vous (t’) en prie, je vous suis, etre oblige,
reconnaissante, il n’ya pas de quoi, de rien

Expressing sympathy : condoléances, mes plus sincères, toutes mes condoléances

Congratulating :je vous/ te felicite !, felicitations !, bravo !

Asking permission : puis-je…, est-ce que je peux, permet-moi de…, permettez-moi de…

Expressing requests : vouloir/aimer bien, aimeriez-vous ? voulez-vous ? veuillez, voudriez-vous ? s’il

te/vous plait

Content  : vocabulary related to each of the abovementioned functions


Grammar points related to each function listed above


 Completing situations from past CSEC past papers

 Completing situations from French for CSEC and Essential Revision Exercises for CSEC French
 Completing multiple choice questions from Essential Revision Exercises and French for CSEC
 students having dialogues demonstrating the various functions

Weeks 9-10

C’était comment pendant ton enfance ?

Content  :

 vocabulary related to the house: les pièces, la salle a manger, le salon, la cuisine, la salle de
bains, le rez de chaussée, la chambre
 description of what the house was like :
1. adjectives such as grande, petite, énorme, jolie, moche,
2. colours : jaune, rose, rouge, violet, noire, bleue, blanche, orange, marron, verte, grise
 description of what the community was like :

il y avait beaucoup/ peu de…, un terrain de sports, des petits magasins, des épiciers, des écoles,
Objectives :

1. students should be able to describe themselves in the past highlighting physical and character
2. students should be able to describe their house and say what their everyday life was like
3. students should be able to talk about what life in their community was like


 formation and use of the imperfect tense

 imperfect tense of regular er, ir and re verbs
 imperfect tense of avoir and etre
 imperfect tense of irregular verbs


 French for CSEC unit 2.6, pages38-39

 Encore Tricolore bk 4, pages51-59
 Compositions/letters/emails from students describing what their life was like when they were
 Descriptive comparisons of their childhood and their parents childhood
 CSEC past paper questions

Weeks 11-12

Que tu faisais vs qu’est-ce que tu as fait (the imperfect and passe compose compared)

Objectives :

1. Students should be able to identify the imperfect and passe compose from written excerpts and
audio recordings.
2. Students should know when to use the imperfect tense and passé compose appropriately.


Vocabulary related to the imperfect and perfect tenses


 Imperfect tense of all verbs (regular and irregular)

 Passé compose of all verbs (regular and irregular)

 Students will listen to recordings, songs and identify whether the imperfect tense or the passé
compose was used
 Students will watch a silent video and use either the imperfect or the passé compose to describe
actions/situations in the video
 Students will complete written exercises in which they will choose to use either the imperfect
tense or passé compose complete an expression or sentence. (exercise to be inserted)
 CSEC past papers and Essential Revision Exercises for CSEC: students will respond to situations
appropriately using either the imperfect tense or the passé compose

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