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Question 4 – B

i) An inclined plane

ii) The inclined plane will provide a sloping diagonal surface so that the engine may be slid
upwards on an incline, reducing effort and more efficiently than being lifted by hand.

iii) A lever would be unsuitable as it would require far too much human effort to lift the load into
the truck.

iv) Potential Energy = mgh where:

m = mass of object
g = gravitational acceleration
h = height above ground

v) Potential Energy = mgh

Potential energy = 2500 x 1.5
Potential energy = 3750J

vi) The object would still have the same mass, the same gravitational acceleration, and the same
n=height above the ground regardless of whether it was lifted manually or by machine.

Question 4 – C

1. Solar cells can be very expensive to install and maintain.

2. Solar energy is dependent on the weather being sunny, so inclement weather could mean no fuel
for the truck.

3. Solar panels do not generate electricity at night.

Question 5 – A

i) Respiration

ii) The circulatory system uses blood vessels called arteries to collect oxygen-rich blood and transport
it around the body. These arteries bring the oxygenated blood to various organs and tissues, including
muscles and the muscles, use the oxygen from the blood to respire aerobically.

Question 5 – B
i) Meals high in sodium and saturated fat can be harmful to the body when digested. Lipids from this
food can enter the bloodstream and begin to clog the arteries and veins. When this happens, it
constricts the space that the vessels must pump blood through, and this results in the blood being
pumped at a higher pressure and the heart beating faster to compensate for this. This condition is
known as hypertension (high blood pressure).

ii) Obesity - Lack of exercise can lead to weight gain as excess calories are not burned off.
Diabetes - The body would have excess glucose, as it is not actively being used to create energy. This
can lead to high levels of glucose in the body, called diabetes.

Question 5 – C

MA = Load/Effort
MA =100/500
MA = 0.2

Question 6 – A

a) The flood water may have contaminated the food in the cupboard and consuming the food could
result in a variety of waterborne diseases.

b) Water in the electrical wires could have compromised them, resulting in electric shock if they are

Question 6 – B

a) Discard all food if possible.

If not possible, wash all food thoroughly before consumption with boiling water.

b) Avoid using sockets until they are dry.

Consult an electrician to ensure no circuits are permanently damaged.

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