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Name I.

Saheli Sarkar 08-0470
Answers for Assignment-Physics-1 (2020-21)
Questionnaire with answers of LESSON -1
1. Where does all our energy come from?
A. Renewable sources
B. Fossil fuels
C. The moon
D. The sun →√

2. Most of the sources of energy we use represent stored solar energy. Which
of the following is not ultimately derived from the sun’s energy?
a. Geothermal energy
b. Wind energy
c. Nuclear energy →√
d. Bio mass

3 Which of the following is a non-renewable source of energy?

a. Wood
b. Sun
c. Fossil fuels →√
d. Wind

4 Which types of energy sources should we rely on in the future?

a. Non renewable energy sources;
b. Fossil fuels;
c. Renewable energy sources; →√
d. Chemical energy sources

5 List four characteristics of a good fuel.

Ans. A good fuel is one which has the following properties :
a. It should have a high calorific value i.e. make a large amount of
work per unit volume or mass;
b. It should be easily available.
c. It should be conveniently handled, stored and transported; and
d. It should not produce any harmful product on burning.

6 What are the qualities of an ideal source of energy?

Ans. The qualities of an ideal source of energy:
1. It should give a huge amount of energy per unit.
2. It should be pollution-free.
3. It should be more economical.
4. It must be easy to handle.
5. It must be capable to supply over a large period of time.
6. It should be low in cost.
7. It has a high calorific value.
8. It should produce less smoke.

7 Firewood is a conventional fuel. List any four reasons for replacing it with
alternate sources of energy.
Ans. The four reasons for replacing it with alternate sources of energy are:
(i) It is not a renewable source of energy
(ii) It causes air pollution on burning.
(iii) Cutting down of trees causes depletion of forest leading to
imbalance in nature.
(iv) Wood has low calorific value as compared to other sources of fuel.
Also, only 8-10 % energy of burning firewood is utilised and the
remaining is wasted.

8 We are looking for alternate sources of energy. State three reasons for it.
Ans. We are looking at alternate sources of energy primarily because of
the following three reasons.
(i) Traditionally used fossil fuels are exhaustible, non-renewable and

(ii) The energy demand is being increased day by day due to increase in

(iii) With greater use of machines in industrialization, the energy

demand is also being increased day by day.

9 What does judicious use of energy imply?

Ans. The energy in the universe is constant. However, when energy is
converted into non-usable forms and cannot be converted back into
usable forms, it gets wasted. If all the energy available is in non-usable
form, we suffer the crisis for usable form of energy.
Various sources of energy must be used judiciously so as to have sufficient
amount of resources available for the future generation and also judicious
use of resource produces less pollution.
Judicious use of energy implies minimisation of wastage of energy by
controlled use of sources and enabling reuse of energy wherever possible.

10 The Govt. of Bengal and WBTC have converted passenger buses into CNG
based vehicles. Give reasons for such a decision?

Ans. The Govt. of Bengal and WBTC have converted passenger buses into
CNG based vehicles because CNG is a cleaner fuel than diesel. It does not
Smoke or nitrogen and sulphur oxides on burning. Moreover, it is much
cheaper than diesel.

Questionnaire with answers of LESSON -2

Q.1 Why are thermal power plants most common in India?
Ans. Thermal power plants are most common in India due to the availability of
coal and natural gases. Our technologies were also developed for using these
energy sources.

Q.2 How is energy converted from one form to another in a hydro power plant?
Ans. Potential energy of water falling from a great height is used to rotate
turbine, which generates electricity.

Q.3 How does the burnt fossil fuels cause air pollution?
Ans. Burning of fossil fuels produce oxides of carbon, nitrogen and sulphur
which are acidic in nature. These cause acid rains which affect our water bodies
and soil resources. Carbon dioxide gas is also responsible for green house effect.

Q.4 Why did people oppose the construction of Sardar Sarovar dam on the river
Ans. Many people lost their dwelling places due to the construction of Sardar
Sarovar Dam on Narmada. Large areas of agricultural land were destroyed as
they were submerged in water.

Questionnaire with answers of LESSON -3

1. State major constituents of biogas. List any five characteristics of biogas on
account of which it is considered as an ideal fuel.

Ans. The major constituents of biogas are methane, carbon dioxide, hydrogen and
hydrogen sulphide.
(i) It can burn without smoke.
(ii) It does not produce any ash.
It can be used directly for heating, lighting and generating electricity.
(iv)Slurry left behind in a biogas plant is used as manure rich in nitrogenous and
phosphorous compounds.
(v) It is an efficient source.

2. Why do select methane is the most important constituent from the

produced gases of Biogas plant?

Ans. Compared to other hydrocarbon fuels, methane produces less carbon dioxide

for each unit of heat released. It produces more heat per mass (55.5 kJ/g) than any
other organic molecule due to its relatively large content of hydrogen, which
accounts for 55% of the heat of combustion but contributes only 25% of the
molecular mass of methane.
Wind energy
3. How the wind energy is used show with a help of conversion of energy chart.
Wind energy

Mechanical energy (kinetic energy of rotor)

Electrical energy (generator)

4. ‘Different Windmills are in different directions and some are in same

directions’- why?
Ans. Each and every wind turbines are having its yaw system. Yaw system is
nothing but a mechanism which gives command to turbine software to rotate
in such a direction that its nacelle(a cover housing that houses all of the
generating components in wind turbine) can face the maximum wind velocity
direction. By the result we can extract more output power from turbines.

Questionnaire with answers of LESSON -4

Q1. How can solar energy be harnessed ? Mention any two limitations in using
solar energy .How are these limitations overcome?

Ans. -Solar energy can be harnessed directly by using solar cooker , solar heater
or solar cells. In solar cooker the heat energy of sun is used for cooking
purposes. In solar heater , heat energy is used to heat the water and in solar
cells it is converted to electricity.

Q2. Mariyam made a solar cooker on her own . She used a white metallic box with
a lid . She put the food in the solar cooker for heating and closed the lid. But she
did not get good results. She then consulted her teacher. Her teacher pointed out
her mistakes, which she later rectified. According to you , which mistakes were
made by Mariyam and what did she do to rectify them?

Ans- The possible mistakes made by Mariyam are-

a)The outer and interior of solar cooker might not have been blackened
b) The lid may be made of plastic instead of glass
c) The solar cooker might not have been insulated properly

Q3. Name any two elements that are used in fabricating solar cells.
Ans. Germanium , Silicon

Q4. What is a Solar cell panel? Mention any three of its application.

Ans. A solar cell is a device which converts solar energy directly into electricity.
A group of solar cells is called a solar cell panel. It consists of a large number of
solar cells joined together in a definite pattern.
Three applications : In artificial satellites, water pumps, street lighting.

Q5. Name the device used to convert :

(a) solar energy into heat and (b) Solar energy into electricity

Ans.(a) Solar Cooker (b) A photovoltaic cell

Questionnaire with answers of LESSON -5


1.  Which one is the most popular kitchen fuel in India?

      a.  LPG →√
      b.  Kerosene
      c.  Coal
      d.  Firewood
2.  Which of the following produces energy because of temperature difference at
various levels in ocean.
      a.  Tidal energy
      b.  Wave energy
      c.  Solar energy
      d.  Ocean thermal energy →√
3.  In which of the following kinetic energy is converted into electrical energy?
      a.  Tidal energy
      b.  Hydro energy
      c.  Wind energy
      d.  All of these →√
4.  Which of the following is the ultimate source of energy for us?
       a.  LPG
       b.  Nuclear
       c.  Solar →√
       d.  CNG

2. Answer the questions in short:

(a) What is tidal energy? Explain how Tidal energy is harnessed?

Ans. Tidal energy is produced by the surge of ocean water during high and
low tides due to difference in sea levels. The high and low tides occur due to
the gravitational pull of the moon which causes enormous movement of
Tidal energy is harnessed by constructing a dam near the shores. During the
high tides water flows into the dam and during the low tide water flows out.
This flowing water rotates the turbine present at the opening of the dam and
produces electricity.

(b) Define nuclear fission. Write the steps involved in generating electricity in a
nuclear reactor.

Ans. Nuclear fission is the process in which a heavy nucleus ( such as uranium
or plutonium) is broken into nearly two equal fragments when bombarded
with low energy neutrons and a huge amount of energy is released.
Steps : the fuel rods full of uranium pellets are placed in a nuclear reactor
chamber – low energy neutrons are bombarded on uranium fuel rod – a self-
sustaining fission chain reaction starts that releases energy at a controlled
rate –with this heat the reactor converts water to steam at high temperature
and pressure -this makes the generator turbine to spin and produce
electricity - the steam cools back into water which can be used over again.
(c) State the principle of working of ocean thermal energy conversion plant.
Explain how the plant works. Write one essential condition for it to operate

Ans. the principle of working- the water at the surface of the ocean is
warmer than the water at deeper depths. This temperature difference is
used by Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion systems to generate electricity.
Working of OTEC:
● In the plant the energy of warm surface water is used to convert low
boiling point liquid ammonia into gaseous state.
● The vapour of ammonia at high pressure is used to spin the turbines of
generators converting the ocean thermal energy into electricity.
● The used vapour pass through the condenser where cold water pumped
from the deeper parts of the ocean condenses ammonia vapor back into a
● This process is repeated to get continuous production of electricity.
The essential condition for proper operation: the temperature difference
between the warm water at the surface and colder water at depths upto 2 km
should be 293K (200C) or more.

3. value added question:

Traffic jam outside the school gate is a regular feature during every PTM as many
students come in their own cars. On one such PTM, the Principal pointed out the
examples of four of their teachers who were availing carpool for several years.
She asked the parents to adopt the method to ease out the chaotic traffic
situation outside the school.
(a) What additional problems apart from loss of time shall the public face as a
consequence of traffic jam?
Ans. Apart from loss of time, the public shall face additional problems as a
consequence of traffic jam outside the school are:
1. Huge environmental (both sound and poisonous gas) pollution in the
2. Endangerment for walking movement.
3. Unwanted accidents and huge risks to schoolchildren.
(b) Explain two advantages that will occur if more parents emulate the
example of these teachers.
Ans. The two advantages that will occur if more parents emulate the
example of these teachers are:(1)reduction in air pollution and traffic
congestion. Car pooling reduces the emission of CO2 into the atmosphere as
every car pooling teacher takes one car off the road. (2) save money. Money
is saved by using less fuel in repetitive long distance journey.

4. HOTS:

1.  List three energy sources that are considered to be inexhaustible. State three
reasons in support of your answer.

Ans. The three energy sources that are inexhaustible are:

 Solar: Solar energy is harnessed from the sun by using different types of
technologies. It is a renewable source of energy.
 Wind: Wind is an affordable, sustainable and a clean source of energy.
 Tides: Tidal energy is harnessed from the movement of the tides.

These three energy sources are considered to be in exhaustible because;

(i) solar energy from sun which is present in an unlimited quantity
(ii) wind energy harnessed by windmills can be used at the places with
continuous flow of wind and is also non-polluting .
(iii) Tidal energy from ocean can be used again and again.

2. Why is there so much emphasis on changing over from petrol/diesel driven

automobiles to CNG driven vehicles.
Ans. There is so much emphasis on changing over from petrol /diesel driven
automobiles to CNG driven vehicles, because of the following reasons

(i)CNG does not produce smoke.

(ii) On burning CNG it produces C02 and water.

(iiii) CNG doesn't produce harmful hydrocarbon and leads particles etc., which
pollute the environment.

3.  What happens to waste of a nuclear plant system? How waste produced in

nuclear power plants are different from those produced in thermal power

Ans. The waste obtained from nuclear power plants is highly radioactive in
nature which emits harmful radiations, whereas waste produced in a thermal
power plant is non-radioactive.

Questionnaire with answers ON THE WHOLE CHAPTER

A. Answer the following MCQ’s

1. Which method is used to produce electricity in thermal power plant?

a. By heating chargeable cells

b. By boiling water →√
c. By pushing pistons by heat energy
d. Any of above

2. Which of the following is a component of bio-gas?

      a.  Methane →√
      b.  LPG
      c.  CNG
      d.  Hydrogen sulphide

3. Which of the following produces energy because of temperature

difference at various levels in ocean.
      a.  Tidal energy
      b.  Wave energy
      c.  Solar energy
      d.  Ocean thermal energy →√

4. Energy resources derived from natural organic materials are called

a. geothermal energy sources
b. fossil fuels
c. biomass →√
d. all of these

5. Nuclear energy is derived by ___________.

a. combustion of atoms of U 235
b. fission of atoms of U 235 →√
c. fusion of atoms of U 235
d. the breaking of U 235 bonds

B.Answer the following in one word?

1. What is the full form of CNG?

Ans. Compressed natural gas

2. Name one Nuclear power reactor located in India?

Ans. Kalpakkam(Tamil Nadu)

3.What type of nuclear reaction is utilised in making hydrogen bomb?

Ans. Nuclear fusion

4.What kind of mirror is used in Solar cooker?

Ans. Concave mirror

5. What is the estimated value of solar constant?

Ans. 1.4kW/m2
C.Answer the following in one/two sentences?

1, What is a good fuel?

Ans. Good fuel should

● Produce much heat on burning
● Not produce a lot of smoke
● Be easily available

2. Write two different ways of harnessing energy from ocean?

Ans. Two different ways of harnessing energy from ocean are

● Ocean thermal energy
● Tidal energy

3. Why a solar cooker painted black from outside?

Ans. Black surface absorbs more heat as compared to white or any reflecting
surface under identical condition.

4. Why thermal power points are set up near coal fields?

Ans. Transporting electricity is easier than transporting coal required for

electricity generation in thermal power point,

5. How the bi-product of bio-gas plant is used?

Ans. The bi-product of bio-gas plant is used as fertilizer

D. Answer the following?

1. What are the limitations in obtaining energy from the wind?

Ans. Limitations in harnessing wind energy are,-

● Wind energy farms can be established only at those places where
wind blows for the greater part of a year. The wind speed should
also be higher than 15km/h to maintain the required speed of the
● There should be some back-up facilities(like storage cells) to take
care of the energy needs during a period when there is no wind
● Establishment of wind energy farm requires large area of land
● The initial cost of establishment of the farm is quite high
● Since the tower and blades are exposed to the vagaries of nature
like rain, sun, storm and cyclone, they need a high level of

2. What are the advantages of nuclear energy?

Ans. The advantages of nuclear energy are,-

● Large amount of energy is produced per unit mass.
● It does not produce smoke, it is a clean energy.
● Fission of one atom of uranium produces 10 million times the
energy released by burning of one atom of carbon.
● Fusion of four hydrogen atoms produces huge amount of energy
approximately equal to 27 MeV( 1 eV=1.6 x 10-19J)

3. Why are we looking at alternate sources of energy?

Ans. With technological progress, our demand for energy is increasing day by
day. The growing demand for energy is largely met by the fossil fuels- coal,
petroleum. The fossil fuels are non-renewable sources of energy. These sources
of energy are limited and will disappear after some time. They are being
consumed at a large rate. Therefore we should conserve the energy sources.
Hence we should look for alternate sources of energy like solar energy, tidal
energy, ocean thermal energy etc.

4. What are the environmental consequences of the increasing demand for

energy? What steps would you suggest toreduce energy consumption?
Ans. Industrialization increases the demand for energy. Fossil fuels are easily
accessible sources of energy that fulfil thisdemands. The increased used of fossil
fuels has a harsh effects on the environment. Too much exploitation of fossil
fuels increases the level of green house gas content in the atmosphere,
resulting in global warming and a rise in the sea level. It is not possible to
completely reduce the consumptions of fossil fuels. However. some measures
can be taken such as using electrical appliances wisely and not wasting
electricity. Unnecessary usage of water should be avoided. Public transport
system with mass transit must be adopted on alarge scale. This small steps may
help in reducing the consumption of natural resources and conserving them.

5, How long will our energy sources last on earth?

Ans. Fossil fuels will be depleted someday as these are exhaustible sources of
energy and it takes millions of years for their formation. So, we cannot depend
on fossil fuels as a source of energy for much longer. We need to conserved our
non-renewable sources of energy like fossil fuels (coal, petroleum) and also
nuclear fuel (like uranium). On the other hand, renewable sources of energy like
geothermal energy, solar energy , ocean energy, wind energy and hydro energy
are inexhaustible sources of energy.
So, we need to develop the technology and also new devices to generate and
store the energy obtained from the alternate sources of energy.

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