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Plants move around materials using two sets of tissues: the xylem and the phloem. The xylem
transports water and dissolved mineral ions in one direction, from the roots to the leaves (for
use in photosynthesis and other processes). The phloem, on the other hand, transports sucrose
bi-directionally, that is, from the leaves either up or down the plant in a process known as
The Xylem

The xylem consists of dead cells. The cells of the xylem lose their end walls, so the xylem
forms a continuous hollow tube through which the water and minerals pass. The xylem cells
are also adapted to their function in that they become strengthened by a substance called
lignin to support and give structure to the plant.

The Phloem
Phloem is a living vascular tissue that is found in vascular plants and is responsible for
transporting food prepared in the leaves (during photosynthesis) to all the parts of the plant.
This whole process of transportation is known as phloem translocation.

Sieve Element Cells

These are narrow cells interconnected to form a phloem sieve tube. Sieve elements are
connected by porous sieve plates that allow the flow of materials between the cells. These
element cells have no nuclei and reduced organelles so there is maximal space for the
translocation of materials. Their walls are also very rigid and thick to withstand hydrostatic
pressure. Since these cells have no nuclei and few organelles, they need to be supported by
companion cells.

Companion Cells
These cells are responsible for supporting the sieve element cells metabolically. They also
facilitate the loading and unloading of materials at the source and sink. They have many
mitochondria to facilitate the active transport of materials between the sieve tube and the
source or sink.

Xylem and Phloem Comparison

Transpiration plays a significant role in how water makes its way up the plant. Transpiration
is the loss of water by plants through their aerial parts (i.e. stems and leaves). This usually
occurs through the diffusion of water vapour from the spongy mesophyll layer out of the leaf
through the stomata. This loss of water creates a negative pressure (suction force) in the leaf
called transpiration pull. The lessened concentration of water in the mesophyll cells causes an
upward pull.
Importance of Transpiration
The importance of transpiration in plants is to cool the plant and provide water and nutrients
to the leaves. During transpiration, water evaporates through openings in the leaves called
stomata. This creates a negative pressure inside the leaves that draws water up from the roots
through the xylem.

Transpiration Stream

From the soil to the root hairs – Water enters the root hair by osmosis, and minerals by active
transport. The root hairs increase the surface area of the root to maximise the absorption of

From the root hairs to the xylem – Water passes from the epidermal layer of the root, across
the cortex and into the xylem by osmosis. This is because cortical cells beside the xylem
continuously lose water.
Up the xylem and through the leaves to the air – When the stomata are open, the
concentration of water vapour in the air is lower, so the water diffuses through the stomata
into the air. As water is lost from the air spaces, more evaporates from the wet surfaces of the
surrounding mesophyll cells to replace it. The cells nearest the xylem pull water from the
xylem vessels to replace what they lost to other cells.

Factors which Affect Transpiration Rate

 Light – Stomata open in the presence of light, therefore with increasing light intensity, the
rate of transpiration increases.
 Humidity – As humidity increases, the rate of transpiration decreases because the higher
the atmospheric humidity is, the lower the concentration gradient.
 Wind – As wind increases, the rate of transpiration increases because the wind carries
away the water vapour surrounding the leaf, increasing the diffusion gradient between the
leaf and the air.
 Temperature – As temperature increases, the rate of transpiration also increases because
high temperatures increase evaporation rates.
 Water Supply – When the supply of water is inadequate, the guard cells become flaccid
and the stomata close. This reduces the transpiration rate. When there is sufficient water,
the guard cells become turgid and the stomata open. This increases the transpiration rate.
Transpiration Pull
The continuous loss of water from the leaves lowers the water pressure at the top of the
plants. At the same time, water enters the roots at the bottom of the plants, creating high
water pressure. The water moves from a region of high water pressure to a region of low
water pressure. Transpiration, therefore, creates a force which pulls water upwards in the
xylem vessels, known as transpiration, pull. Transpiration pull draws water from the roots to
the leaves because of the effects of capillary action. The primary forces that create the
capillary action are adhesion and cohesion. Adhesion is the attraction that occurs between
substances and other surfaces, in this case, it is between water and the surface of the xylem.
Cohesion is the intermolecular attraction between like water molecules. Capillary action
occurs when the adhesion of water molecules to the walls of the vessel is stronger than the
cohesive forces between the water molecules. The thinner the vessel, the farther up the liquid
will travel.
A potometer is used to measure the rate of transpiration. The rate of transpiration may be
calculated by measuring the difference travelled by an air bubble in a capillary tube over a
given time.

Adaptations for Water Conservation in Plants

These plants have various adaptations based on their environment to conserve water. In these
drier/arid climates, plants have developed certain mechanisms to better survive in these
conditions by conserving water. These include:
 Reduced leaves- Typically, leaves will have 3 basic layers- the epidermis (upper and
lower) and the mesophyll layers in the centre. The epidermis has an opening known as
stomata through which transpiration and water loss occur. By having a reduced leaf size,
they reduce water loss through the epidermis as there are fewer stomata. Some plants also
only have stomata on the lower epidermis, and some even have multiple layers of
epidermal cells.

 Water storage- The plants best known for water storage are succulents, which have
multiple structural components for water storage. When water is available, they absorb it
through their roots and bind it in place in interior water storage cells. The plant will keep
the water there until it is needed. A good example of this is Aloe vera. These plants have
large fleshy leaves capable of storing large volumes of water for later usage. The leaf
cuticle is also thick and covered in a thick layer of wax, which brings us to our next point.

 Coated Leaves - Plants in drier conditions tend to have coverings on their leaves that
include wax or hairs to prevent water loss. The hairs on the leaves of certain plants also
help to reduce air movement over the leaves, therefore reducing transpiration. As
discussed in the video, higher wind speed results in higher rates of transpiration. So, by
slowing the movement of air using the hairs on their leaves, these plants can reduce water
loss. The hairs also trap moisture

 Physiological Mechanisms- Most succulents and xerophytes perform a specialized form

of photosynthesis known as Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM). Their stomata can be
opened only at night (to reduce water loss via evaporation) and then they store the carbon
dioxide they absorb. The plants can then use the carbon dioxide stored for photosynthesis
during daylight hours. During extended droughts, these plants can decrease their
metabolism rate, keeping their stomata closed day and night, and maintaining in moist
internal tissues a low level of activity sufficient to sustain life. The pineapple is a notable
example of a plant that uses CAM photosynthesis.

 Rolled Leaves- Several xerophytes have rolled leaves to reduce the exposure of the
stomata to the air, and hence reduce water loss via evaporation. This is seen in Marram
grass (Ammophila), where the stomata are on the inside of the rolled leaf.
 Stomata Sunken in Pits- By having the stomata in small individual pits, moist air is
trapped, reducing the rate of diffusion and, therefore, transpiration.

 Very Long Roots- Plants in drier conditions must have longer roots that reach deeper into
the soil to find water since the high temperatures would evaporate most water near the
surface. Different plants have different root systems to deal with this, as seen in the
image. The saguaro cactus has wider-reaching roots to absorb water as soon as it reaches
the surface before leaching downwards. The other xerophytes there have deeper roots to
reach the water table directly.

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