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Interview transcript.

TAYAH: Hello I’m Tayah Lewis um today I'm interviewing my mum her
name's Donna how are you doing today?

DONNA: I'm very well

TAYAH: Great um my first question for you is how do

you think the internet has affected the
way we live our lives?

DONNA: uh lots of things are now more

accessible and that's good and bad in my
eyes depending on what you're trying to
access in general I'd say the internet has a
positive impact in general day-to-day
living we can learn a lot from what's on the
internet that maybe we, we couldn’t have
done in the past but you would have had
to go to a library and really read up on
it now it's just a you know a touch of a
button which is helpful organization of
your life, yeah, I mean it's positive there's always
going to be a positive and negative so
yeah, take the good from it.

TAYAH: Great thank you. My next question is how do you think the
way we express love to each other has changed in the past 20 years?

DONNA: I think it's probably harder now

Um, it's hard to know what's genuine with
all the dating apps
um people maybe don't have to go the
extra mile anymore, um so overall it's quite sad area really
for the generation and their relationships, it's going to be a lot
harder I would say and

TAYAH: um what do you think happens to us after


DONNA: believe that we go to another plain and we heal from our experiences on
Earth and then we get to decide if we want to come back and learn more
in a nutshell
TAYAH: um and a bit darker do you have any regrets?

DONNA: I do have slight regrets but

uh uh I believe that things happen how they're meant to and so I am here where I am
today because of all the choices made good or bad um all you can do is not make
the same mistakes again or learn from them and
move forward in a positive way.

TAYAH: great and uh what some things that would

be on your bucket list?

DONNA: I've never really made a bucket list um but things that I really want to do is
travel and see as many places experience as much of the world that I possibly can in
in the time that we have here before it's too late.

TAYAH: um and what is your opinion or what are

your opinions on euthanasia?

DONNA: I believe if you have a terminal illness and you want to decide how and when
you want to die you should have that right to make that choice um in a nutshell it's
it's it should be a choice yeah that you can make if you have a terminal illness
and you literally know you've got months to live I think you should have that

TAYAH: thank you, um and what invention growing up most

amazed you?

DONNA: probably the smartphone it changed everything for us, and it was quite a
remarkable thing at the time to be honest so it definitely changed the way
we did things um it was quite yeah remarkable as I said so I'd probably say that yeah.

TAYAH: okay and um how do you think the growing use of AI will affect the future

DONNA: um well AI it does scare me uh I think we have to be very careful how much
power it has um it's hard to say without knowing the ins and outs of AI but it's it's a
very scary tool it obviously is intelligent and um yeah I don't know I I can't really say a
lot of it it does scare me I think it's gonna probably it's going to continue to change
our world hopefully in a positive way and not in a negative way

TAYAH: Um great um what’s the most important lesson you've learned about life?

DONNA: Hmm life oh that's a hard one I would say never judge be kind take all the
chances that are offered to you be yourself and don't try to people please
TAYAH: um okay great thank you uh how do you feel about the state of the world
today compared to when you were growing up

DONNA: I definitely felt Freer growing up um today you can't say what's on your
mind really everyone does seem a little bit more uptight uh I don't think the world's in
a good place and I think for all the generations to come it'll probably only
get worse.
TAYAH: great

DONNA: sorry

TAYAH: and my last question for you is how does knowing that you have limited
limited time make you feel

DONNA: Mm it does make me feel sad that I didn't maybe take more advantage of
my youth um but determined to create great memories I think is is what you need to
do for myself and my family going forward and to be honest I'm at peace with what.
time I have left um you know we never really know how how long we might get so
I think we all come to a point where you just accept that you have limited time and
the older you get you feel like you've got a lot of time when you're younger hence why
maybe you don't take advantage of your youth as much but I'm at a point now where
I appreciate everything so yeah, I think
create all the memories.

TAYAH: great thank you

so much for doing this but with me um have a nice rest of your day.

DONNA: and you too thank you

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