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The concept of elections in Indonesia is formed democratically, Democracy is direct,

honest and fair General Election. This is because Indonesia is a country that emphasizes the
meaning of democracy and uphold the rights of its citizens, especially in terms of choosing
leaders. Judging from the progress in the field of science and technology, especially the field of
computing Internet technology in this era of globalization has spread to all areas. In the field of
organization is certainly not apart from democratic activities such as elections to determine a
particular decision that we often call voting.
E-Voting is a method of voting by using electronic devices. Electronic Voting
Electronic voting technology started in 1970 called electronic recording technology or better
known as DRE (direct recording electronic). How to choose with this system is to select the
candidate that has been printed on the computer screen. The selector simply presses a button on
the display or on a similar tool or device.
Based on activities that have been done by us during the design until the
implementation of e-Voting application himatif, it can be taken several functions of Chairman
Himatif E-Voting done computerized with online selection system. With the online selection
system, can recapitulate.

Keywords: E-Voting, Php, MySQL


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