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---------------------- Assignments Module I

1. What are the main goals of S/W Engineering and main Attributes?
2. What is SDLC? And Explain Different phases of SDLC with neat diagram.
3. List out the SDLC Models?
4. List out the S/W Development Life Cycle security properties?
5. What are the Benefits of early defect detection in S/W development?
6. Define Malicious S/w and Types?.
7. a) Explain about a Risk Management framework for S/W security with diagram.
b) Explain about Core Properties and Influence Properties of Secure s/w with neat
8. How to influence the security properties of s/w?
9. Explain the Defensive Perspectives of s/w Development Team?

Module 2
1. Define Requirement Engineering and what are the steps for the system
2. Discuss about the User Requirements and System requirements.
3. Explain with detailed Non-functional Requirements with block diagram?
4. Define quality requirement and How create the QMP(Quality Management Plan)?
5. Explain about the Misuse and Abuse cases with neat UML diagrams?

Assignment 2
Module 2
1. Explain about SQURE PROCESS and SQUARE Process outcome steps?
2. What are the Requirement Elicitation Methods?
3. What is Requirement Proritization?
Module 3
1. What are the Objectives of Architecture and Design?
2. What are the Issues and Challenges of security software?
3. Explain about Software security knowledge for Architecture and Design?
4. Explain about the software security practice for Architecture and design?
Module 3
1. What is secure coding?
2. What is risk mitigation/?
3. Explain code analysis and software security testings?

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