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Class: SYIT Subject: Software Engineering Sem: IV

Department of Science

1. What is software ? Explain the characteristics of software.

2. Explain the software development life cycle with a diagram.
3. Define software engineering and its layer with the help of examples.
4. Write a short note
a. RAD Model
b. TimeBox Model
c. Spiral Model
5. What are functional and nonfunctional requirements of software?
6. Explain the three phases of SCRUM for agile project management.

7. Explain the classification of the software requirements?

8. Describe the different stages of the system engineering process.
9. Explain the importance of system dependability and the cause of the failure in the
system dependability.
10. Explain the legacy system in the socio technical system that continues to provide
essential services.
11. Explain the process of requirement engineering briefly
12. Explain use case diagram with examples
13. Explain briefly legacy system categories and its assessment with the help of examples.

14. Write a short note on context model and data flow diagram

15. Explain requirement validation process.

16. Define and explain the two types of emergent properties


17. Define architecture design and explain the functions of architecture design
18. Explain the three rules for user interface design |(UID )
19. Explain software project management briefly.
20. Briefly explain the risk identification and the types of risk in the process of risk
21. Explain the function of quality assurance and its s standards
Class: SYIT Subject: Software Engineering Sem: IV

Department of Science
22. Describe why it is important to measure the software metrics.

23. Write a short note on architecture design decisions.

24. Explain system testing process.
25. Define architecture design and explain the functions of architecture design.
26. Explain briefly the verification and validation process.
27. Describe the static analysis check point involved in automated static analysis
28. Explain the software cost estimation technique
29. Explain cyclomatic complexity
30. Describe why it is important to measure the software metrics.
31. Explain COCOMO model.
32. Write a short note on
a. Function points
b. Object points.

33. Explain process and product quality.
34. Explain different levels of CMMI
35. Explain briefly WSDL
36. What are the benefits and problems of reusing software?
37. Briefly describe SOA
38. Write a short note on SaaS
39. Explain application framework.

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